The morning class was over quickly, and it was time for lunch. After taking Nie Kong’s math class, origami disappeared on the campus of Lai Chan High School.

Because of the usual cold personality and no friends, let alone the students are busy enjoying their own lunch, or fighting for bread in the canteen, so no one knows where the origami disappeared, and no one cares. she was.

Nie Kong divided half of her bento to Shixiang, and ordered Shizhijiang to accompany her for lunch. Shixiang and Shizhi are in constant disputes, and Nie Kong hopes to coordinate their relationship.

“hu hu…its so shocking that the elves would have escaped the organizations spatial shock and the elves response meter. If you didnt see it with your own eyes, I cant believe that the girl in front of you would be The elf who fought with her some time ago was identified by the princess.” On the top roof of the school’s fourth floor, a handsome woman dressed in Mecha narrowed her eyes and hid in the dark.

The disaster that destroyed the world, 30 years ago destroyed the world and killed more than 100 million humans in Japan. Five years ago, it caused a fire and destroyed a community, the most fierce plasmodium in the world. The silhouette reflected in her retina now is just a cute girl in a sailor suit. If it hadn’t been confirmed by the data, Origami would never believe it.

“Liaozi Captain, have you got the permission of AST’s sniper.” There was a calm and cold voice from behind, which was the beautiful origami that disappeared from the class. Wearing the same Mecha suit as the Liaozi, the right hand holds a terrifying rifle against the elves.

Her fully armed figure exudes an icy cold glow. No, her temperament is cold.

“There is no order to attack. We only need to be on standby. Those upper-class adults should still be negotiating. If you think about it, if you rush into the school, there will be unpredictable consequences. “

“Really!” Origami was nodded, and his eyes were directed to the ten incense beside Nie Kong outside of several hundred meters. A few hours ago, after Origami confirmed that the girl he saw was an elf, AST immediately dispatched personnel to surround the school. At present, senior Japanese officials are discussing whether they should launch an attack. Since no space earthquake was observed in the current world this time, the space earthquake warning not at all sounded and all residents did not go to the shelter. If the elves suddenly lose control, it will cause serious disasters. be that as it may, if an alarm is now issued and the elves are stimulated, the consequences are equally disastrous. The current situation can be said to be quite tricky.

But now the elves dont at all show their spirit outfits on their bodies. There is no protection that can make the elves the strongest and ultimate invincible lifeform. The life of the elves is as fragile as an ordinary person.

“I think its a good opportunity to annihilate the elves!” Origami put forward his views in the usual indifferent tone. If the timing is right, their attacks should be able to hit directly and play a response. Some role.

But that is only a kind of probability after all, and a fatal injury must be given to one shot to be successful, so the paper must bring a rifle that is not normally equipped. The other is that she can’t kill the elf, which will anger her and flatten the whole Laizen High School.

General AST manuals, once there are elves in large buildings, such as movie theaters, department stores, schools…will not attack.

“Aiya, don’t mess around with origami.” After speaking, she shrugged. Knowing that Origami hates elves, I’m afraid she won’t listen to orders.


The origami expression doesn’t seem to have changed, but there seems to be unpleasant rays of light flashing in the eyes. I look closely at the nasty spirit who dares to trouble Nie Kong , Can’t wait for the sniper rifle in her hand to blow her head.

The fear of Nie Kong being injured by the wizard is one aspect, and the resentment of the wizard is one aspect. Although Nie Kong’s advice was much better before, it was impossible to let go of the hatred of his parents.

Now I can only wait, waiting for the sniper opportunity to come, waiting for the permission to attack! !

However, the standby time did not last long, and Liaozi received a new order in his ear. After listening to the information passed into the ear tympanum, she opened her eyes wide, flashing with shock.

“As you bid.” She only said that sentence, and she turned off the headset to end the communication with someone.

“Im really surprised, the upper level has already made an attack plan. The time is set in the afternoon after school, after the elf leaves school…” To successfully launch the formidable power powerful rifle against the elf, you must borrow it Show the power of equipment. Specifically, the heavy responsibility of pulling the trigger is assigned to the team member with the highest success rate in the team.

“Origami, let you shoot. Among all the on-site personnel, you are the most competent person in our AST. Failure is not tolerated, and you will definitely kill you with one blow.” Liaozi said carefully, looking at the origami .

Since the adults who regard their status as more important than the lives of the innocent people have given permission to attack, if they fail, all the consequences will definitely be pushed on them!

“Understand!” Origami’s eyes are sharp like an eagle, and the sniper rifle, which is almost two meters long in his hand, is tightened, giving her only one chance! !

There is no time to go back to the classroom for class, origami, they must find a suitable sniper position. It must be sparsely crowded, spacious and free of obstacles, and will not affect the battle site of too many people.

Of course, when members of AST lie in ambush on the way to leave school, they will use special rights to clean up all the surrounding people. Even if you fail to kill the elves, the consequences will be much reduced.

“Absolutely…cannot fail, no matter what the price!”

Origami is expecting, Nie Kong must not stand with her. Because at that time, she was the one who was sniping. If there was any mistake, Nie Kong would definitely be in danger. AST will not stop attacking operations just because of his own life! Drops of cold sweat broke out on her snow-white pretty face, guessing that Nie Kong was there, which put too much pressure on her. Because if she misses her hand, she will bring her important people into danger.

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