The bitter hatred of origami, the reversal of the piano is out of control, and the two will definitely separate life and death. He didn’t have the ability to stop it at all, it would be great if Teacher was there. By the way, Teacher!

Shizhi’s stupid body glowed with new power, and he left the amusement park and moved straight to the place where Nie Kong lived. I keep reminding myself that time is running out, hurry up.

And when she left, the two origami girls let go of their hands and feet to fight. Wielding the blade of the scorching ghost in the piano, it slashed to the surface of the random area. The random area of origami seemed to barely block her fierce attack, but the head of origami was subjected to a strong load and screamed in pain.

The piano did not stop attacking, the blade attached to the flame burned very vigorously. The raised corners of the mouth formed a terrifying smile, and Qin Li continued to slash into the random area of origami with the flame blade continuously.

Obviously, that person is not in the piano, but the reversal body that destroys the impulse to devour consciousness.

“Ah!” After catching Qinli’s sixth slash, the random area protecting the origami was finally broken. Under a fierce attack, Origami hit several dozen meters fiercely from mid-air to the ground.

“What? Is it over? It’s really boring.” Qinli said in an icy tone. After Burning Fighter Ghost put the handle part in the body, the covering arm turned into a gun. Equipped with the right hand held high in the piano.

“Burning Fighter GhostCannon Form!”

The Burning Fighter Ghost spreads out on the surface, emitting red rays of light. The flames originally surrounding the piano are all Sucked into the front end of that equipment. Immediately afterwards, the muzzle inlaid with the arm was aimed at the origami in the piano in the sky.

With a sound of “hong”, the red muzzle ejected a hot pillar of fire, and the color of the concentrated flame turned deep red and blasted to the ground!

“cough cough…”

Origami touched his face with his hand, and couldn’t help but bit the root of his teeth after seeing the deep red blood on his hand. There is blood flowing from the nose and eyes. The limits of activity that have appeared in the forcible use of the military equipment.

In order to fight against the elves, I unconsciously overuse my brain. Origami gritted his teeth resentfully, and kept lying on his back looking at the pillar of fire hitting like a meteor.

I thought that after stealing CR-Unit, I could help myself kill the Balrog and get revenge. In the end, I just exploited my life and forced to fight with her that’s all, I was just dreaming.

“Am I going to die, hate it, I couldn’t avenge my parents…” I experienced harsh training like vomiting blood and sacrificed a lot of sleep time to study the display device. The most advanced equipment that causes a huge burden on the body, and the actual combat accompanied by death. Origami throws everything in it.

However, the result cannot be changed, and the power gained after sacrificing everything is still unable to defeat the elves in the end. The long battle of origami ultimately resulted in such a cruel reality.

“Are my…until now efforts in vain.” After Origami exhaled weakly, she was desperate.

Just as I closed my eyes, Origami heard a voice that was neither male nor female.

“I said, do you want power?”

“Huh?” After hearing the sudden sound, Origami opened his eyes and dragged his eyes very hard. Her body, and then she saw a certain life not understanding the complete truth standing in front of her.

I can clearly perceive that it exists there, but I cannot see its substance. It should be said that the resolution of existence itself is very low, giving people the illusion that the whole body is coded.

“What are you?”

“What I am is not important now. Compared with that idiot question, do you want to be extremely powerful without losing to anyone “

Origami held her breath, half-unconsciously, she was eager to become stronger and kill the Balrog in front of her.

“Of course I want that kind of thing!”

She yelled, her voice full of dedication to power: “I want power. No matter what , No matter what I have to sacrifice! I want to obtain the absolute power that can realize my tragic wish, and I want to surpass everyone…the strongest power!”

“A good answer, then I will give You, the power you expect.” She replied and smiled for a moment. With that said, moved towards Origami handed out something.

It emits a dazzling white light, like a gem-like object. Its gorgeous rays of light attracted the eyes of origami at once, and the white ones had no trace of impurities.

“Put out your hand and catch it.”

Origami didn’t hesitate, stretched out his hand and finally touched the pure white gem.

At the same time, the gem emits strong rays of light, which are absorbed into the origami body.

“Happened, gave birth…what happened?” Origami looked towards her chest blankly, and she couldn’t find the silhouette of the gem. He was about to raise his head to ask, but Origami stopped talking. That’s because something that had been in front of you just now suddenly disappeared!

I thought it was an illusion, but suddenly my heart began to beat violently, as if my body was glowing with new strength. Facing this unusual feeling that I had never experienced before, origami tightened his body.

The terrifying spirit strength fluctuates, radiating out to the entire Heavenly Palace City centered on her, causing a popping sound of air.

With the familiar buzzing alarm, a space shock occurred just two days later.

As if shining a ray of light in the dark space, before the arrival of the giant flame cannon, the dazzling rays of light collided with it.

The collision of white and red light ignited shock waves. Only saw the huge amusement park, razed to the ground in the aftermath of the explosion! !

The flame went out, but the rays of light did not disappear. A pure white glowing light cluster slowly rises from the smoke, like a small sun in the morning. At the moment there is a big sun, a little sun, and a little Fireball floating in the sky!

After getting acquainted with the dazzling light, I can finally see the silhouette wrapped in the light.

The long skirt that clings to the body along the curve of the body, the pure short skirt that blooms like a lotus flower. And the silk of light that floats in the ring of the head corolla. All are made of dazzling pure white, just like a bride’s beautiful wedding dress, dressing her as the most dazzling girl in the world. How beautiful, how shocking.

That is the special spiritual outfit of the elves. Origami finally turned into an angel-like elves at the moment of crisis!

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