” Sand …” The sound of the grass attracted the vigilance of the pickle sauce. She clasped Xuexialang in her hand, “Who is there!”

“Don’t make a fuss about nothing, maybe it’s a wild cat.” Nie Kong swept away with Spiritual Consciousness, and had a fun said with a smile.

“But…but on a deserted island, there are impossible kittens, I want to confirm.” Xuecai said hesitantly.

Just before she finished speaking, there was a “meow” sound from the grass. It’s so sweet, like a bird on a tree. Xue Cai was taken aback, there are really kittens on the island?

“Well, it’s probably not a kitten. Maybe it’s a puppy. The kitten can’t make such a big movement in the grass.” Nie Kong didn’t seem to have any peace of mind, facing the women Said.

If Xuecai and the others are very strange, Nie Kong has clearly heard a cat barking. If it is a dog, how can they make a cat sound?

“Wow…” After a period of silence, a dog bark appeared again in the grass, and several women stared wide-eyed at the same time.

“No, if it is a dog, if you smell the meat, it must have been rushed out. Is it a herbivorous sheep?” Nie Kong muttered to himself, as if responding to Nie Kong Asking myself, the grass made a bleating cry.

“Eh, it’s really a sheep?” Xue Cai was frightened and flustered, and under the guidance of Nie Kong, his head became a mess.

“Well, that’s right. Sheep can’t see at night. Could it be that I guessed wrong again, but the wolf. Because the wolf is afraid of fire, I dare not come out.”

“Woo…” I don’t know how many times it has changed, but the wolf’s cry is still vividly learned, but the voice has the coquettishness of a girl, which sounds very cute. Nie Kong held his smile tightly and said to Agurola: “Wolves are not solitary creatures, but why do they only hear one sound? Is it wrong to guess that it is not a wolf but Old Hu.”

” ahhhh…I can’t take it anymore.” A madly gentle voice came from behind a nearby tree, and she rushed out of the grass.

silver hair and clear blue eyes; unlike the Japanese face, the girl is so beautiful that it is almost mistaken for the beautiful Goddess. Appearance is similar to Xia Yin by seven or eight points, except that his body is one size bigger than Xia Yin, just like Xia Yin’s elder sister. Although the opponent does not look like a soldier, he is wearing a western suit and tethered boots that look like a military uniform.

“haha…you are willing to come out.” Nie Kong couldn’t help but laugh, thinking it was very funny. She was just talking about it for fun, didn’t expect she would simply learn to call out.

“So you’ve discovered it a long time ago, just want to play with me?” The girl was angry, her blue eyes glared at Nie Kong fiercely.

“Who calls you so stupid, ordinary people can’t be fooled.” Nie Kong haha smiled, thinking of a girl hiding in the grass, racking her brains to think of a cute way of learning animal calls. .

The women suddenly realized, and Xuecai secretly blamed for looking towards Nie Kong, the Teacher was so naughty, how could she bully the girl, and I dont know what she has to do with Xia Yin.

“This Princess won’t forgive your rude behavior easily. Are you a man?”

She sat down across from Nie Kong and grabbed Nie directly regardless of etiquette Kong grilled meat, stuffed into his mouth. According to her situation, she is probably starving, so she will look at Nie Kong secretly.

“Excuse me…Are you Xia Yin’s elder sister, how is Xia Yin’s situation now?” Naisa asked in a low voice.

Seeing her appearance, Nie Kong they already knew that the girl who appeared had an extraordinary relationship with Xia Yin.

“I am the king of Aldhikia in Northern Europe, and La Fr_a, the eldest daughter of Lucas Lichban-I am a princess in the kingdom of Aldhikia. As for you Xia Yin, in principle, she is my relative, and the purpose of this trip is to come to the artificial island instead of picking her back to China, so she is not very clear about her situation now.” La Vria raised her skirt and saluted gracefully. pretty face A young girl’s smile that matches her age. Just after seeing Nie Kong, he immediately pouted his greasy little mouth.

Syuna looked at the girl who claimed to be a princess in amazement, “So you really are a princess.”

“Why should I lie?” La Fria looked at the confusion of thoughts Xuecai tilted his head to express puzzlement.

“Generally speaking princess-level guests visit the artificial island, the Japanese government will send someone to greet it. Including our Lion King agency, someone will definitely arrange the itinerary of Her Highness the Princess. But Her Highness the Princess, you How could it appear on an uninhabited artificial island?” Xuecai asked in confusion.

She said a little angrily: “Please call me La Flia. I’m tired of hearing your Highness, the princess, and the Imperial Princess. At least I don’t want foreign friends to use that rigid name Call me, otherwise I won’t speak to you.”

“Huh? But…” Xuecai seemed to shook her head in surprise. She is a government official, and she is too intimate with respected government guests. She should inevitably resist, and she is a serious person.

“Yes, you can also take a nickname.” She muttered so seriously and thoughtfully, and then smiled proudly and said: “For example, change my name to a gentleman Little Fufu or Fujiang, then you can accept it. Hehe, don’t look at me like this, I am familiar with Japanese culture too.”

“Stupid princess.” Nie Kong hummed.

“You alone can’t do it, you are a man, do you have a bit of a gentleman’s temperament? You should have one-knee kneels in front of me and kiss the back of my hand to show respect.” It seemed that she was still angry, so La Freya spoke with dissatisfaction.

“No, please forgive us for calling you by a big name, La Freya. So, why are you in this place?” Xuecai hurriedly covered Nie Kongs mouth for fear that Nie Kong would The relationship between the Kingdom of Aldikia and the Japanese government is froze.

“My ship was shot down while visiting Xianjin City.” La Fria said nonchalantly.

“Knock it down? It might have been made by the Sorcerer Sculpture.” Surprised Yukana said in surprise

“That’s right. I’m afraid it was to kidnap me.” As if Mourning the sacrificed subordinates, La Freya slightly lowered her eyes nodded. It was a few days ago that the armored flying ship carrying her was shot down. That day, it was said that La Vria, accompanied by the Knight escort, was about to head to Xianjin Island. Later, when the ship sailed through the Sea Territory, it was suddenly attacked.

The surprise attack launched at a height of a thousand meters late at night was a monster with wings and a mask. The weak Knight regiment lost most of its battle strength, and the attendants realized that the situation was unfavorable and stuffed La Fria into the escape boat. Before she could resist, the escape boat was launched into the sea.

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