In the early morning of 2nd day, Nie Kong used to take Toka and Origami girls to Caihai School while Shishino waved goodbye. Origami took the initiative to hold Nie Kong right hand and claimed that he was anemia.

Nie Kong’s cheek twitched, and a few drops of sweat flowed from his forehead. However, she was often anemic with advanced energy supplements, Nie Kong didn’t know whether to cry or laugh anymore.

Nie Kong admires her physical condition very much, and she can directly absorb the powerful medicine efficacy nutritional tonic. She once took Nie Kong once, but she felt that her body was burning like a fire, so it’s only blame for anemia.

“Why? Origami is really embarrassing for you!” Shixiang glanced at the expressionless origami, and angrily put her arms around her heart. Just waiting to see Nie Kong and her arm in arm, Shixiang showed a suddenly realized expression.

“Nie Kong, I am also anemic.”

“Really.” Nie Kong said with a wry smile, and Shixiang’s hands begin to stir.

“In short…In short, I want too!” After she finished speaking, she extended the hand and hugged Nie Kong’s other hand. The two occupied both sides of Nie Kong. She could do anything with origami. To and contention.

“Okay, let go before I get to school.” Nie Kong couldn’t bear to refuse them, but he couldn’t imagine how much sensation would be caused by appearing on campus in the happy posture now. Ten incense and origami, but the top beauties in the school who want to date the most, now Nie Kong dominates them all.

When I was crowded to the school gate, I happened to ran into the Shizhi who was on the way to school, and Shizhi seemed to have arrived early, as if he had been waiting there.

“Nie Kong Teacher, good morning, you guys.”

When he found Nie Kong’s silhouette, Shiori immediately showed a shy smile, then bowed his head to him.

“Oh, good morning, Shizhijiang.” Nie Kong is very fortunate to have pulled the two sticking girls apart, otherwise I dont know how Shizhi will do it. After all, his two arms are all in The two women’s breasts were soft and warm.

“Oh, Shiori, you came very early today.” Shixiang said strangely.

The clear eyes of origami are suspicious, and Shiori’s actions are weird.

“Yes…Is it? Probably because I have something to tell Nie Kong Teacher.” Shizhi said, lowering his head, kicking the gravel beside his feet.

“Hey…Well, you must go ahead with origami. I want to talk to Shizhi.” Although Nie Kong was surprised, he wanted to hear Shizhi talk to him.

“Is there something to say in front of us, why are you sneaking?” Shixiang murmured. If it hadn’t been for origami to push her, she might have stayed there.

The two walked side by side, the breeze was blowing, and the cherry blossoms on both sides of the green trail fell under a beautiful cherry blossom rain.

“Does it mean that Shizhi, you have encountered a very troublesome thing?” Nie Kong said.

“No…no, I…I just don’t know how to say it.” Shizhi’s pretty face flushed red, his tone stammering.

“Don’t be afraid, what is your relationship with me? What can’t you say?” Nie Kong gently put his hand on her head, and said to her with a slight smile.

“Then…then I said, old…Teacher, please… please kiss me.” After saying the next sentence, Shiori’s entire face turned crimson. This shows how much courage she took to overcome that shyness.

“Hey, eh.” Nie Kong exclaimed immediately, the warm back of her hand moved from her head to her smooth forehead, “No fever, Shiori, what are you talking about.”

“Teacher, I didn’t talk nonsense. Teacher should understand the identity of the three crazy elves. If Teacher you want to…save her, you must use my ability to seal it. So. Please teacher and me to fight together. It turned out that she called Nie Kong to kiss her, and the purpose was that Nie Kong copied her abilities and sealed the spirit strength of Elf Kuangsan as much as possible.

Nie Kong is so angry and funny, it turns out that he misunderstood her, which made him feel passionate. He really wanted to hear it, if Shiori really said that to him, he thought it would be sweet to death.

“It’s okay, I can handle it by myself.”

“Ah, could it be… Could it be Teacher, do you hate knack knitting?” Shizhi was full of loss, but he was a Girl Yeah, Teacher, don’t be too blunt.

“Why? It’s my honor to be able to go to Shizhi. But the seal is useless for Kuang San, it will only harm her, and I have a way to save her.” Nie Kong is gentle Said.

“Really…really?” Shiori smiled again, clearly almost crying just now.

“Well, your kindness is here. Although you can’t kiss your mouth, you can knit your cheeks.” After Nie Kong said, he leaned down and banged hard on her pink cheek. A faint lip mark was left.

“Muhu!” Although she is very shy, she can see that she is so happy. Extend the hand to rub the position of Nie Kong’s relatives, and her expression is unprecedentedly satisfied.

Looking at her shy appearance, Nie Kong tuned said with a smile: “By the way, yesterday a girl who claimed to be your younger sister asked me to be my brother-in-law.”

When Shizhi, who was originally full of sweet feelings, heard that sentence, his entire face suddenly turned red, and he was ashamed as an ostrich buried his head in the soil.

“ahhhh acridine, Nie Kong…Teacher, please…you forget it. Really… Really young, I dont…I dont know what to do, so Im talking nonsense.” Shizhi While jumping around, speak without careful diction to explain.

“Okay, I get it. But in fact, I am looking forward to it, what Zhenna said will be realized.” After Nie Kong left that sentence, he walked in first with a chuckle School gate.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Today, the number of changes in her mood is probably more than that of her in the past ten years.

“Nie Kong Teacher, the last sentence, what exactly…what does it mean.”

Of course, in the end, Nie Kong didn’t get the seal ability of Shizhi. The effect she retained when she kissed Sishino before was still there, but the spirit strength refining into the energy that’s all within the body. If he borrowed Shizhi’s ability at this moment, it would probably mess up his relationship with Kuangsan.

Seal her power is more uncomfortable than killing Kuang San. After all, since she became an elf, she has been living with that dream. She must use power, and she is super power.

What Nie Kong has to do is very simple. Nie Kong will not stop Kuangsan. He understood very well that even if Kuangsan had the power to be proud, he still couldn’t change the current ending.

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