replicated the power of the origami extinction angel, but soon Nie Kong assimilated it with the energy of within the body, without showing any spiritual outfit.

And Origami urged Nie Kong to get ready to weave, so as to seal her overflowing spirit strength. Ever since she watched Nie Kong and Shi Zhizhi kiss, Nie Kong and Shixiang kiss, she didn’t know how much she envied them, now it’s her turn.

Although her parents were watching, she didn’t feel anything wrong. Nie Kong was afraid that the favorability of origami and Shiori would not be 90, so I had to kiss Shiori, and then don’t fight with origami. The origami parents were dumbfounded, wondering what the relationship between their three people was.

Nie Kong put her arms around her slender waist and put her hands on her hips. The moment the two touched, the origami body exploded with dazzling rays of light, and the body’s spiritual outfit dissipated into the air as light particles.

Her beautiful body nestled in Nie Kong’s arms without any barriers, and tasted Nie Kong’s body fluid in the middle grade. The power of the elves flowed into Nie Kong’s body, and a large part of it was transferred to Shiori’s body.

The two people separated their mouths, origami buried their faces in Nie Kong’s arms. I am really happy to be able to taste the taste of Origami and Nie Kong at the same time. The only ending is not perfect, because AST can’t tolerate the self who has been reborn as a wizard.

Who ever thought that those who hate elves and swear to kill all elves will become elves? The previous hatred was disappeared after she saw that she had killed her parents.

Nie Kong held her quietly, feeling her real body temperature, he almost lost her.

“Let’s go home.” The origami mother came from behind and came in front of the embracing two people, naturally took off a piece of house clothes outside and put it on the origami body. She even showed a lot of skin, wearing only one piece of underwear.

Nie Kong’s eyes estimated that her figure looks like a bird origami, and her skinny is not good.

Origami I didnt mind Nie Kong seeing her mother, and the morals and so on were all gone.

“Well, I’ll lead the way. Dad, mother, go back to our new home.” Origami covered the lithe and graceful body with clothes, and there was a warmth in the eyes that had not changed emotion before.

The home that used to fire has been destroyed. Of course, they have to live in the attic that Origami bought by themselves, the neighbor of Nie Kong’s family. After Shizhi waved goodbye to Nie Kong, he trot to his home, after all, it was late.

Back home, Nie Kong felt a long absence, as if it hadnt been back for a long time. Counting the time, it should only be half a day, but it took him back and forth twice five years ago, so he experienced a long time.

Shishinai looked at Nie Kong with caring eyes and asked him if he was injured, as gentle as ever. Shixiang complained that Nie Kong didn’t take her.

Probably after dinner, Nie Kong was about to clean up the dishes. As for Toka and Shitono, they had already rubbed their eyes and returned to their bedroom. The hand of time has already pointed to 11 o’clock in the evening, and the two good children who are used to going to bed early are of course sleepy.


“ding dong_” Suddenly someone rang the bell at the door, and Nie Kong was curious about who would knock on the door in the middle of the night.

Opening the door, I found Origami wearing loose pajamas, still holding a pillow in his arms. Inside the pajamas, the outline of the body and the color of the skin can be seen vaguely.

“Fold…origami, why are you here?”

“Because I gave up my family to my parents, I am going to rest at your home tonight.” Origami said very well. Naturally, as it should be.

“No way, your home and mine are similar in layout, there should be a lot of vacant rooms.” Nie Kong said.

“Teacher thinks too much. I have almost remodeled the spare room. It is full of institutions and cant live in.”

“Really?” Nie Kong thought for a while, she did. The room is full of institutions. When I first went to her home, I had machine guns and so on.


“Well, then you will stay in my house for one night temporarily. You should be familiar with the layout and rooms of my house. Find an empty one by yourself. “Nie Kong said to her without doubt.

Origami eyes gleaming, nodded, and quickly slipped to the second floor holding a pillow.

Nie Kong can’t count the number of times she has visited her home. Of course, she will be familiar with every place in Nie Kong’s house.

When Nie Kong finished taking a shower and returned to her bedroom in her pajamas, it was already 12 o’clock in the morning.

He opened the bedding and got his body inside. But Nie Kong discovered that a slippery loach got into his arms.

Nie Kong hurriedly opened the quilt and saw the origami without clothes. She was lying in Nie Kong’s arms, her calm eyes and Nie Kong looked at each other, and the drunken red appeared on her pretty face.

“Fold…origami. Didn’t I ask you to find an empty room? You should know that this room is my bedroom.”

“Well, you don’t mind I, please Teacher to sleep with your eyes closed. She finished speaking, and changed her riding position, pressing her buttocks against Nie Kong’s belly. Her eyes gleamed and she secretly glanced at Nie Kong’s body.

Nie Kong can you mind, a big beauty is slipping in her bed, who can sleep?

He stretched out his hand and squeezed the waist of the origami, her body shuddered, and her bones almost softened. She was riding Nie Kong’s body, in a posture that was about to push him back. No, the origami without morals is to really push him! !

Nie Kong let out a sigh of heat and hugged her tightly. His clothes gradually disappeared, and finally, in constant turning, only heard a groan of origami.

A strong gasp was passed from the bed. After a long time, the squirming sheets gradually calmed down. Origami has his eyes closed and his face is red and cute.

Nie Kong knows that origami is bold and doesn’t know what shame is. She will do things according to her own mind, and basically ignore the opinions of others.

She likes Nie Kong. After she dived into Nie Kong’s house boldly, she could imagine that she would act without morals. Nie Kong ignores her character and creates a scene of her night attack.

Looking at the origami sleeping in her arms, the relationship between Nie Kong and her has finally been sublimated. When she opened all her hearts. There was no hatred, no despair over killing her parents by mistake, and she was restored to her original form.

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