Origami, who was on standby at school, was keenly aware of the strange space. In just an instant, the world she saw with her eyes completely changed. The air became heavy and depressed, and a sickly sense of collapse swept through the body.

I only saw the surrounding students fainted one by one, thanks to her strong physique who participated in the AST training since she was a child, she could barely support it. Rao was so, the sense of weightlessness of collapse invaded her consciousness.

If you resist with your own strength, you may lose consciousness. Origami quickly took out from the pocket, a sophisticated electronic device that could be stored in the palm of your hand, and said to the sensor placed on the surface: “Identification_AST_Yuyi Origami. Basic display deviceconfirm to start.”

The electronic device completes the comparison between the origami fingerprint and the sound in an instant, and the electronic sound of the beep unfolds. After the origami is finished, touch the device to the horn-shaped emitter that protrudes from the head.

In an instant, an area covering the body is immediately formed around it. The feeling of prostration that tortured the body finally eased a lot because of this, but in exchange for the intense pain like an explosion, it attacked origami in the brain. The display device can reproduce the calculation results of the computer in the present world, completely distorting the laws of the real world. And all have been processed by magic, why AST has a powerful battle strength different from ordinary people. But to open up Mecha, it must be realized in the field. Without Mecha’s power to maintain the domain, it is very burdensome to the brain! !

She gritted her teeth and endured the pain, and the origami said, “The wiring sleeve is unfolded.” Armaments are usually stored in a carrying-type connection device called a line suit, which can be equipped instantly in wartime.

A faint rays of light appeared in the domain of the law of distortion, and the Laizen High School uniform originally worn on origami was instantly changed into ASTs standard equipmentthe wiring suit. The silver white armor, arm her whole body. All negative effects are eliminated at this moment.

Origami is very nervous, although I dont know what happened in school. But Origami can easily infer that this matter should be related to Kuangsan.

“Oops, the Teacher may be dangerous!” Origami frowned and controlled Mecha to run across the corridor at an alarming speed. It seems that the signal of Origami Mecha was received, and the sound of Captain Liaozi came from the headset.

“Origami, did you use emergency clothing? At this time, a strong Lingwave reaction was detected around your school! What is the current situation?”

“The whole school It is completely enveloped in the wide area Formation. If it continues, the situation will become very dangerous. Please send support!” Origami suddenly stopped talking, and in front of her a famous girl who appeared to be condensed from shadows stood in front of her.

She is not wearing a high school uniform. It’s a dress made of red and blackthe nightmare’s spiritual outfit.

“Aiya, Origami classmate. Where are you going in a hurry?” She folded her hands on her chest, and both hands held an ancient musket. That posture is quite similar to the female gun of DNF has several points of. Or, the cowboys of the American West.

“Kakuzo Tokisaki, what do you do with Teacher?!” Origami showed cold eyes, then stretched his hand to his waist to hold the hilt of the lightsaber.

“What’s wrong? What happened? Origami!” Liaozi said anxiously.

“I have contacted the nightmare, and I will fight the opponent!”

“What did you say! It’s too dangerous, leave quickly and wait for the support of Lieutenant Chonggong Shin!” Liaozi exclaimed Aloud.

But Origami has no choice but to cut off the communication.

Kuangsan smiled and said: “Hehe, I dont want you to disrupt my meal now, so you cant go any further.”

Origami hold tightly. In close combat, he used the hilt of the elven lightsaber to rush towards Kuangsan. Fortunately, the 30% mad Avatar does not have much time.


Compared with origami, Toka and Shiori are in better condition. The body has the relationship of spirit strength, so the domain Formation has little influence on her. She and Shizhi two girls dragged heavy steps and started to move forward.

“No problem, say yes, I will use my strength to protect you!” Enduring her weakness, she desperately moved her body forward.

“Ten…Tenxiang, don’t force yourself.” Shizhi hurriedly supported her who was out of balance and said anxiously. With the spirit strength of Shixiang and Wuhe, the domain created by Kuangsan is not difficult for Shiori at all.

“Nie Kong is dangerous.”

But Shixiang felt another uneasy feeling in her heart. Her intuition told her that Kuangsan would really kill Nie Kong. There is no time to keep squatting. She is too dangerous, she knew some time ago that she shouldn’t persuade Nie Kong to save her! .

“Please leave it to me, even if I lose my life, I will try my best to help Teacher defeat Kuangsan!” Shiori said.

Shixiang didn’t speak, she was hating herself for why she couldn’t use her strength now. He wanted to speed up again, but Shixiang felt dizzy in his head.

If no one can stop Kuangsan, Nie Kong will die! When the idea of terrifying came to mind, my head began to dizzy, and unprecedented heartache filled my heart. Because of his own relationship, he killed Nie Kong.

“ahhhh…Damn it.” Shixiang let out a desperate cry, and at the same time her body was shining white, and the luxurious princess dress was put on her. Spirit strength spreads out! !

“Wh…what?” She looked down at her outfit. It was obviously not in a complete state, but her body showed a spiritual outfit constructed with light film. She can’t figure out what’s going on, and now only protects Nie Kong a single thought, nothing else.

“Very good, although only 1/4 of the previous strength, but it is fine!” The body became quite light, completely different from the situation in the last second. Shixiang stood up vigorously, her feet erect on the spot. She clenched her fists and left the classroom.

“How could it be possible, did Shixiang unlock the seal?” Shiori was unimaginable, but he was very happy. Because of more power, then Nie Kong Teacher is less dangerous.

Just as the two women were about to set out to find Nie Kong, Shixiang instinctively sensed the danger. She held her breath and hurriedly jumped away from the spot. What looked like a bullet aimed at Shixiang from the front of the corridor, drawing a black trail while shooting towards her.

“What…what, who is it!” Shixiang yelled, and at this moment, slowly pacing footsteps came from the shadow of the corridor in front.

“He he he. Hello, Toka. Can you play with me?” The girl in a tuxedo and holding a gun gave a smile to Tokisaki.

Crazy 30% released a few of his own Avatars, and blocked the people who wanted to destroy her Nie Kong. On the rooftop surrounded by black, now there are only Nie Kong and a man and a woman standing there.

Of course, Chonggong Shina and Qinli are on their way.

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