After leaving the hotel, the setting sun unconsciously set to the west. Nie Kong hastened his pace. Needless to say, the direction of advancement isto the south, in the direction of Nankacho, Heavenly Palace City, where Origami has lived five years ago.

Although the time shuttle itself is a success, Nie Kong cant figure out how long Kuangsans twelve bullets will last five years ago. So we must act as soon as possible.

As soon as he approached the residential area, there was a sharp sirens from the street, fire trucks and emergency vehicles. At the same time, the surrounding air is twisting like hot steam.

The street in front is burning.

The terrifying fire rose from the house on the street. No signs were shown, and the fire spread over most of the area. The residential area scattered in the field of vision burned to bright red as if it had been attacked by air. The sound of burning flames, the sound of building collapse and the sound of sirens are intertwined with the screams of people, like a hell-like scene.

Nie Kongs Spiritual Consciousness found that Shiori was watching, although his eyes were anxious, he did not show up to comfort the crying piano. It is estimated that Shiori is praying, he will show up five years ago.

Kotori was staying in the park in the residential area of Nankkocho, sitting on the swing and kept tears. The flame was not under her control, and burst out from her body, burning everything around her.

Nie Kong didn’t notice how the First Elf turned the violin into a wizard, but found her vague body floating beside the violin. A vague mosaic blocked her appearance, and Nie Kong failed to discover her true identity. I just think her lazy figure is very familiar.

Nie Kong stepped from two kilometers to Nankada Town in one step, and was about to return to Shiori’s side, but from the noisy sound, Nie Kong could tell that someone was calling Kotori.

“Qinli, Qinli, where are you.”

The flames and thick black smoke are everywhere, and the vision can be said to be quite bad. But there was an eleven-twelve-year-old girl who was still searching the streets, coughing and shouting. She and Shizhi are so similar, they are almost carved out of a mold. Nie Kong recognized her at a glance, Shizhi, a primary school student five years ago.

“Hey, have you seen a girl about seven or eight years old with fire red hair.” She kept asking people who had fled the fire, but no one would take care of it at this time her.

How does Nie Kong feel that things are so different from the history that he knows? If you follow the method of Shizhi at this time, I am afraid that the whole street is burned out, and you may not find the piano.

I really cant look at it anymore, Nie Kong appeared in front of her and said to her: “Kid, leave quickly, otherwise the fire will burn you.”

Worried, she took Nie Kong’s arm anxiously, as if grabbing a straw, begging to ask: “Big Brother, have you seen a seven or eight-year-old red-haired girl, about the height of one meter two.” “

“Are you talking about the little girl crying on the swing in the park? I was going to hug her out, but she seems to be and the others.” Nie Kong said without thinking.

“Are you…in the park, thank you Big Brother. She is my younger sister. She just left to buy her a birthday gift. I can find that she is really good.” She looked at Nie with grateful eyes. Kong, thanked him and rushed towards the park.

Nie Kong always feels that he is going back to the present moment five years ago, specifically promoting the illusion of the development of history. He naturally did not leave, but followed him to the center of the incident, beside Shizhi.

“Woo, Teacher, you… Are you the Teacher from five years ago?” Shizhi saw Nie Kong and spoke without careful diction.

“Fool, I came after you, of course, five years later.” Nie Kong lightly said with a smile.

“Huh, I was shocked. I always thought… I thought I knew Teacher five years ago.” Shizhi said shyly.

Nie Kong sweats on his cheeks. In fact, Shiori feels right. He did meet her five years ago and helped her find the younger sister of Kotori, but he couldn’t tell her. The development of the matter, when he came out to disrupt the situation, it was a world-shaking change.

“Shiori, get closer, or you will burn the flames, Teacher protect you.” Nie Kong took her hand and said with concern.

“en.” She lowered her eyes and nestled her body beside Nie Kong. She only felt the hot roasting sensation, which disappeared all at once, with only a faint coolness and the rich taste of Nie Kong.

For an instant, she seemed to be Time Freeze, and she felt the smell of happiness in the fire. Nie Kong He watched the development of things quietly, and as time passed by, a twisted vortex appeared in the sky. If Nie Kong had no Spiritual Consciousness, he would certainly not have observed it.

The pure white “wedding dress” costume, the expressionless pretty face, and the wizard-like origami finally appeared five years ago. She hovered in the sky, scanning the scene of the fire.

“Shiori.” When I saw the young Shiori, the origami made a trembling sound. Thats right, its five years ago.

Origami swallowed and then moved his gaze away from Shiori’s body slightly, looked towards the Shiori who was paralyzed on the ground beside them, and saw the silhouette of that there.

Regardless of age, gender, or physique, there are no characteristics, but “something” is undoubtedly floating there, like an elf covered with a mosaic. .

Sure enough, its posture is very similar to the existence that bestows its spirit power. Is it the same existence, or just using the same method to hide your true identity, it is actually another existence?

But those things can be said to be insignificant to the current origami. She only knows that she has found it. After five years of shuttle time, she has found the murderer of her parents! !

At the same time, I can feel that my body temperature is dropping suddenly, and my body and mind are trembling. Consciousness became blank, and only the elf could be seen in his eyes.

Kill her, hate her for killing his parents.

The current origami is like a gathering of killing intents, a sharp blade, and the eyes are so cold that it can hurt others.

Nie Kong hugged origami tightly, she understood that it was finally time to get close to the truth, origami, what are you desperate for?

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