After a series of noisy physical examinations, the school returned to calm. After school, Nie Kong and Shixiang took a walk on their way home. And Shixiang’s right hand actually held a soybean bread and gnawed happily.

until now Many students doubt the true relationship between Nie Kong and Shixiang, because many people saw the two go home together. Nie Kong explained that Shixiang is a cousin who lives in her own home temporarily. Although the reason is far-fetched, many male students are willing to accept the explanation of the two relatives like Nie Kong. Just as the two were talking, there was a sound of high heels behind them.

I’m very anxious, I can think of a female white-collar worker trotting on the road.

“Nie Kong…Nie Kong Teacher, please wait a minute.” The voice is very familiar. Nie Kong almost reflects the voice of avoiding the Master.

“No way, how could she appear on the way I must go home? Logically speaking, she and I are not in the same direction when I go home.” Nie Kong turned around in disbelief. Look, what you see in your eyes is a small body with a pair of big glasses that don’t match.

“Huh, Zhuhui Teacher?” Nie Kong and Shixiang exclaimed at the same time, surprised to see her.

Zhuhui in front of her is very tasteful today. The thin blue shirt bulges out two round outlines, which is too big for her body shape. The knee-length skirt and long black stockings lined the calf with smooth jade, which is very pleasing to the eye. Although her appearance is not as outstanding as Shizhi, but Tong Yan Ju X’s attributes give her a lot of points.

When trotting, his body trembled and Nie Kong was shocked. Really the sea cannot be measured with a bushel, you can’t judge a person by appearance. Zhuhui Teacher is actually quite beautiful after dressing up, full of the charm of a mature woman. Zhu Hui directly ignored the girl Shixiang next to Nie Kong, glanced at his profile casually, and blushed.

“Zhuhui Teacher, why did you show up near my house?” The strange thing was that Shixiang asked with that beautiful outfit.

“I…I occasionally pass by, do you live in the vicinity? I don’t know.” Zhuhui pretended to be surprised.

“See the cute hut 100 metres ahead. Nie Kong and I live there.” Shixiang said everything. It’s too late for Nie Kong to stop what.

He has a headache. If Zhuhui knows where she lives, will she visit herself often? As expected, after hearing Shixiang’s words, she really climbed up the pole.

“Ah, that’s a coincidence. In that case, can you visit Nie Kong Teacher’s house.” She looked at Nie Kong shiningly.

“Well, welcome Zhuhui Teacher to be a guest.” It is not good to refuse, Nie Kong can only temporarily agree to say it again.

When she came to the three-story loft that Nie Kong bought, she carefully observed it with joy, as if she was looking at her new house. Actually said a nice cozy cottage, I really hope to live here.

Speaking is too blunt, Nie Kong almost can’t stand it. Hastily covered Shixiang’s mouth to stop her from saying any strange things.

Nie Kong feels that Shixiang should be better around her, but she should stop Zhuhui’s enthusiasm if she doesn’t talk nonsense.

When a person is over 30, seeing the people around him get married and start a business, he is more anxious about the major event of marriage. Even a very ordinary object, she will have the idea of making do with a lifetime. A 30-year-old woman has no qualifications to fantasize and choose, not to mention that Nie Kong has an excellent appearance and character, which attracts Zhu Hui out of control. The blame lies with Nie Kong’s low mouth, when he said “cute”. Zhu Hui, who was obsessed with marriage, sounded like a confession, and she was out of control. If the refusal is useful, Nie Kong does not have to worry about Zhu Hui.

The two looked at the same age, and single, in an office. All the time, the place and the people are harmonious, all stand on Zhuhui’s side.

“Sit down, please. Don’t be polite.” After changing the shoes in the hallway, Nie Kong said to Zhu Hui, omitting the last sentence as his home.

Zhuhui looked at the all around decorations, and muttered: “Nie Kong Teacher cleans up very clean. I thought there would be a lack of a female Master, which is very messy. How nice is a man who loves clean… “

Nie Kong poured a cup of coffee to Zhu Hui, and when Shixiang saw the coffee, she immediately made a cute expression of frown. The first time I drank coffee, the bitterness and soy flour bread had the opposite taste, which made Shixiang constantly yelling. The poison that says it may destroy the world must be destroyed as soon as possible. For her sweet tooth, coffee is like poison.

“Nie Kong, I’m a bit hungry, let’s make dinner soon.” Each minding their own business opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of juice from it. After taking a big sip, Shixiang said to Nie Kong Jiao.

“Are you a pig, I just bought you more than a dozen soy flour bread.”

“What is a pig, did you make pork chops yesterday?” She eyes Shining rays of light reflected, excitedly said to Nie Kong.

“Forget it, cooking for you is a little less laborious than preaching to you.” Nie Kong sighed, Shixiang doesn’t understand how stupid or pretending to be stupid, and doesn’t listen to what she says.

Hearing Nie Kong can cook, Zhu Hui’s eyes flashed in surprise. He actually knows how to cook, he will definitely be a good man in ten-thousand does not have one.

She enthusiastically pushed Nie Kong and said with a gentle smile: “I’ll do it, men are really not suitable for staying in the kitchen! As a reward for entertaining me, I will give you a hearty meal Lets cook it. It was alluded to, saying that Nie Kong lacked a steward female Master.

Zhuhui is not willing to leave after drinking tea. Now I have the opportunity to share dinner with Nie Kong. She rushed to the kitchen in an imposing manner, and saw that the kitchen was spacious and clean, all kinds of tools were neat and orderly, and she wrapped an apron.

“Eh, does Zhuhui Teacher do it?” Shixiang bulged her cheeks, seemingly dissatisfied. For Toxiang, who has been slurred, it is estimated that he will only recognize the dishes made by Nie Kong.

Nie Kong took a look at the kitchen and found that she was quite skilled in chopping and washing vegetables. The heart that was hanging was relaxed for the most part, for fear of encountering the poisonous dishes of the light green onion.

When a beautiful girl uses a 180-degree direct and enthusiastic offensive, I am afraid that only Nie Kong can stop it. To change to another person, Nie Kong feels that there is a possibility of losing his position. Raw rice to cook mature rice, first get on the train and then make up for the ticket.

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