Nie Kong was going to help her arrange the clothes in the carton, but when she opened the carton, his eyes were brightened by the colorful underwear inside. At the front is a striped trousers. Perhaps because the move was too hasty, she didn’t have time to wash it. Apart from the smell of other laundry detergent, there was an extra girl’s fragrance. If Nie Kong is a pervert, you will definitely not be able to hide a few of them secretly when you see the cute underwear in the box.

“Wow, Xuecai, your underwear looks so bright.”

“Ah…Teacher, you…you can’t take a peek.” Xuecai is serious. A bright red appeared on her pretty face. She rushed to Nie Kong and quickly closed the carton, “I can do the rest by myself. I dont need the help of Teacher.”

“Okay! It’s getting late, I should go out shopping, you pack up.” It was almost evening, and Nie Kong ended the conversation with Xuecai, ready to go out to buy some ingredients and seasonings.

“In this case, I can only accompany you to buy things together, and I can’t let the surveillance mission be leaked.” Seeing Nie Kong leaving, Xue Cai was surprised and hurriedly carried a heavy guitar case to follow Behind Nie Kong.

“Really, it will cause others trouble.” Nie Kong muttered.

“Teacher, please don’t care.” Xuecai chuckled lightly.

Nie Kong could only take Xuecai to the nearby home department store center before entering the store, Xuecai was immediately stunned.

The department store is not particularly peculiar, but a rather healthy daily grocery store. However, it seems that Xuecai has never visited a store through childhood. The huge storefront that she witnessed for the first time since she was born made her confused. As for the products on display, Xuecai’s face is obviously wary. For example, after seeing the chainsaw, I was shocked to say that it was selling such dangerous weapons. This shop was really scary.

Looking at a lot of strange things, can she use them as dangerous weapons? Like Agurola, she doesn’t have the slightest common sense. Nie Kong had a weird expression on the face of Xuecai who was asking serious questions. He couldn’t tell the seriousness of Xuecai’s words.

Nie Kong feels a bit tiring when shopping for what she needs. On the other hand, Xue Cai looked very happy. She seems to be quite satisfied with the home department store center, and she also seems to simply enjoy shopping with others.

“By the way, in return, now it’s Teacher’s turn to accompany me to buy what I need.” As if recalling something, Xuecai said in surprise. Saying she just moved here, she definitely needs a lot of daily supplies.

The two went shopping again, and Xuecai’s hands were covered with many daily necessities. After some estimates, she found that she had spent more than 50,000 yen in one stroke. After asking her, she knew that she had already received an allowance beforehand as necessary funds. She said that it was more than 10 million.

Nie Kong accepted her statement without much doubt. Although Xuecai said she was just a trainee sword witch in the Lion King institution, after all, she was sent to an island where she was not familiar with her life. It seemed that she had to deal with the fourth true ancestor, Nie Kong, so that she could die at any time. No regrets, it is not surprising that the treatment is better.

Nie Kong feels that she can’t figure out the purpose of the Lion King mechanism. She is obviously a girl who has not been involved in the world. How can she undertake the task of monitoring herself? It is really incredible.

“I bought a lot, and I took it with the Teacher. Thank you very much.” As she said, she smiled, and Nie Kong silently shrugged. The bag he carried was filled with daily necessities bought from snow vegetables. Bedroom curtains, bathroom floor mats, toilet slippers, mouthwash cups, toothbrushes and toothpaste, shampoo towels for bathing… and Xuecai has bed sheets for sleeping, and some tableware for cooking. Because she is carrying a guitar case, Nie Kong holds a lot more than her.

The two looked like a couple who wanted to live together and came out to buy things. They attracted a lot of people’s attention, and made people feel unpredictable.

“It’s late, let’s go back soon.” Nie Kong looked at the sky and said to Xuecai.

“I originally wanted to monitor the relationship with the Teacher, but I didn’t have time to come out. Now I can monitor the Teacher at the same time after buying the things I need. It is very good.” Xuecai said contentedly.

Long! Heavy vibrations surged immediately, shaking the entire artificial island. After a second, the explosion sounded loudly.

