Using Laxinas’s transmission device, Shizhi suddenly reached the dead street from ten thousand meters high.

Shizhi is currently located in a large department store erected in front of the shopping street. The reason is that the recluse seems to be the most frequent elves, so she can basically figure out her actions.

“Now that the elves have appeared in front of the department store building, dont mess up the first encounter with the elves like the last time.” A warning voice came from the earphone, Shiori. Simply complied.

The four elements are relatively timid, and they dont mean to fight them at all. She was followed closely by AST members, and she was used to knowing where she would be safe. ASTs manifestation equipment is not suitable for indoor battles, it can only destroy buildings to force out elves. However, AST is responsible for all damages, and most of the funds applied for are used for compensation. Without permission, an attack is generally not made.

as it should be by rights, their best choice should be to wait for the elves to leave the large building by themselves.

She took a deep breath that calmed the heartbeat and boarded the corridor. Taking advantage of the short gap of a few minutes or tens of minutes, Shiori was able to talk with the elves precious time on the battlefield.

As long as you use the power of your body, you can not only prevent the space shock from recurring, but AST will stop all attacks on the elves, such as Shixiang and Nie Kong. It was exactly what Shizhi wanted, so she would promise Jinli to attack in spite of danger.

“Shiori, the recluse’s reaction moved to the floor, please be prepared for contact.” Suddenly the sound of the piano came from my ears, making Shiori’s nerves tense.

At the same time, the waiting automatic door opened, and Lori dressed in a cute bunny cloak jumped in front of Shiori like a little bunny.

The moment she saw Shizhi, she couldn’t help taking three or four steps back.

“Who are you…who you want to bully Shiina? No, Shiina is a gentle child, you can’t hurt her!” The hand puppet’s mouth began to Zhang San was talking, but the real four elements was looking at Shiori with fear.

Four elements is just finished, and Laxinas’ screen suddenly shows three options and data representing the favorability of four elements. With their help, you can improve your feelings a little by observing the spirit fluctuations.

1. I dont know that kind of guy. I am a wanderer who happened to pass by-showing off my own mouthful of white teeth.

Second, you look so cute, how could I be willing to hurt youwith a gentle smile, slowly touch her head.

Three, ah, it must be the fate that God arranged to meet you. Please make sure to date me.

“All members, start choosing!” In accordance with the command of Qinli, the crew members under the bridge press the button at hand together.

The result was immediately displayed on the small screen beside the piano. The number of votes for one and two was almost the same, while the third one was much less. Greeting a vigilant and timid girl in that frivolous tone is really bring about one’s own destruction.

“Huh? Do you want to choose one! Speak a relaxed atmosphere to dispel the jerky and nervousness of the two.” One of the crew members spoke his own opinion, which was very decent.

“But if you dont understand the other persons personality to say that, it might be dangerous, right? So its the safest and proper way to choose the second one. Gentleness can hold everything,”

“No, no. Judging from the available information, it can be known that the recluse will hardly attack humans! So at this time, we should choose three to determine the outcome!” After listening to the three parties, Qinli muttered in a low voice. .

Two seconds later, Qinli moved towards the microphone and said: “Shiori, you have to listen carefully to the answer.”

The action instructions in Qinli came to my ears. But the answer sounds quite strange.

“Well? You…what are you going to do?” The hand puppet tilted his head dexterously.

I dont have time to think about it. Shiori stood up suddenly, “You are so cute, how could I be willing to hurt you?”

Ishiori is gentle The temperament, with that kind of words, can indeed exert the greatest effect.

“Ah…Don’t come here.” It’s just that four elements saw Shiori approaching and rushed back to the second floor of the department store.

Shizhis pretty face was suddenly sluggish. After a few seconds, Shizhi not knowing what to do said: “Hey, hello, Qinli. What should I do now?”

On Laxinas with ten thousand meters high, it means four elements are The coefficient of goodwill suddenly dropped to 40, the red warning line.

“Although the hermits are gentle and timid, they hold too high a vigilance against humans and are really hard to reach.” Lingyin couldn’t help but sighed, unable to accept the failure of their all-out efforts.

Basically only said a word, she immediately escaped. The next time I have to talk to her, the difficulty has increased tenfold!

“Follow closely and look for the next opportunity to contact her.” In the piano, frowning, he issued an order to Shiori.

Shizhi is nodded, and she is not assured of the four elements, because she is afraid that she will suffer the same experience as Shixiang last time. If she hadn’t been around, Shixiang might have died early.

“Understood, I will try my best to have a good relationship with her.” The fault is not with her, but with the AST who keeps attacking her.


Origami wears a wiring suit and long-range attack equipment stuffed with ammunition all over the body, floating above the department store in a preparatory posture. Around her, there are several other AST team members wearing the same equipment floating in the air and maintaining high alert.

Raindrops hit continuously on the surface of random areas spreading all around. The elven hermit invaded the building and kept hiding inside, until now he didn’t intend to show up.

They are waiting outside, waiting for permission to attack the base. The budget for destroying a building is too large, so AST has not made up his mind, but no one will slacken.

While being on guard, Origami suddenly found that two shadows had slipped into the building.

The speed is very fast, I don’t know if she is dazzled.

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