Received by the AST personnel, he returned to the Heavenly Palace garrison base of the Ground Self-Defense Force, and folded all the display devices. After about a few minutes, Origami still couldn’t stand up from the equipment. That happens every time after using the manifestation equipment. After returning from a superman to a normal person, the body often feels a strange heaviness, and the burden is not something ordinary people can bear.

In the big air disaster 30 years ago, mankind obtained a miracle technology-the display device. Distorting the laws of physics, so that the calculation results of the computer can be realized in the real world. It can be said to be a system that uses scientific methods to reproduce magic. The only way humans can fight against elves.

While Origami sighed softly, I recalled the process of today’s battle. The disaster elves that destroyed the world, even if they assembled several teammates with superhuman abilities like origami, they still couldn’t hurt each other a bit, but almost wiped them out.

As a result, today’s battle ended with the sprite disappearing automatically as before, although the written report should record this incident as AST repelling the sprite. All the team members who are fighting in the field deeply understand a truth. The spirit root didn’t think they would have any threat, and they would disappear automatically and it was just a whim.

“Thanks.” A woman about 25 years old, wearing the same wiring military suit as the origami body, stood in front of her eyes with her arms around her waist. The valiant and formidable looking temperament and the pretty face make her look unique and beautiful. Captain Nishibei Yoko, she is ASTCaptain attached to Origami.

“When all the teammates lose their battle strength, alone repels the elves, origami, you behaved very difficult to deal with!” she exclaimed.

“I didn’t repel the elf.” Origami responded in a cold tone.

Liaozi shrugged, looking at the origami with sharp eyes: “But I have to report to my superiors like this. If we dont come up with some results, we wont be able to get the financial budget. And yours The performance can be said to be very good, you must understand that we dont have a trump card. But, you are too messy, then want to die? All teammates lose battle strength, you should follow the order to rescue teammates and retreat.”

“Captain, our AST’s mission is to defeat the elves.” Origami looked directly into Liaozi’s eyes and opened his mouth slightly.

“Do you really know what kind of monster you are fighting? That is Yokai. Listen, our goal is to try our best to keep the damage to a minimum and try our best to make the spirit disappear. Those things That’s our duty. I don’t allow you to take unnecessary risks.” Liao Zifu frowned scolded.

“I…I want to defeat the elf, no matter what the consequences are.” Despite understanding Captain’s truth, Origami’s eyes remained firm.

Liaozi sighed, “I don’t intend to interfere with your personal thoughts. It is your freedom to think about it. But if you disobey orders on the battlefield, you must leave the army.”

“Yes, I will follow the order in the future.”

After Origami answered succinctly, he stood up and left the base with a hard-working body,

“Five Was Shiori?” On the way home, Shiori’s face appeared in the origami’s mind with a low volume that no one could hear. I saw her myself a few years ago. The memory of origami is impossible. What makes Origami more concerned about is another thing, “Why did she appear in the place where the elves appeared?” On the street where the space shock sirens sounded, most people will go to the shelter, right? Although the situation was very strange, she helped herself delay the time, otherwise she would never wait for the moment when Teacher came.

The bad thing is that I wore the silhouette of the special equipment, and the things about the elves, I showed her and the Teacher!

Thinking about the headache, she returned to the street at home. Looking at the lights in the next room, Origami changed the route and went to the neighbor’s door, knocking hard.

“Here.” The door opened, revealing a long-haired Nie Kong wearing an apron. The moment he saw her, Nie Kong had several points of surprise on his face. While welcoming origami into the house, he asked with concern: “Have you used origami for dinner? How is your body feeling?”

“No, I hope Teacher will not tell anyone what happened today If you can ask you to forget everything except me, including what you have seen and heard!” Origami looked at Nie Kong and asked quietly.

“Are you referring to the girl, why can’t you make it clear.”

“That’s an elf, something I have to defeat.” Although the action is not obvious, Nie Kong seemed to see the origami pouting.

“Well, I talked to her for a while and found that she is not bad.” Nie Kong said.

“My parents were killed by the elves five years ago, so I dont want others to experience the same situation again. So, please dont approach the elves anymore, Nie Kong Teacher!” To Nie Kong, with a warning tone.

“Do you have to defeat it? Maybe your parents were not killed by them. After talking with her a lot, she told me that because the robot was chasing her, she was compelled by circumstances.” Nie Kong seems to be nodded Xu, about five years ago, but the plots are too far apart, so they won’t have a deep impression.

“It can’t be wrong, that’s what I saw with my own eyes.” At this point, the origami fist was clenched tightly.

“I know I cant change you now, but Origami Sauce, I will let you know the truth about what happened five years ago. If the murderer is really an elf, Teacher will fully support you, please dont do it now There is hatred in the heart, please be happy.” Nie Kong’s eyes were piercing and the origami stared at each other. She immediately buried her eyes and jumped in front of Nie Kong.

“I…I will be troubled.”

“Yes…Is it…That’s really amazing. Please don’t forget my current agreement with you.” Nie Kong smiled.

Origami nodded, and ending with that sentence, Origami takes the sight of Nie Kong away. When preparing to leave, Nie Kong grabbed her jade-like little hand.

“You must be tired, and it is definitely too late to cook when you go back. The teacher made your share, lets have dinner together.”

The caring tone makes the origami body Xing paused. She gently un’ed, sat on the dining table in the living room, and saw that the fragrant and delicious dinner was placed on it. Nie Kong Teacher really even prepared her share.

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