“What’s going on…” Nie Kong and Xuecai turned their heads at the same time when they noticed the strange movement.

The explosion sound continued continuously. It cannot be explained by accidents or natural phenomena alone, and man-made destruction has occurred. Not only that, there was a strong wave of magic power that even ordinary people could feel.

Nie Kong and Xuecai looked at each other, and felt it was necessary to see for themselves what happened.

“Teacher…just now is…”

Xicai finally stopped, her breathing almost without any disturbance. His cheeks were rosy due to movement, preventing Nie Kong from leaving his sight.

“Well, it’s probably Vampire’s beast. And looking at the magic, 80% of the host has a background, and it is stronger than the old Vampire.” Nie Kong just finished speaking, the huge explosion once again set off.

A Fireball with a diameter of tens of meters emerged above the artificial island, and the gust of wind swept in after a short interval. The surging sea with white waves resembles a rainstorm at night, and man-made earthquakes vibrate.

Between bathing and bursting flames, a huge monster with pitch-black flames emerged. Although they only saw Nie Kong for a moment, they were sure. It really is the Summoned Beast spawned by the dense magic power, Vampire’s favorite beast. Judging by the destructive power that can shake the island, even if it is not at the level of Elder or nobles, it should be the beast used by the famous old generation.

Nie Kong is very strange, probably because landing on the Demon Race to make trouble on the artificial island is simply bringing about one’s own destruction, and will become the enemy with the attacker and the two major institutions of Japan. Even the true ancestor-level Vampire dare not disturb the order of the world.

And that Zhenghua is raging as an entity, and Vampire is fighting an unknown object.

It is Warehouse Street in Dongyu that turned into a battlefield. It belongs to an industrial zone with few people, but even if you look from a distance, you can see that the disaster has turned into a large-scale factory fire. But the damage had reached that level, and the battle continued.

Meaning that one point of opponents who fight against the old generation Vampire also has the same battle strength as the old generation. After knowing that, Xuecai’s expression became serious.

“Teacher, Im sorry. Lets be separated for the time being, please help me take things back to my home. I will go to the scene to investigate what happened. I will be back immediately after confirming the safety of the personnel.”


After talking about the snow menu, he forgot his own things and stuffed Nie Kong in his arms, and hurried to the place where the incident happened. Nie Kong looked at her speechlessly, affirming her serious personality again.

“Hey, Ji Tuan? Wait a minute, I should arrange it.” Nie Kong called Xuecai quickly, and Xuecai looked back at Nie Kong unbearably.

“Hey, Teacher doesn’t have to do anything. Because it will get in the way, please go back as soon as possible. In order to prevent you from making such dangerous actions, I will be watching Teacher. “

Xuecai didn’t agree, she couldn’t drag Nie Kong into the battle. Vampire is fighting there, and Teacher is Vampire who controls the fourth true ancestor. If the Teacher intends to stop the fight on the spot, and then let either party make a mistake, if he attacks the Vampire of another Blood Race, the problem will be very serious. For example, the true ancestor will come forward to crusade against Nie Kong, causing world-level conflicts. On the contrary, if Nie Kong helps the opponent’s camp, it will also cause huge disputes. No matter which aspect, Xue Cai is not allowed to appear.

Suki drew his weapon from the guitar case behind it, and a crisp metal sound rang out, and the silver spear unfolded its blade. Taking advantage of the gap in Nie Kong’s arms full of items, Xue Cai rushed away.

Seeing that her silhouette will soon disappear into the night, Nie Kong can only follow her closely. If there are no accidents, can the little girl handle them? Relying on a holy gun?


There were large-scale fires in Warehouse Street, and the streets where the street lights were extinguished were shining red with blazing flames. Automatic fire extinguishing devices are also operating, but the fire shows no signs of abating. The reason is that it is the beast that triggers the flame, and it is the source of the magic of Vampire. Fortunately, the streets are very crowded, and the warehouse area was originally small in population. The personnel managing the warehouse street seems to have been evacuated.

