“Oh…what is it you, my biggest enemy, Yuichi origami.” As he focused on observing a certain silhouette, Shixiang who hit a person and fell to the ground let out a cry of pain . Lifting pretty face to see, the person I bumped into was actually the origami who often quarreled with her.

She looks strange now, hiding in the corner with half a pretty face. Staring at the street outside earnestly, Toka followed her gaze, and it was Nie Kong and Shiiono who appeared on the claw machine.

“What are you doing?” Shixiang greeted her with bulging cheeks when he saw Origami ignore her.

After calm and composed’s eyes glanced at Shixiang, “It’s none of your business, I am carefully observing the situation of the recluse. When necessary, I can take action to stop the recluse in time.”


“Idiot, idiot, would actually leave Toka and Shitono to play, and they both had a good time.” Shixiang said in a drum.

“Lets say, lets take a truce for one day to spoil their date. Tokayama appears earlier than Shitono, so how could we lose to Shitono.”

“Well, I have to do it now, don’t bother me.” After speaking, a remote control with a red button appeared in origami’s hand, and the claw machine sent out a signal source that reflected each other.


“en? Have you found something you like, do you want to play the claw machine?” Nie Kong said, looking towards the claw machine. It costs 100 yen to catch a doll machine, but the chance of catching a doll is very small, especially the larger the size, the greater the difficulty. Generally, to get prizes, you must learn experience after many failures. When seeing the doll inside, Nie Kong’s eyes suddenly widened, and her body froze there. The prize is a bunny hand puppet exactly the same as Shiina. The biggest prize is a bunny monster doll with an ice puppet.

“Si, Shiito!?” No wonder she would be in a daze, Nie Kong grabbed Shiito by the shoulder and shook her awake.

After Shishino shook his shoulders, he stammered at Nie Kong: “Nie Kong… Nie Kong-san, there is a Shishina inside.”

” Aiya, I seem to be very popular with people.” Shishina laughed proudly.

“Do you like it?” Nie Kong asked.

“No…no. For Shitono, there is only one Shishina, and none of them can be outlawed. Shishina is my ideal self, unlike me… so weak, It’s not like me…indecisive. She is strong and handsome.” Shitono said in a low voice, and glanced at the Rabbit Monster.

Depending on the situation, she likes the huge rabbit monster, Nie Kong chuckled lightly.

He threw a hundred yuan coin into the game console. When the robotic arm started operating the buttons on Nie Kong, it moved to the huge rabbit monster. Shitono seemed to understand the principle, her gaze followed the robotic arm, her expression more serious than usual.

Nie Kong’s technology is not very good, but most of them are learning quickly. After the first failure, he almost understood the principle of the claw machine. The second time, he spotted the rabbit monster tag that was easy to construct, and hooked the robot arm to the tag rope accurately.

The lucky doll was clamped impartially by the robotic arm and was transported to the place where the prize was taken out, while Shishinoo watched with breathlessly. The bunny doll that looked like her angel fell in the outlet, and Nie Kong caught the biggest prize.

At this moment, the claw machine made a di di di mechanical sound. “Congratulations on your winning the big prize, and the additional gift has been sent.” When Shishino happily hugged the snow monster, a single “Yoshino” spouted out from the exit, immediately hiding Shishino in it. Countless, Nie Kong thinks there are at least thirty-forty only.

“Wow…” Shishino got out of the hand puppet pile, and after looking left and right, his eyes were filled with panic and pity.

“Yoshina, Shiina, where are you?” I flipped through dozens of identical hand puppets, but no one answered Shiina’s words.

There are too many “Shishina”, and now she can’t tell which one is her hand puppet. At this moment, Shishina is in the greatest crisis. Shishina belongs to her second personality. To regain her consciousness, Shishino’s spiritual strength path must be used.

Nie Kong has a headache, how could such a ridiculous thing happen?

Shishino looked at Nie Kong with seemingly restless eyes, as if asking where the hand puppet was.

“Uh, hug…I’m sorry. I don’t know which one it is…”

After Nie Kong finished speaking, Shishino showed up as if he heard the end of the world. expression. Shishino rushed to Nie Kong’s side, grabbed his hands and shook hard as if asking, lowered his pretty face and started weeping.

“Well…Don’t worry, I will help you find the real Shishino.” Nie Kong comforted, Shishino opened his eyes wide. After a few seconds, a cheerful expression appeared on his face for the first time, and he was nodded up and down hard.

“Now move them home first, and then Shishino will try one by one, and she will definitely find Shishino.” Nie Kong suggested.

“Ok…Okay, thank you, Mr. Nie Kong.” Shishino said softly.

“It’s nothing, Shishina and I are friends.” Nie Kong chuckled lightly, squatting down and holding each puppet in his arms.

“Aha, it turned out to be Nie Kong and Shiitono. It’s a coincidence that I met you, let me help you move.” At this moment, Shixiang’s voice sounded from the crowd. .

Nie Kong looked up, and Shixiang appeared in front of her with a bright smile. The strange thing is that the origami who has been arguing will accompany her out.

“Nie Kong Teacher, it’s a coincidence to meet him in the commercial street.” Origami said lightly with a smile.

“en?” Although Nie Kong is strange, there is no doubt about the simplicity of Shixiang. She lacks common sense, she has only one muscle in her mind, and she will definitely not lie to him.

“Shiitono, really very good.” There are clothes bought for Shiitono in his hand, and the things he can carry are limited. Nie Kong is worried that there are too many hand puppets to hold them.

“Thank you.” Shishino’s eyes flashed with gratitude, and Toka smiled happily. For the first time, she felt that origami was very good. Not only did she bully the newcomer, but also ruined Nie Kong’s date with her.

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