“It is now announced that we will expel Sergeant Yuichi Origami from AST after discussion.” In the Conference Hall of the AST base, the steady and low voice of a man broke the calm. Several men sat in a row, their expressions stern.

as it should be by rights As it should be by rights, she has lost the qualification to stay in AST at the moment when she saw the elves of origami.

The man sitting directly across from him, Admiral Kiriya spoke in a harsh tone.

Ryoko Hibakako, who is directly under the boss of the defense role, can only lower her face, and she did not speak. AST’s interrogation is just to punish the necessary process of origami.

The door of the room suddenly opened, and the men sitting in the room cast their eyes in that direction.

“Mr. Westcott?” Perceiving the strangeness from Tonggu’s surprised voice and expression, everyone glanced back. A man was standing at the door, and a girl who seemed to be a secretary accompanied him.

A tall man wearing a jet black suit. He has gray golden hair with a dull color and sharp eyes like eagle eyes. She is only three 15 years old at most, but she feels like she has gone through vicissitudes of life. After seeing the man’s appearance and hearing the name called by Lieutenant General Tong Gu, everyone frowned slightly.

Sir Isaac Ray Bellam Westcott, executive director of DEM. He served as a substantial senior executive in the world’s only company capable of manufacturing display devices.

“ahhhh, I’m sorry to disturb you.” After looking around the room, Westcott said in fluent Japanese, and gently shrugged.

“You… why did you come to Japan?” Kiriya said with a little surprise.

Wescott turned his head and looked towards Tonggu, and casually said: “I happened to have something to do in Japan, so I stopped by to visit Jinna. But I seemed to hear something interesting on the way.”

“Interesting things?”

Tonggu tilted his head to prove to him, Wescott strongly nodded and said with a smile:

“I heard you There was a team member who started DW-029 to fight the elves? And finally failed and became an elves. By the way, the black Demon King I saw in the video should be her, right? I should sigh for losing an excellent magic trick Teacher? Hehe, how could that happen, she should have been our strength.”

“Ike, your mouth is smiling.” A waitress on the side said.

“ahhhh, I’m sorry.”

Hearing the conversation between the two Wiscotts, Tonggu fell silent.

“Please dont get me wrong. I didnt condemn you. I am only interested in her personally. If you allow me, can I bring her back to DEM for a study.”


“Regarding Toiichi Origami, I’m sorry that she is no longer a soldier of our AST. But because no elf reaction was observed, she was judged to be a normal person.” Lieutenant General Kiriya said firmly.

Hehe, its really stupid to regard the reversal of rarely seen as an ordinary person. Westcotts mouth was mocking, and he said to everyone at AST: Okay, I have sent Zhenna to invite her to our DEM company. It shouldn’t violate your Japanese law.”

“That’s your DEM business. She has become an ordinary person now. , Originally wanted to catch her back to erase related memories, but because there is a tricky existence, it is difficult to shoot. If you can invite her to DEM, please help erase her memory about AST and display device.” Tonggu said.

“Hey.” With a mocking smile, Westcott left the Conference Hall with a young woman next to him, without saying yes.

“It’s really a bunch of idiots. They clearly saw the truth with their eyes, but they simply believed in the detection of the instrument.”

“After Zhenna brought her back to DEM , The result will be detected again. Its really hard to see, its a perfect reversal body. Its a pity that we are a step late.”

“Yes. Ailian, you havent talked to the wizard for a long time. Fight, I believe she will bring you new pleasure.” Westcott smiled.

But the woman’s cheek twitched slightly, and after a second of silence, she resolutely said: “Of course. No matter who the enemy is, I will not lose.”


As everyone knows, the Zhenna they sent was in the origami home, and had just passed back from Latatosk who was in the sky of ten thousand meters. After she learned about her body, her pretty face didn’t have a trace of blood.

It seems that after understanding the truth, it was a big blow to her.

“How about it, you should know it.”

“Hehe, things are really unpredictable. DEM took me in, but it only used me as a tool It’s only ten years, what can you do in ten years.” Zhenna said with a wry smile.

“Latatosk’s strategy to save the elves, then you already understand it.” Origami asked.

“Qinli told me that I never thought that Shiori’s elder sisters actually possess the special ability to seal elves. The way they save elves is really strange. I…I have decided , I quit the job of helping the elder sister of DEM. For ten years, it is better to be by the side of the elder sister.” She smiled relieved, but her cheeks were a bit bitter.

“Nothing at worst, your physical problem, I think Teacher can help you. Don’t forget, Kuangsan absorbs a lot of time from Teacher’s body, but Teacher is nothing at all.” Origami Said.

“Well, Shiori elder sister is the same as you said, brother-in-law is really a very incredible person. By the way, do you associate with the brother-in-law you are now?”

“Wh…what, what are you…what are you talking about!” Panic appeared on the rare origami cheeks, as if they had guessed.

Zhen Na stared at Origami intently, and Origami took a step back. Zhenna flushed, and at the same time asked origami again in a cautiously tone.

“Origami, could it be said that you have already tweeted?”

“Tweet? Hmm, kissed!” After Origami answered nonchalantly, he opened his eyes suddenly .

“No…to have no shame!”

“Cold…to have no shame!”

“Didn’t expect Brother-in-law will actually become Pretty boy! It feels so sad! Correct! He must be corrected! With me and elder sister, its not enough, but I tweeted you.” Really screamed.

“Well, it’s right. With me and Shizhi, I don’t have enough, we must correct it.” Origami agreed.

“What are you talking about, Mingzhen is going to marry three elder sister and brother-in-law, it’s none of your business.” Jinna said with a frown.

“No, Teacher belongs to me and Shiori. Um, wrong, Shiori and Teacher are mine.”

“…” Jinna pointed Origami, speechless for a time.

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