There seems to be a long dream in the piano, and it is a nightmare that I have almost forgotten. The violent fire was burning, every family was burning, and the whole town was burning.

She saw herself collapse on the ground feebly and crying, only she was crying alone. She called her father mother and Shizhi elder sister, but no one was saving her.

While desperately waiting for the flame to burn, I was pleasantly surprised to see Shioris elder sister rushing in front of him from the flame. She grabbed her little hand to rush out, but the flame attached to Shiori’s body from her little hand.

“Don’t!” When the flame of his body burned my dear elder sister, Qin Li waked out of his dream with a cry. Her eyes didn’t seem to adapt to the strong light, she half-squinted her eyelids, and she could vaguely see a few familiar silhouettes.

In order to make the chaotic head sober, when Qinli was about to prop up her body, she only found a severe pain in her abdomen. She groaned and didn’t dare to move easily.

“ahhhh, are you awake, Qinli?” Shizhi’s worried cheek was blocked in front of her.

“It hurts…” Except for the abdomen, the pain in her head is torturing her nerve fiber endurance. She glanced at her abdomen and found a big sword inserted there-the princess’s tyrannical father.

She is confused and can’t figure out what happened. The only thing I can confirm is that he seems to lose control of his consciousness while fighting the nightmare. She couldn’t remember the rest. I only know that I seem to be dreaming, and I dreamed of the situation of the fire five years ago.

“Teacher, please…please pull out the tyrannical father, will you? The piano has recovered.” Shizhi wailed to Nie Kong. He seemed to feel a little embarrassed and almost took the younger sister. The lazy giant sword too terrifying.

Even so, there is really no small price to bring the piano back to normal. If the two women continue to fight, they are afraid that the consequences of brewing will be much more serious than they are now.


Nie Kong nodded, the spiritual outfit that controls the body is folded within the body. The giant sword inserted in the abdomen of the piano slowly turned into brilliant particles. That wound-the split section is burning. The flames ignited high, almost invisible wounds. Not long after, the fire slowly became smaller. Then, in the place where the flame swallowed, there appeared the body in the Qin that had been completely reborn.

“Um.” Qinli let out a comfortable cry, enjoying the heat of the flame that healed the wound and covering the severe pain, feeling very comfortable all of a sudden.

By the way, the final repair should have consumed her only strength, so the white kimono on the piano instantly emits faint rays of light and gradually disappears into the air.

Spirit outfit is the crystal of spirit strength, so once the spirit strength is lost, the spirit outfit will collapse as it should be by rights. The same situation happened when Toka and Shishino were sealed, so Nie Kong was already mentally prepared.

When the spiritual equipment disappeared, it emitted a faint rays of light. And the body of Lolita in the piano covered by rays of light finally appeared in Nie Kong’s eyes.

The slender curves, curving jade legs, and white skin have a breathtaking beauty. Her gorgeous red hair was draped in front of her, fresh and lovely with a lazy atmosphere.

Kuang San and they are very beautiful, but she has her own unique beauty and will not lose to any of them. The only regret is that there are no traces of development that a girl should have before Qinli Yuexun.

Qinli is afraid that it is not as good as elementary school students. After all, some elementary school students of 5-6 years in 2D have generally become xiaolongbao and feel soft.

Well, at least in my deep memory, I can’t bear to look back at the young and frivolous era. Although it was Angewomon’s persecution that time, he was responsible for the wrong amount.

Fortunately, it took Nie Kong a long time to compensate Sora and Mimi who had lost their lives in fifth grade. They are now 25~26 years old and live happily with Angewomon in the ring.

“Nie Kong, look, the part of her Moon Huong is so small, and the meat is so small, smaller than Shishino.” Who calls Shixiang is a straightforward character, So he said it without hesitation.

Shishino’s height and body shape are indeed similar to those of Koto, but you can compare two similar circles in size. How good is your eyesight?

“Ah…” The sisters Shizhi and Qinli suddenly realized that Shizhi hurriedly took off his shirt and covered Qinli’s white body.

“Well, did you do it with Nie Kong?” Shixiang continued, looking towards Nie Kong with suspicious eyes.

“Nonsense, it’s my business.” Nie Kong said flatly. If you are here to help promote development, I am afraid that the piano will be bigger than yours.

“Who said no, it’s probably because you just flattened it with a tyrannical man. The younger sister of Qinli is so pitiful.” Shixiang as it should be by rights said.

Nie Kong didnt tell her that its better for girls to grow up. Why would she understand? Little did she know that Nie Kong occasionally saw her body, and would be used to paying attention to Shixiang’s Yuehungkou, but seldom looked at Shishino, so Shixiang guessed it herself.

“I don’t do that kind of ethical things. The piano has always been very small, don’t you think, Shiori.” And the tyrannical public has such an effect, why don’t I know.

Shizhi woke up with a cry, blushing, afraid to speak. Shixiang is really true, how can you use that to make fun of the girl? Although the younger sister is indeed not developed, it is not the younger sister’s fault.

“wu wu…the elder sister of Shizhi, they work together to bully Qinli.” Qinli was tearful, hugging her beloved elder sister, and narrated her grievances.

Nie Kong stared at the crying face in Qin in amazement, seeing her weak side for the first time. I looked at the black hair band behind her and found that Red’s hair was not tied.

Tied with a black ribbon, the character is Sadist. If it is red, it is a cute younger sister type, which is very gentle and traditional. It is a pity.

Shizhi comforted Qinli. The scene of the sisters’ affection made Zhenna’s eyes full of envy and jealousy. Shizhi is her own elder sister, and Qinli you are just a righteous sister! !

Origami looked at the scene before him coldly, not participating in Nie Kong’s interaction with them. She opened the door alone, and left without saying a word.

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