“Commander, there is a space shock at coordinates G30 of Heavenly Palace city, and the level is probably less than C level.” The headquarters of Laxinas, it was rare to enjoy the free time on weekends. The observer became busy again.

Furthermore, with the appearance of the space quake, thick dark clouds appeared in the sky, and it rained heavily on Heavenly Palace in an instant without warning. I saw the five river sisters in the ships command room having lunch, and it was transmitted when the two women were not suitable.

“Scan now and analyze the situation.” Although I am very dissatisfied, Qin Li knows that work is important. Tie the black ribbon again, and restore the commander of Sadist from the tender and lovely younger sister.

“Yes, commander.” The observers captured the image of that coordinate on the screen by typing on the keyboard of the computer. It is located in a park with small residents who are not one kilometer away from Zen High School. It is the first meeting with Nie Kong.

Lori appeared in a rabbit cloak. The strange thing is that although the heavy rain hit her clothes, the rain did not get into it at all.

“The frequency of the elven hermit Shishina appeared so fast, didn’t it appear the next day?” Kotori is frowned.

“Commander, please give instructions now. At present, the number of the recluse’s favorability towards Nie Kong is around 85. If we do not act as soon as possible, the recluse will fall into his hands.” Mizuki said.

“In that case, are you ready, Nashiori.” Qinli looked towards Shiori who was tasting curry rice and asked her.

“Ah, I…we are impossible to be as powerful as Teacher, and can gain her trust.” After a failure, Shiori thought that Kotori would give up and attack the hermit. Logically speaking, Nie Kong Teacher is enough. She doesn’t understand why Qinli desperately wants herself and Teacher to grab the strategy.

“Trust us, there must be no problem at this time. We have already thought of a wonderful strategy. As long as you get in touch with Nie Kong in front of her, you can get her 100% favor.” Qin Li Said proudly.

“What strategy?” It’s not a side strategy, Shi Zhi frowned.

“Its probably super difficult to use a human identity frontally, otherwise Nie Kong wont give up. His strategy inspired us, so we made a plan similar to him!! Please see it, It’s time for Bread Beauty to appear on stage!!” Qinli smiled, as if the host of the stage announced that he would shoot the light on the protagonist.

Lingyin threw out a bread doll in time, which was exactly the same as the one in Nie Kong’s hands, except that a small flower was inserted on the top of his head to indicate his true gender.

“Huh…same as the doll in Teacher’s hand?” Shizhi exclaimed.

“Yes, she is called Bread Beauty, the younger sister of Bread Lord. If you use her identity to contact the hermit, the contact must be like a fish back in water.” Qinli said confidently. The development of the plan must be in front of Nie Kong, otherwise the younger sister of the bread beauty will not be recognized.

“Yes…but I don’t know how to speak, even if I have a hand puppet, I can’t control it to speak.” Shizhi said softly, not willing to accept the tricks of the piano.

“No problem, we have installed a microphone in the hand puppet, so you don’t need to talk about it.” The principle is similar to that of the dolls of the Round Table Council, using the installed microphone to speak remotely. Moreover, the development of the options selected by the strategy selection must be very smooth.

“Commander, it really is a clever plan.”

Qinli said a concept vaguely, if all the members are nodded. Using the method that Nie Kong came up with to start with her, I have to admit that their thinking is really creative.

Because Shishina and Bakun-kun have become friends, when faced with the beauty of bread who claims to be the younger sister of Bakun-kun, Shishina and Yoshinokun will definitely be less wary.

“Teacher…Teacher has clearly become good friends with her, and then he will definitely be able to attack the recluse, why do you want to snatch it?” The scholar who accumulated confusion and dissatisfaction finally asked.

Qinli frowned, “Are you questioning my decision, my stupid elder sister. Only by holding the elves in the hands of our Laxinas organization and observing their status, can we be at ease? They live in the world, do you understand.”

“I dont understand, but I understand what you said to save the elves. There should be no distinction between who and who. Who can save the elves, then we should I tried my best to help him finish it. Didn’t the previous Teacher seal Shixiang very well.”

Shizhi said aloud, refuting the younger sister of Jinli who he felt was unreasonable for the first time.

Qinli sighed and waved his hand at his elder sister Shiori, looking dispirited. “Since you disagree, then that’s all. Now arrange the second thing for you. After Nie Kong seals the hermit, you help me invite him to our Laxinas. You said you want us to help him. , Then it depends on whether he is willing to join us.”

Qinli can’t help it, because her elder sister doesn’t know how to seal the spirit, the power will reverse. And Laxinas’s matter, she could not decide alone.

Shiori burst out with a beautiful smile and looked very happy. “Well, I will try my best to persuade Nie Kong Teacher.” She is looking forward to the great project of saving the elves with Nie Kong.

With Nie Kong company, the strategy will definitely be very successful. It’s not like I have to ask them to help every time, and it ended in failure twice.

The only thing that feels bitter is that Nie Kong has to kiss many girls. Every time she thought about it, she felt a thorn stuck in her throat, and she couldn’t vomit it out, and she felt bitterness in her heart.

“Pass me down.” Shizhi said courageously since ancient times.

Ling Yin wanted to speak again, and finally did not dare to speak, because there was a black face in the piano. Indeed, Laxinas could control the state of the elf well.

For the first time, Shizhi dared to speak his own heart and refuted the strong younger sister.

The sirens conveyed the entire Heavenly Palace City. Humans took refuge in solid air-raid shelters during heavy rains, and the AST self-defense forces began to dispatch.

At the same time, the sirens conveyed the entire Heavenly Palace City. Humans were full of people and took refuge in solid air-raid shelters at the time of heavy rain. At the same time, AST’s self-defense forces began to dispatch.

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