After the violent explosion sound, a giant shadow slowly appeared from the dust, only to see that the shadow was already a lot higher than the average floor.

Naraqweiler kicked away the surrounding rubble on its body, and finally revealed the full picture in front of Nie Kong and the others. It is a ten meters high, 15 meters long, armored machine with six legs for climbing.

In terms of the overall impression, it is almost a giant ant-shaped machine covered with a carapace. The oval body is surrounded by a hemispherical head, and its tip is like two antennae. The texture of the armor is similar to that of clay dolls excavated from the soil, and it is indeed appropriate to call it an ancient weapon.

Like a huge fortress, but the mobile space has caused immeasurable destruction, like a real ancestor-level blessed beast is raging. Once activated, it will automatically determine the hostile target. Launch an attack to wipe out the enemy. It shows only the majesty of the body, but it is enough to shock the eye.

Although Narakville obeys the manipulator’s commands, the man who manipulates it must voice input special commands for control. The weapons made by the gods will only obey those who understand the language of the gods.

“Our goal is to immediately destroy the abominable Sacred Domain Treaty, and to obliterate the first true ancestor who betrayed our Demon Race. In order to realize that tragic wish, we need to get Narakweilers Power. You see its formidable power now, please help us as much as possible to unlock the commands that can fully control it.” In a dark room, an elderly soldier with scars pointed to the front A small screen said to a beautiful young girl next to her.

Looking at the furnishings of the house, it looks like a food freezer with various quick-frozen fresh foods. And the missing You Ma swayed sitting on a computer chair. Several rough orcs around were looking towards her.

“It is a question whether I can solve it or not. After listening to your words, how can I help you. If that kind of plan is realized, in the worst case, it will affect the whole world. Starting a war may even destroy the artificial island!!” Yuma bitterly laughed, originally intending to escape as soon as possible after changing bodies with Qian Cong, but the orcs watched closely. And she doesn’t have the talent of Shallow, who can unravel that complicated sequence of words.

Jade Xiu raised his lips to say with a smile: “But we are hoping that the world will become like that, and it is indeed incompatible with your values. Because of this, I believe you will be willing to help us Did you forget the long text string that we sent you anonymously last night? It is an instruction to control ancient weapons. Although it only occupies a part of the whole, there are a total of five stone tablets unearthed with Narakweiler. Among the fourteen pieces, the trifling piece is that’s all. But the content of that piece of inscription is a bit special, it is the introduction, Narakweilers starting instruction. If there is no instruction to fully control it, it cannot stop the current riot at all.”

“You guys…” Rao is You Ma’s pretty face, keeping calm, but Fang’s heart in chaos is a ball, and now I don’t know what to do.

Of course we dont want to carry out a sinful killing. Our first hunting target is Vatola. I will try to minimize the damage caused to the artificial island, as long as I can completely control the damage. Rakweilers words.”

“So if you dont want the island of Xianjin to turn into scorched earth, do you have to analyze the control instructions and hand them to you? What a bastard, you guys.” Ancient weapons have begun. action. To prevent it from destroying regardless of the target, the only thing You Ma can do is to unlock the technique and exchange the body with Shallow Scallion, and let her analyze the control instructions. Even if the result will enable the Black Death King faction to do as one pleases to manipulate Narakweiler.

That is the artificial island her Sir Father loves. How can I watch it be destroyed in front of me?

“The machine for unlocking the command is inside. The required information is ready, the network is already connected to you, and it doesnt matter now as you please. Although I dont at all doubt your ability, but the most Its better to speed up the pace as much as possible. If the island sinks before getting the control command, it will be a headache for us. Judd Xiu did not push Yuma, but she made the decision.

He deliberately left the screen in front of You Ma to put pressure on her. Seeing Narakweiler’s wanton destruction, Yuma bit her lip.

The six legs covered with thick armor not only smashed the armored vehicle in front of you, but also easily knocked down the buildings standing all around. Nothing could stop it. The dazzling deep red flash from the head cut open the additional artificial island covered with steel and caused a shocking explosion.

That destructive power far surpasses the formidable power of modern weapons and rivals Vampires beasts. The reason he deliberately controlled it is very understandable. And it has nothing to do with the consciousness of the manipulator, and now the ancient weapons are continuing to move on their own terms. The radiated energy rays destroyed the area within one kilometer in one blow, and they did not know the tiring chaos like a perpetual motion machine.

You don’t need to remind Judd Xiu, Youma must stop it from reaching the downtown of the artificial island. Nowadays, there is only one option to solve the surgical technique. Yuma, who was staring at Narakweiler, suddenly saw an unexpected silhouette, who was not the Sir Father she beloved.

How close is he to ancient weapons, and he is driving to fight Narakweiler. You Ma only felt worried, for fear that he might see him hurt. Did he come here to save Youma after he knew he was missing?

Seeing that scene, Yuma’s heart is full of warmth, and he has always been his strongest support. After seeing him, Yuma stopped her plan to unlock the technique.

“Is it possible that Sir Father, Sir Father will save herself like a Prince, just thinking that she is already happy.” What a great opportunity, she does not want to miss it anyway. Unless… see that Sir Father is in danger, that is absolutely not allowed.

“I always feel a little guilty, after all, I used…I used Qian Cong’s body.” She muttered to herself, having forgotten about Judd Xiu thoroughly. As everyone knows, Qian Cong had the same mood as You Ma earlier, perhaps more entangled than her.

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