Youma never thought that the chocolate she made by herself would become such an obscene shape, but she saw it to her Sir Father. Youma seemed to have been hit hard. She was very worried, for fear that Sir Father would misunderstand herself. The morning class is not over, and her silhouette is no longer visible on campus.

Nie Kong returned to the villa and found You Ma hiding in her bed. She didn’t dare to face herself for that little thing, she might be too cute. When she heard the door opened, she stretched out half of her head. When she saw Nie Kong, she shrieked in fright and shrank into the quilt again.

“Yuma…I have seen Sir Fathers organs before, so Sir Father do you think I…I can refer to it to make that kind of obscene shape. No…its not right, though. It looks a lot like but it wasn’t made by Youma.” She explained in a panic, her tone a little bit forward and backward.

“I know the reason, Qian Chong told the story. But in fact, I did not blame you. I am really happy to receive your Valentines Day gifts. Dont be sad anymore, the chocolate you made tastes very good Alright.” Nie Kong comforted.

“Really…really, Sir Father, you can’t make fun of Yuma.” She cowering stretched out her pretty face, with tears in her bright eyes looking at Nie Kong’s soft eyes.

“Come out quickly, it’s almost time for dinner.” Nie Kong lowered his head and tapped the corner of her eye. You Ma only felt that all the irritability had disappeared as a breeze, and felt the deep love of Sir Father.

After the Valentine’s Day event, Yuma felt that her feelings for Sir Father seemed to have changed, and she was filled with strange emotions. Whenever her Sir Father looked at her, her heartbeat was about to jump out of her chest.

“Do I really like Sir Father?” She has joys and worries, fearing that it will destroy the relationship between Sir Father and Mother Mother. It is very difficult to get Ah Ye’s approval now, and You Ma doesn’t want to ruin the current peaceful life. The love for Sir Father can only be fermented in my heart.


“No longer than curse divination, genius has outstanding talents in Spirit Vision and sword technique. In just three months, he has used Xuexia wolf proficiently. Just like According to the report, you are a typical sword witch, and now you are qualified.” The three sages of the Lion King organization once again assembled in the shrine hall on the outskirts of Japan, more than 300 kilometers away from the artificial island.

“Qualified?” Faced with the sound of Elder’s conversation on the other side of Yu Lian, Xue Cai, who was carrying the guitar case, frowned.

“Yes. You obtained the qualification of the sword witch, originally had to cultivation for another month or two. But the situation has changed-sit down, Ji Tuan Xuecai.”

The first Xian Gu Yong said aloud, Xuecai reluctantly followed her words, sat back upright, and sighed down the guitar case.

“Okay, let’s talk about the topic now. First of all, you look at this picture.” Following her words, something appeared from the gap between the curtains. It’s a butterfly. The butterfly with its wings patted quietly in front of Xuecai and transformed into a photo.

The picture shows a Teacher in a black uniform, with a gentle smile on his handsome and young cheeks. The expression was unprepared, and it seemed that he could take advantage of it at any time.

“Who is he?” Xuecai asked in confusion.

“His name is Nie Kong, an unusual Teacher.” Xian Gu Yong continued to ask without emotion: “How do you feel about him?”

“Huh? “The question came suddenly, as if I were going to have a blind date.

“Just looking at the photos, I don’t know his exact situation, but he is probably a layman in terms of spells, or belongs to the beginning Scholar category.” Xuecai hesitated for a while and said how she felt.

“No, I dont want to listen to those, but to ask how you feel about him. In other words, does he suit your preferences? For example, if you like or hate looks, I ask Those are those, what do you think.” Xian Gu Yong asked.

“Wh…what? Excuse me…are you teasing me?” Although I can’t figure out what the Elders really intend, Xuecai noticed their harboring malicious intentions. She stretched out her hand to Xuexialang who was resting in the guitar case, in a posture that she wanted to take action at any time.

In response to Xuecai’s reaction, the Xian Gu Yong on the other side of Yu Lian was a bit disappointed, but she understood that things should not be urgent.

“It’s rude, let’s talk about the content of the mission. Have you ever heard of the fourth true ancestor, Xuecai Ji Tuan?” The abrupt question made Xuecai hold her breath slightly. As long as it is a normal attacker, almost anyone will be silent for a while when they hear this name.

“You mean Uncle Yanguang Ye, it is rumored that there are twelve beasts, the fourth true ancestor?” Xuecai calmly replied.

“It is him. The only and lonely strongest Vampire without any Blood Race compatriots. It is not the so-called legend, she has now completely awakened.” The man took the Xian Gu Yong with Said in a rude tone.

Faced with the blue-faced Xuecai, Xian Guyong said: “Until now, they will definitely show up at a turning point in history and bring torture and destruction to the world. But the problem is not only So. The existence of the fourth true ancestor will definitely disturb the order and stability of this World. Do you understand the reason?”

“Yes.” Xuecai nodded stiffly. Because the strong and weak relationship between the three night empires is based on an extremely elusive balance. If there is a fourth true ancestor who has the same strength as them, that balance will probably be easily broken. In the worst case, there is no guarantee that it will not trigger a large-scale war affecting mankind.

“The appearance of the fourth true ancestor is not a threat, but at the same time a true ancestor-level Vampire that controls the fourth true ancestor appears. The combination of the two of them will definitely threaten the safety of the world.”


“The reason for calling you over today, Ji Tuan Xuecai. I gave an order in the name of the Three Sages of the Lion King’s organ, ordering you to be responsible for monitoring the fourth true ancestor.” Xian Gu Yong declared in a calm but unwilling tone .

“I will be responsible for…monitoring the fourth true ancestor?” Xuecai stayed for a while, she was involved in the great disaster, and Xuecai sighed unconsciously.

“Yes, if you decide that the surveillance target has done something dangerous, please do your best to wipe them out.” Xian Gu Yong continued.

Xue Cai was so shaken that she couldn’t speak, and she understood why they gave Xuexia Wolf to herself.

“Look at the person in that photo clearly. That is your goal, to control the fourth ancestor of Vampire. Now he is teaching at Caihai Academy on the artificial island, Ji Tuan Xuecai. From From now on, you have to approach him with all your strength and monitor his actions. The procedures for transferring to Caihai Academy have already been completed for youthe words will do so.”

Only one-sided explanation, Yu The movement of the Elders on the other side of the curtain disappeared. Xuecai, who was left alone in the main hall, almost forgot to think, staring blankly at the holy spear in his hand.

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