Hurrying back to the classroom, Shizhi saw a small girl standing on the podium. At first glance, I felt that she was in the first grade of junior high school, and her younger sister was the same age, but the uniform she wore on her body showed her identity! !

“Good morning, fellow students. For the next year, I will be the tutor of the course for all the students. My name is Zhue Okamine!!” He said in a slow tone. , Teacher Okamine Zhue, who is in charge of teaching social sciences, came to bow to them. It seemed that the glasses she was wearing almost fell off, so she reorganized them in panic. That look really attracted many male students.

No matter how you look at it, it will make people feel that the face and body are the same age as the students, coupled with the less-rooted personality, makes the teacher in front of the students have a super-expert air that is proud of. Although two 19 years old, but still single.

There was a commotion among the students, and only Shizhi said sorry for being late. And the Teacher gently said to go back to his seat quickly, without blaming Seiori.

Shizhi sighed in relief, and the origami sitting on Shizhi’s left has been moved towards her and looked over. In an instant, the two women’s eyes met. The origami eyes were no strange, but Shiori looked away panicked.

She was in a daze thinking about what the origami said, did she really have to see her before.

“Hey…Hey Shizhijiang, the Teacher is calling you.” A male student behind kicked her chair and called her back from Yunyoutianwaizhong, Shizhi fan blinked , Looked towards the above. I only saw a pretty face with melancholy, it was her Teacher Zhuhui!

“Very good, Shizhi, you finally came back to your senses, is it… Is the teacher’s voice too… too small, am I not suitable to be a teacher?”

“Ah…Teacher, yes…I’m sorry, I was thinking about something just now.” Shizhi hurriedly stood up from his position, looking panic.

“Okay, Teacher didnt blame you, now its your turn to be on duty. Help Teacher get something to the office.” Zhu Hui pointed to the stack of tall documents on the desktop. Said in a soft tone.

“Okay…Okay.” Shizhi looked at the classmates in the classroom activities, and was surprised to find that the get out of class suddenly ended. Time is too fast, I just lost my mind for a while.

“Hurry up, then, otherwise the next class will begin soon.” The small Zhuhui nodded happily, and led the leader to move forward. Shiori bitterly laughed. There have been so many things recently that she hasn’t been too late.

The two women one after the other set off towards the teachers faculty office, and the surrounding classmates greeted Zhu Hui in a friendly manner. She is very popular like a Chihuahua.

Knock on the door of the office, there are two Teachers inside. They turned their heads in amazement, Shizhi politely asked: “I am Wuhe Shizhi in the first class of high school. I am here to help Zhuhui Teacher move things.”

“Student Shizhi, be careful, let me help you.” The familiar voice resounded in his ears, making Shizhi stunned. Because the pile of documents was a bit high, I couldn’t see anyone in the office for a while.

After the document left her hands, she finally saw the cheek in front of her, not her own math Teacher Nie Kong. Who is it?

“ahhhh, don’t bother you anymore, I…I’ll come.” Seeing that it was originally his own business to trouble others, Zhuhui politely grabbed the stack of documents in the hands of Shizhi.

“Wow…” Zhu Hui, who was clumsy, wanted to compete with Nie Kong and Shizhi for the file, but instead she became clumsy and failed to pick up the file, so she scattered it and fell into the sky. Fortunately, her body was out of balance, and someone helped hold her waist.

“Yes… I’m sorry, may I… May I ask who you are?” She bowed in panic.

“Im the math teacher in Shizhis class, Nie Kong, and Im seeing you for the first time.” Nie Kong squatted down and replied while picking up documents with Shizhi.

Zhu Hui looked towards Nie Kong’s body, and saw that he had a sunny smiling face and a rigorous and self-contained expression. In the same office as such a gentle and reliable male child, involuntarily became reserved, and said with a little shame: “My name is Okamine Zhuhui, Nie Kong Teacher, you call me Zhuhui.”

” Hehe, it turned out to be Zhuhui Teacher. Not as well-known as meeting, students often mention you. You are gentle and lovely, and you are a rare mentor.” Nie Kong answered casually.

He didn’t actually lie. Zhu Hui did have a lot of popularity in the class, especially the boys, and she was very eager for the girls at school.

Okamine Zhuhui heard the four-character comment “gentle and lovely”, especially when she said it from Nie Kong, Zhuhui blushed happily, scratching the back of her head and showing a light smile: ” What does Nie Kong Teacher say, I am just fulfilling the duty of a teacher that’s all.”

Shi Zhi was vigilant, and when he looked up, only Zhu Hui’s expression was a little strange. Especially the eyes, they seem to keep looking at Nie Kong. She shouted inwardly, shouldn’t Zhuhui Teacher have a good impression of Nie Kong?

“Yes… By the way, Nie Kong Teacher, how old are you, do you have a lover you like?”

Next, as Shizhi expected, she Asked a question about personal privacy for men.

“Are you age, maybe 22 or three years old, as for the girl I like…” Nie Kong glanced at Seihori and found that her gaze was looking towards herself. As a result, his eyes collided, Shizhi blushed and glanced.

“There must be people I like, but I guess it’s just my self-willingness. If I insist, I don’t have any in this World.” Nie Kong said with a smile.

Shizhi’s mind was in a mess, wondering whether the person in Nie Kong’s words could be himself or the exquisite doll-like origami classmate in the class.

I took a peek at Nie Kong and found that he was looking at himself with a smile, and Shi Zhi’s cheeks were red again.

“Nie Kong Teacher, don’t be depressed. There are definitely many good girls in the world. Even if she doesn’t accept you, you will definitely find someone better than her.” Zhuhui was blushing happily I closed my cheeks, thinking that Nie Kong was unrequited love, the words are worthwhile.

The school has a new single male Teacher, which is really great. She blushed and looked at Nie Kong, the more she looked, the more pleasing she became.

Gentle and reliable, he would be a good husband.

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