Except for the ordinary persons Naisa , they can clearly see the armed forces on the ship with good eyesight. They are covered by black armor and lined up neatly on the approaching ship. on.

The searchlights are lit one after another, and the forest is surrounded by rays of light like daylight. The landing craft ashore opened the gate, and the soldiers covered in black armor were holding large military rifles in their hands, and machine gun bullets shot at Nie Kong and the others.

“Wow, good terrifying.” Naisa hid behind Nie Kong, fearing that she has not experienced a major event since she lost her memory. A strong magical power emerged from Agurola, and an ice wall was formed in front of them to block the special bullet.

“Did the Sorcerer’s Plastic Sculptor come here? He actually used live ammunition to attack. I didn’t have to talk about it. It should mean that the other party didn’t want to let us live.” Xuecai threw away and Xuexia Wolf , Seems to be playing.

I noticed the sound of footsteps coming from all directions. When they were fighting with the soldiers they first ran into, the enemy seemed to be surrounded.

red fire came with a loud bang, shooting through the many black armored Armored Soldiers in front of Nie Kong and their eyes. The body covered in full armor exploded, and the dark oil and metal pieces scattered. The first shot was the princess. She filled the single-shot pistol with gold ammunition and fired at the incoming soldiers without the slightest hesitation. The muzzle burst out with amazing flashes, shattering a large number of black armored Armored Soldier soldiers.

“A curse gun?” Xuecai found out the true face of her pistol, and said in surprise. Although the pistol is very expensive, she is indeed qualified to own the gun that can fire spells.

“They are the robot dolls made by the wizards. They should have been chasing after me. I’m sorry to hurt you.” La Vria said to them while aiming at the bullets. .

“Mechanical doll?” Xuecai was slightly surprised, no wonder the shot was so straightforward, it was not because of the murder.

“Well, they have chased me for several days, and now my bullets are almost exhausted. The landing craft is not at all, can you sink it with your beast?” It seemed that Agurora used the power of the beast, so she pointed to the landing craft on standby and asked.

“Since you have asked me sincerely, let me help you.” Agurola laughed heartily, feeling that he could finally show his talents.

It’s just that there is no time to release the beast, Enatos beside her releases a wave of magical power. The booming noise turned into a shock wave, blasting through the ground in front of it, rolling up a lot of debris. The atmosphere condensed by vibration creates a mirage between distortions, and the virtual image in the mirage soon turns into a wild beast appearance, with a giant beast appearance with crimson mane and double horns.

The body of Enatos, the deep scarlet of the two horns appeared.

Its body itself is a polymer of amazing vibration waves, and the two horns protruding from the head resonate like a tuning fork, emitting fierce high-frequency vibrations. That vibration can shatter rocks and tear metal. The roar of the two-horned beast turned into a shock wave bullet and attacked Narakweiler. Convert the huge magic power possessed by the True Ancestor Beast into physical energy to beat the enemy.

Its power destroyed the ship in front of him without leaving its original shape. The dolls shattered, the skeleton broke, and all the dolls turned into powder. The surrounding air was rapidly compressed, turning into thousands of degrees high temperature and making them burn out.

It’s not just the robot dolls that are destroyed. The once beautiful forest was burned hundreds of meters by flames, the ground was leveled, and the terrain was completely unrecognizable. The traces of his beast ravaged so tragically.

“It is indeed the beast of the fourth true ancestor, formidable power cannot be underestimated.” Xuecai said.

For the first time witnessing the formidable power of the fourth true ancestor’s beast, the princess froze in a daze. There was only one person who seemed to smile with satisfaction, and that was Enatos.

“Wow, No. 9 you always steal my limelight.” Agurola exclaimed dissatisfied.

Although she is the fourth true ancestor, it is a pity that the only animal that can be controlled is herself, so Enatos often makes Enatos refuse to listen to her orders, and sometimes oppose her.

“You are too slow, but I protected Naisa in time.” Enatos completely ignored Agurola and said with satisfaction.

“It turns out that you are the fourth true ancestor of legendary. The rumors are true, and the fourth true ancestor has actually revived.” La Freya murmured.

“Don’t admit the wrong person, I am the fourth true ancestor. She is just one of my beasts, the ninth double-horned deep scarlet.” Agurola shouted.

“I forgot to introduce her, her name is Agurola, she can probably be called the fourth true ancestor now. And I am their guardian, Nie Kong…” Nie Kong helped introduce a few women, but La Vria focused most of her eyes on Nie Kong.

A person who can be recognized by the fourth true ancestor, impossible will be very simple.

“Nie Kong, is it possible that you and the fourth true ancestor have formed a permanent blood companion.” La Freya suddenly jumped out.

“I hate it, you know what you know, don’t say it, you will be shy.” Agurola twitched.

“It’s not like that…” Xuecai and Naisa retorted in unison.

In a research room on an artificial island, Xia Yin was lying on a white bed, sleeping in the rays of light. In her thin-conscious ears, the incantation chanted like magnificent music is constantly resounding. The step of modeling angels has reached the final stage, and the seven spirit mediums that swallowed each other are only Xia Yin left, including the other surviving partner of the monastery.

The sacred light constitutes a torrent, and what emits rays of light are the complex magic patterns engraved on her body. Xia Yin spread out her asymmetrical ugly wings, and she understood that she was gradually transforming into an inhuman alien form.

No need for others to say that she knows that when the transformation is completely over, she will disappear from the true world and become an angel her father said, saving all living beings.

In Wei Wei’s remaining consciousness, there is only a trace of peace. The little life she helped infected herself with a slightly warm memory. At the moment before she fell asleep, Xia Yin suddenly thought of a very important person, the one who always talked to her and was always gentle to her. For five years, as always, only he can talk to himself and care about himself.

“Nie Kong big brother, do you remember Xia Yin.” Xia Yin’s consciousness faded and disappeared in the rays of light. She continued to fall asleep with a teardrop in her eyes. That tear evaporates completely when it encounters divine radiance.

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