Not too far away from Nie Kong’s location, only two kilometers away. In less than ten minutes, Xuecai came to the scene where the beasts were making trouble. One of the beasts in the battle was a monster full of flames and wings.

Its wing length easily exceeds ten meters, like a giant formed by dark flames, from time to time shining amber rays of light similar to lava, and the fireball spit out will involve the surroundings in a terrifying explosion. It seems that the beast resembles that of Nie Kong’s maid Verdiana. Standing on the top of the building and manipulating the beast was a slender Vampire in a suit, who seemed to be an office worker who had returned from get off work.

His age seems to be about 30 years old, but from the perspective of Human Demon’s power alone, he may have lived for hundreds of years. That overwhelming sense of presence and courage can be said to match the title of the old generation. And looking at the beast he controls, he can guess his type, the descendant of the king of war domain D species of Vampire. If his identity is not a cadre, staff or mercenary hired by a company in Xianjin City, or a high-level military official stationed in the battle king field, he is considered to have a good background.

Vampire with that class is repeatedly attacking, and the battle shows no sign of ending. Not to mention the end, he even showed an expression of impatient and tiredness, which seemed to be at a disadvantage.

The old generation is controlled by the enemy, and his enemy is a huge translucent arm with iridescent brilliance. The arm is not a living body, and like the beast, it is a real magical aggregate. But the blessed beast familiar with Xuecai had a different aura, and it didn’t look like Vampire’s magic.

The arms that are several meters long are in contact with the sky and the dark monster bird. But on the contrary, it was the monster’s snarling. The wings of the demon bird were torn off by the roots, and lava-like blood was scattered everywhere.

The rainbow arm then tore the monster bird giant in disarray, as if to devour it alive. The demon bird that could not maintain the materialization collapsed into pure magic power and fell to the ground. But the rainbow arm still kept attacking, and ravaged the damaged body of the beast, like a wild beast looking for corpses.

“Is it… devouring magic power?”

Perceiving the extended flash to tear the darkness apart, the snow vegetables made a confused sound. The strange situation made Xuecai tremble. Take down other beasts to devour mana. As far as Xuecai knew, she had never heard of such a beast.

But when Xuecai saw the appearance of the host manipulating the beast, she suddenly seemed surprised. Because the host of the rainbow arm is a girl smaller than her. Covered with a cloak coat on the skin, it looks like a beautiful doll with pale blue eyes without the slightest fluctuation!

There is no trace of life, but like a robot.

“She… is clearly not Vampire? How could it be possible that an artificial lifeform can manipulate the beast?” Xuecai stunned in the same place. From behind her there was the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground. When she turned her head in surprise, she saw the slender Vampire who was seriously injured and fell.

The shoulder was deeply split, and the wound reached the heart. If it were an ordinary human or an orc, it would have died on the spot. And he still breathes, although very weak, the old Vampire life force is indeed very powerful.

However, the wound that would normally start to regenerate immediately did not change. The reason should not be the loss of the beast and the weak state. He was attacked by a powerful curse.

The person who can perform this kind of attack is the human magic attacker, which is limited to the high-level skill users who are known as the magician. At least he is better than himself. I dont know how much, far from being comparable to myself as a trainee sword witch. .

High-level demon attackers belong to high-ranking priests in the world, and they will definitely be prominent priests or monks in a country. They have no reason to engage in private fights in the city, and they will be on the artificial island that allows the identity of Demon Race. Could it be that he is a Demon Race hunter?

“Well, are there any witnesses?” A mature voice came, and Xue Cai raised his eyes and looked towards the other side. Standing with his back to the raging flame, together with the artificial girl is a tall and sturdy man over one hundred and ninety centimeters tall. The blade of the half-moon axe carried in the right hand and the robe draped on the armored enhanced suit were all dyed red with blood.

“Please stop fighting.” Xuecai held the holy gun in a combat pose, staring at the man in the robe and uttered a warning.

As soon as he saw the holy gun, Rudolph’s eyes lit up, as if he had found some treasure. He looked at Xuecai with contempt, and said with a smile: “You are so young, you should be the magician of the artificial island, but do you think you can stop it.”

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