After Zacharias died, the feast officially began. Regarding the rebellion of the two women of Agurola, confidently originally only regarded them as time-killing toys that’s all.

“No. 3 Toritos, No. 4 Tetaltos, No. 5 Paptos, are you going to resist me like the twelfths? Come back to me Here, the feast is over.” The original silent eyes looked towards the three bodies that Vatra had brought, and said with a majestic voice.

The eyes of the three girls wearing armor have no glamour, and their bodies involuntarily moved towards the original direction. Without emotions, they will not resist the host’s command.

“hehe…” Vatola glared at the golden haired girls, with a grinning smile on their faces. In the solemn murderous aura he exudes, the three girls felt stiff.

“You are the capital used to negotiate with Yuan Chu, so don’t let me make your own claim. Once you are absorbed by Yuan Chu, things will become no fun.” It is rare that there will be three evenly matched emperors. Chosen, isn’t it the feast he is looking forward to? Known as the first Vampire below the true ancestor, he likes fierce battles and powerful enemies, and enjoys the fun and growth brought by the battle.

They don’t listen to Vatola shook the head, and plan to summon their beasts. But at the same time, the group of black snakes that appeared in the sky entangled their whole bodies. When they turned their heads in amazement, what they saw was a dark vortex that completely covered the night sky. The vortex with a diameter of more than ten meters is formed by thousands of snakes entangled and coiled with each other. Their bodies were entangled by countless snakes and swallowed in the middle of the black magic snake’s vortex.

“It’s a pity that with the three of you now, you can’t beat me at all.” He said to them pityingly. Because the magic power was exhausted by the snake, they failed to summon the beast. With their weak arms, they could not break free from the snake’s entanglement.

Those snakes have the ability to devour magic power, but they are far from Nie Kong’s bats, regardless of strength and number. If Nie Kong is released, there will be no residue left in the three elements.

However, even in a desperate situation, they still did not lose their fighting spirit. Each glared at him with eyes full of murderous aura, as if talking about something that would hinder us less.

“haha…very fighting spirit, because of this, I cant absorb you from the original, otherwise I wont have fun.” Bathed in their eyes, he showed a happy expression, as if Heartily welcome the existence of things hostile to you.

“If there is no order from our Old Master, it would be interesting to swallow you up before defeating the fourth true ancestor, but the battle without suspense is also very boring.”

He dismissed his beast. They were liberated from the restraints of the snakes. From several dozen meters in the air, it could buffer and fall to the ground, making a painful sound.

“hehe…What a pleasant man, Dimitorie Vatola. Thanks to you, I will enjoy the feast this time. I will remember you. Yes!” The original magic power expanded to a very exaggerated level. Although it did not absorb twelve elements to achieve a complete body, its strength was no different from the true ancestor.

“Aye, you and Nayue will temporarily protect Agurola and the others. It seems that in order to win the power of the fourth true ancestor, you must first defeat the Vampire named Vatola.” Nie Although Kong was smiling, he gave Vatola and the Fourth True Ancestor a great oppression force invisibly.

“You really want to be the first to shoot at me. That’s good, I’ve been waiting for a long time.” He covered his face, his eyes kept laughing madly.

“Nanda, Ba Nanda!” Vatola summon came out with two huge snake-shaped beasts, which can be manipulated to fuse in mid-air, creating a new beast whose magic power has increased several times. A 100-meter-long Silver Dragon surrounded by hot flames. The huge magic power that can match the true ancestors’ beasts made the abandoned artificial island shake, and the sea all around was rough.

“Oh… the ability to fuse the beasts, no wonder there will be the courage to swallow me.” Originally said indifferently.

Vatola at first used Fusion Beasts for two reasons. One was to show an overwhelming power gap to the opponent and take away Nie Kongs fighting intent. The second point is that facing a powerful opponent with unknown abilities, he has to resort to the biggest attack of formidable power!

“Does the legendary fuse the beasts? The Marquis is indeed quite powerful. I don’t know what Nie Kong will use to deal with the beasts of the true ancestor.” Verdiana said in surprise. For her little Vampire, it was too terrifying.

The attack of the Fusion Beast attacked Nie Kong. Nie Kong raised his right hand and bounced the attack away easily. After being hit by the powerful force of Nie Kong, the Fusion Beast disappeared.

“wu!?” The violent aftermath caused Vatola to snorted, and the fusion beast that could not maintain the materialization separated and went directly back to the other world.

The powerful magic power released by Nie Kong smashed the beasts, they could not withstand the blow of Nie Kong.

“How could it be…” Vatola was inexplicably horrified, and anyone other than the true ancestor could actually break his full attack?

“What are you surprised about, do you have only those little tricks? It’s so disappointing.” Nie Kong shook his head and sighed despite the shock.

Watola gritted his teeth, and his whole body released a much stronger, dense and destructive magical power rushing from his body.

Summon produced three snakes at the same time, and in midair merged into a Golden Dragon with limbs. The miasma emitted by the Golden Dragon casually turned the atmosphere of a dozen or more li into a poison qi, and the vegetation all around turned brown and died.

Compared with the previous 100 metres, Golden Dragon is several times larger, and its magic power is much stronger than that of the summon monster.

“Are the three merged!” Nie Kong smiled softly, and his handsome and gentle face changed, becoming a little strange.

“Since Vampire is going to use the monster beast to fight, let’s show you my monster beast.” Using magic power to actualize the giant beast that was previously killed, Nie Kong had a monster silhouette in his mind. .

“Come out, Samael the Dragon Eater!” The huge magic power surged, and the whole island seemed to vibrate strongly. Nie Kong’s own magic power was almost released, embodying the Dragon Eater Samael that had been absorbed by the blood whip. The Daemon, who is in charge of anger, can also realize the magic power, but Daemon can’t deal with the powerful Golden Dragon in front of him.

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