In the classroom, a shy scholar sometimes looks at the Teacher on the podium, and his sight moves along with his pacing. Because when Nie Kong moved into the gap in the seat, due to his departure, his eyes suddenly met with his eyes sitting on the opposite side of the path across the chair, without the slightest fluctuation.

In an instant, the two women’s eyes met. Shizhi panicked and looked away, why on earth was she looking at Teacher. No, maybe the other person is just looking at things around him. However, her gaze made Shiori a little uneasy. Secretly glanced at the origami area, and found that the exquisite and beautiful origami classmate had moved from Nie Kong to her body, she suddenly felt very nervous. I wondered if the Origami classmates discovered their secrets.

“Buzz…” While she was typing selfish calculations, the glass windows of the classroom were shaking ka-cha ka-cha, and a harsh siren rang from the street.

“Fa…did something happen.” Shiori opened the window to check the outdoor situation, and a group of birds that had been frightened by the alarm were hovering in the air. In the classroom, Nie Kong stopped teaching, and everyone was stared wide-eyed.

Immediately after the alarm sound, the speech sound played through the machine. In order to let everyone hear the content clearly, a phrase was segmented to declare.

“This is not a drill, because foreshocks have been observed. We speculate that there will be a space shock. Students and residents nearby, please go to the refuge closest to you as soon as possible. Repeat…” In the silence, the sound of the students taking a breath together.

The space shock alarm made the students in the class panic. In particular, Shiori looked at Nie Kong in a panic: “Could it be that the teacher’s power is flowing backwards.” Maybe she didn’t understand that the second elf except Nie Kong appeared at this time.

“Hey, hello…really?” Shiori began to sweat on his forehead and said in a hoarse voice. But including her, the students in the classroom, although their faces were full of tension and anxiety, at least none of the students fell into a panic state. Since they suffered a major hazard from a space earthquake 30 years ago, they have been receiving repeated evacuation trainings that are almost tiresome since they were in kindergarten.

“You guys have responded very well, and the Teacher was very impressed with you. Come on, please go to the shelter with Teacher…” Nie Kong still smiled lightly, without taking the space into consideration. in. Formidable power’s weak space fluctuation is not lethal compared to his space tricks.

Seeing his gentle smile, most of the students’ panic disappeared, and they left the classroom one by one.

“haha, Teacher, don’t have any accidents.” Seeing that Nie Kong was about to stay behind, the male voice in the class laughed.

“Take care of yourselves and then consider others, Teacher, I am very strong. How can the trifling spatial shock hurt me.” Nie Kong didn’t care. Teoming smiled nodded and quickly walked out of the classroom.

There are not many students in the classroom. One after another lined up and walked towards the shelter. It’s just that Nie Kong is frowned, because he found that in the crowd, a female student moved towards the opposite direction of the team and left in the direction of the exit.

“Origami sauce, wait a minute.” Nie Kong grabbed her jade hand.

“Teacher, no problem, I will protect you.” Origami stopped in an instant, and after saying this, he ran forward again. As the elite of AST, they must be stopped and wiped out immediately when the elves appear.

Shiori turned his head in surprise and looked towards Origami, and followed Teoncho and them into the student lineup. Just in an instant, the pocket phone made a burst of calling sounds.

She took it out and found out that her younger sister called herself.

“Huh? What’s the matter, classmate Wuhe?” Teidecho asked.

“It’s nothing, it’s just an important thing.” Shizhi replied vaguely, choosing the name of Wuheqin from the list of received calls and then choosing to accept the message.

“Hurry up to the gate of the school, I will send Lingyin to pick you up to the base to prepare for the implementation of the plan, and the second elf appears…” Seeing the content of the message, Shizhi stared at himself. It turns out that its not Teachers problem.

I was hesitant about whether to set off, but Qinli seemed to know her personality and sent her another message.

“The wizards of AST have already begun to dispatch. If you want to see the surrounding battle damage, you can hide in the refuge and not use it.”

Shiori sucked in A cold breath, I took a look at Nie Kong who was in charge, turned off the phone without removing the screen, and got out of the student team.

“Hey, where are you going, Wuhe-san!” Teocho shouted behind her, but Shiori had already made a decision.

“Sorry, I forgot something.” After Shizhi finished speaking, he gradually disappeared from the crowd. Through the school gate, Shizhi ran down the ramp in front of the school unsteadily due to the space shock.

Although she ran at the fastest speed, the physical strength of the weak woman is really limited. As soon as I got out of school, a scene of send cold shivers down one’s spine came into view. There were no roads and streets without pedestrians, and there was no silhouette at all. It turned into a dead city! !

Until just now, there are obviously signs of human activities, but now only the sense of life remains, and peoples silhouettes disappear in the streets.

“Hey, in the piano, I have come out, where are you?” She folded her hands in her mouth and shouted. Due to the dead environment around her, her crisp voice has been spread far!

“Little Shiori, I’m behind you…” It belongs to her sleepy voice, Shiori can recognize it as soon as she hears it. It is the sound of sleeping pills as snacks. elder sister.

Although I dont have enough sleep, my shiny hair is shiny and my skin looks so smooth. Only the two black eyes on the eyes showed her malaise. The military uniform did not bring out her ability, but showed her beautiful figure.

“How is the situation?” Shizhi asked nervously.

“The commander and them are under observation, let’s talk about it at the base. The commander said, it’s your turn to play…” Lingyin said as he brought Shizhi Xiangneng to 15,000. On the machine of the meter-high-altitude ship.

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