“Because I have something to leave, my classmates… Now I want to introduce the new Teacher, who will guide you in the future math class instead of me.” The eye-eyed middle-aged man announced unexpected news. The classmates in the classroom let out an uproar of surprise. After all, they just started to change the Teacher immediately, which is a bit unreliable.

“Nie Kong Teacher, please come in.”

Nie Kong, who was waiting at the door of Class 1 Class B, heard what his predecessor Teacher said and tried to put on a serious expression , Concealing the evil charm of his own appearance. After feeling good, he opened the closed wooden door of the classroom.

Seeing his appearance, more than 40 classmates stared wide-eyed stared straight at Nie Kong. A black male teacher’s uniform, with an evil smile on his face. But strangely, there was a gentle expression in his eyes.

Two kinds of temperaments with almost a big gap appear in a person, and because long hair is difficult to distinguish between men and women at once, their strange posture shocks their eyes.

“Well…Im Nie Kong, I will teach you math classes from now on, please take care of me in the future!” After Nie Kong wrote his name on the blackboard, he made a polite Lean.

Those male classmates heard Nie Kong’s voice, and their faces were immediately disappointed, and the girls were very active. The only expressionless is the silver-haired girl sitting on a window-Origami sauce.

When Nie Kong met her, he was surprised. Unexpectedly, the teaching class would coincide with her class. Nie Kong remember that in the plot, she seems to be in the same class as Wuhe Shidao. But after a few laps, I didn’t see him.

“Now we will start the roll call and I should say when we arrive.” The strange Nie Kong had to check if his name was in the roll call.

“Yiyi origami!” Nie Kong looked towards her neighbor girl and found that she had raised her hand to complied, as capable as a soldier. When Nie Kong read 2/3, he finally saw a familiar surname.

“Wuhe Shidao! Hey, that’s not right, Wuhe Shizhi!!” Halfway through reading, Nie Kong was dumbfounded on the spot, and his eyes swept down in disbelief.

“Here…Here.” First he heard a weak girl’s voice, and then a pretty girl appeared in his sight. Wearing a youthful and beautiful sailor suit, light blue hair draped behind his jade shoulders. With cute cheeks and big talking eyes, there is only one girl in the class who can compare with origami.

“Eh…you…are you not a boy.” Nie Kong blurted out without thinking.

Wuhe Shizhi pretty face flushed red and said: “Teacher, do I really look like a male child without any feminine charm.”

The boy severely hit Wuhe Shizhi’s self-confidence and beauty as a woman, more lethal than any curse.

Nie Kong did not expect that things would find such a dramatic change, which would actually reverse a persons gender.

“I’m very sorry, I think Huayan regards the Wuhe Shizhi in the rollover book as Wuhe Shidao, and when I saw that she would be a cute girl, I was very surprised. I am not denying you Its so cute. Nie Kong was sweaty and almost made an oolong.

“It’s not cute.” Shizhi said in a low blush.

Nie Kong vomits blood, she is not only a girl in her body, but also a girl in her heart, which is very different from the dating battle she knows about! !

“Now the roll call is over, everyone, be quiet and start the class.” He finally understood the meaning of Oshaji’s words, and the current dimension is indeed different from before.

“Changing a world wantonly, don’t you know that it will cause loss of faith.” Nie Kong muttered to himself, but it was not his consideration.

“Shiori, you are back.” He tied his hair into a double ponytail with a black ribbon, a small and cute body. Familiar cheeks, no matter how you look at them, are my younger sister’s violin. It is not strange to see her younger sister at home. What Shiori is strange is his personality and the different temperament exuding from his body. On her left and right, there are two guards in military uniforms.

“Qinli?” Shizhi said uncertainly.

“Shiori, you can’t even recognize your cute younger sister. Although I have known that your memory is very bad, it’s just that you didn’t expect it to be so bad.” Bite Said the piano with a lollipop.

Sweat dripped from Shiori’s cheeks. Her cute younger sister should be impossible to call her by her name. She felt confused in her mind.

“Speaking of which, who are these two people?”

“Calm down, there is something you must understand before you can continue to explain other doubts.” After that sentence, Qinli pointed to the front TV screen in the hall.

The screen shows the situation where Shiori meets Teacher and people wearing mechanical armor fighting. It is probably a video of a space earthquake.

“Hey, why is there Nie Kong Teacher on it?” Shizhi said.

“He is not a human being, he is an elf, a monster whose true identity is unknown. As long as he appears on the world, even if he does not have the will, the space shock caused will destroy the surroundings. The phenomenon of space shocks so far The reason for this is the impact caused by the appearance of elves like him.” Lingyin said.

“What?” Shiori stared wide-eyed.

Space earthquakes are eroding mankind and the world, an unreasonable phenomenon.

“Aiya…Although the scale is not the same, the small scale is about the size of several meters. If it is a large scale, a big hole can be easily opened in the mainland. For example, the first discovered 30 years ago Sub-Space Earthquake-Eurasian Air Disaster! In the shock that occurred 30 years ago, the death rate of more than 100 million caused a sensation in the world.

“You…you said that the space shock was caused by Nie Kong Teacher?” Shi Zhi couldn’t believe it.

“Hehe, you are really a stupid. Didn’t you listen carefully? It is not their own will to cause the spatial shock, they are not wrong.” Qinli taught in a very S tone My lovely elder sister.

“You see the few people floating in the sky, they have power beyond the ordinary person. AST, the special elves!”

“Specifically What kind of organization is it?”

Qinli raised his eyebrows and put on an attitude of as it should be by rights.

“It’s very simple. As soon as the elves show up, they will go to the scene to kill the elves!” Qinli said naturally.

“Kill?” Nie Kong’s shadow appeared in Shizhi’s mind. He was not wrong at all.

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