On the 2nd day, the relevant media all reported the mysterious explosion in Kushigami City. As Nie Kong expected, no one saw it. Newspapers published photos of the destruction of a large area of Warehouse Street, and TV and websites kept showing conversations reported to be witnesses.

Many of the warehouses where the company stores items were damaged by Nie Kong. It is estimated that there are 60 warehouses. I don’t know how many households have power outages due to the equipment of the power network wiring. Nearly half of them take several days to repair the wiring. The monorail track was severely damaged and traffic was temporarily blocked. The amount of direct losses alone is about tens of billions of yen. Including indirect damage, it is said that the loss is almost 80,000,000,000. Fortunately, the warehouse belongs to no man’s land, and no human casualties have been found for the time being.

That month, I watched the news on TV and mumbled for a while, saying that must have caught the troubled Demon Race in his own prison. It’s just that Nie Kong stared at her with wide innocent eyes, and she was shocked for a while. is it possible that, is it all caused by Nie Kong.

When that month suddenly had a bad feeling, the doorbell rang suddenly. Appearing at the door was Xuecai, a student wearing a junior high school uniform and carrying a guitar case.

“Yue Cai Sauce? What’s the matter? I actually ran here in the morning?” Nie Kong, who opened the door, asked in surprise when he saw the people outside.

Open the door, see the snow vegetables standing in front of him politely saluting, and replied in the usual calm tone: “Good morning, Teacher. I’m here to pick up Teacher, and I will be late if I don’t leave the house. Hello.”

“Come to pick me up, are you planning to go to school with him?”

Nie Kong had already anticipated that since he woke up and opened the curtains, the snow on the opposite side Cai waited to observe him with high magnification glasses.

“You dont have to force me to go to school with me, if Senior wants me to hide and watch.”

“No matter what you choose, do you have to keep watching. I understand. Wait a moment. It’s rare to take a walk. Let’s walk to school today as an exception.” Nie Kong looked towards Yuma and the others.

“You two, come here…” That month, she put down the black tea in her hand, and she noticed the snow vegetables standing behind Nie Kong. She took Nie Kong and Xuecai’s hands, and told Aye and the others that they would take one step first.

“Are you a transfer student in Cape’s class?” asked that month.

“Yes, I am Ji Tuan in the third grade of the middle school section.” That month’s beautiful doll-like silhouette made Xuecai unable to speak for a moment, but she answered solemnly. That month, with a majestic attitude, he looked at Xuecai with satisfaction.

“Welcome to Caihai Academy. If you don’t have to do anything extra, you are especially welcome.” That month said tentatively.

“Yes…yes.” Xuecai’s attitude in replying will appear blunt, it should be because she remembered that she had caused the biggest problem yesterday, which caused the warehouse street to be half destroyed, and the total damage amounted to hundreds of Billion. The severity is no longer a matter of letting the class instructor make an appointment.

“Okay, you two, should you understand that the huge accident happened yesterday?”

“Yes, of course.” Faced with the question that month pointed at the core, Xuecai is restlessly nodded. The uniform shirt stuck to his back wet from night sweat made him quite uncomfortable.

“Actually, we seem to have caught an old-generation Vampire near the scene and learned that he was seriously injured and was dying. Although it seems to be hiding from the media, do you two have a bottom?” Xuecai was stiff. It’s like a statue, looking at that month with caution.

“Should, do you know anything from the demon attacker that month? Speak up and listen.” Nie Kong asked, seeing that his actions did not cover the Witch that is known as the killer of Demon Race Month is a thing.

“Slightly before the explosion occurred, the area was witnessed by the beasts making a fuss. In other words, this means that the man who was found in a near-death state was originally fighting with who. The old generation of Vampire has forced a half-dead and half-living enemy. I think that guy is very likely to be involved in an explosion…Who would it be?”

“Who…Who knows.” Turning his head, he also thought of the man named Rudolf, the annihilation teacher from Lotharnchia, and the artificial lifeform he brought with him. They are who, why did they trigger that battle?

That month, looking at Yukcais reaction as if happily, and at the same time continued with a nonchalant tone: “Speaking of that, in fact, the dying Vampire and Demon Race found on the artificial island were not the first yesterday. Times. In the most recent time period, there have been almost six similar incidents that the police alone have grasped. But this is the first time I have seen it hunting the old generation.”

“On my site Go hunting on the Demon Race, you are so brave. Nayue said rudely, a little angry, but cute.

“Although I do not understand the purpose of the prisoner, the prisoner who arbitrarily attacked Demon Race has not yet been arrested. In other words, Agurola and Enatos are very likely to be attacked.” Because of Agurola They did not have the consciousness of being Vampire, so that month reminded Nie Kong to protect them. If there is another shock, more than one warehouse street will be destroyed. The situation is exactly as she said, if their purpose is to attack Demon Race at will, they may even attack Nie Kong.

“Well, it is indeed possible, I will pay attention.” The opponent has a blessed beast that controls the devouring of magic, and it is not difficult to add a senior demon attacker to help deal with a true ancestor-level blessed beast .

“If it’s Nie Kong, you should know the real criminal.” Nayue looked at Nie Kong with stern eyes, and lifted her cheek gracefully.

“It is true, but our Lion King agency will solve the problem.” Before Nie Kong could answer, Xuecai said rushingly.

“Oh, you really are the sword witch of the Lion King mechanism.” That month’s tone was too natural, and it seemed that Xuecai’s identity had been understood early on. Maybe she would hate the Lion King mechanism that month before, but now she doesn’t focus on her career as a magician. What is left is that I pay much attention to everything about Nie Kong and hope to stay with him.

“Yes…yes.” Although she is small, her majesty can make Xuecai nervous.

“I will tell you the situation later, Yuma and the others are here.” Nie Kong said.

Xue Cai looked back and found that four loli were carrying bags for class behind her. Ah Ye has been in the dark, disdain to walk with them.

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