When the storm disappeared, the sky returned to the subtropical weather with clear and bright sun and a gentle breeze.

At the height of several hundred meters, a woman is supporting a man soaring at extreme speed. The woman is dressed in a silver white Mecha, with four propellers installed behind her to support her high-speed navigation. The man was bloodied, and he could see that his left arm had been broken.

“hehe! As we are now, the battle seems to have failed. It is a rare experience for you, Ellen!!” The middle-aged man supported him. His young girl said with a smile. That’s right, that voice was not someone else, it was Ike Westcott, the executive officer of DEM. Originally, a single arrow shot by Nie Kong and Ba Wu smashed the ship of several hundred meters, but the two inside the ship were not dead! !

The familiar laughter reached Ellens ears, she said with a bitter smile: “Ike, Im very sorry, its all my responsibility!”

Wishkao As if seeing through Ailian’s thoughts, he laughed again.

“Don’t blame yourself, if you didn’t help me, I would have been buried in that arrow.” It turned out that Ailian instinctively sensed the danger coming when the arrow came. She quickly activated the wiring suit and unfolded the field and escaped with Ike.

The sorcerer known as the strongest mankind, she can play the strongest formidable power of the wiring suit, and her strength is stronger than that of Shixiang who is in a reversed state. She was able to rescue Ike, and Ailian didn’t have much pride. If it weren’t for Ike’s safety, Ailian really wanted to fight Bawu and the others.

“It’s so strange. The man named Nie Kong is obviously a human, but he can use the power of a berserker. Ike, why are there humans in the world who can manipulate the power of elves? “

“I’ve seen him copy the spirit strength in the video before, but when I witnessed it with my own eyes, I realized that it was really shocking.” Ike said with squinting eyes.

“Are there any human beings with spirit strength? Hehe, he has no data from six months ago at all, or can you say that he was originally a spirit?”

“We don’t know if there is The fairy.” Ailian whispered.

“In this battle, we lost a battleship and a number of technical talents. However, in the battle, it can be confirmed that the princess and the hermit have used their elves to integrate into the human world to survive, and witness the special abilities of his angels. , Has already made a lot of sense. And behind them, there must be Latatosk’s help-those lunatics who claim to be able to get along with the elves.” Ike gritted his teeth.

“Ike, don’t worry, I will do it myself next time.” Ailian said.

“hehe, yes, that is our strongest wizard, let the elves see the power of our human beings.” Ike’s pale face laughed and said, “Now I will return to the headquarters of DEM for now. Well, although my injury is not very serious, I cant bleed too much and die.”


The entire island is completely destroyed, so the view is more recent. Time is more open. The taller trees in the house were destroyed by the storm.

Nie Kong released the blushing eight dances, sucked the spirit strength of the body into the body, refining cleanly, and returned to normal. After all, the weird queen leather outfit, the non-mainstream outfit with chains and shackles, Nie Kong can’t afford to hurt it.

And a few minutes later, the blushing Bawu sent out rays of light, and began to separate and change back to two people-Yuxian and Ye Juya!

“Kuku, the arrow issued by our cooperation is the strongest in the world.”

“Agree, our Bawu and Nie Kong have the strongest wind.” After speaking, the two clenched their fists and touched each other, and moved towards each other and smiled. Completely different from the previous attitude, the two now seem to have made up. The body’s spiritual outfit changed into a black and white bikini, wrapping their beautiful position.

“By the way, by the way, Hongu and Yuxian will survive in the future, right? What do you want to do, Yuxian?” Ye Juya said curiously.

“AnswerYu Xian wants to go to Nie Kong’s school. Where’s Yakuya?”

“Hongu? Well, I want to taste ten incense first Last night, when Bing Zhu Ye talked about the delicious dishes, especially the soy flour bread, I heard they were delicious. Secondly, I went to Nie Kong’s school like Xi Xian.”

“ahhhh… Thats great. Ah haha, if its Yakushi, it will definitely become the object of admiration of school boys.”

“Kuku. That is impossible.”

“Huh? Why?”

“Answer. Because Xixian is also there. So Xixian will be as popular as Hongu.”

“Um. Then wait until after class , Shall we go shopping in the streets of human beings during school hours?”

“Agree. Yakushis proposal is very attractive, Xixian wants to go to the cake shop to taste snacks…”

“Okay, okay, I see, but the fees have to be paid separately.” The two women were next to Nie Kong, each minding their own business, talking about the good life in the future.

“You seem to have forgotten the important point.” Nie Kong interrupted their delusions of happiness in time and said with a wry smile.

“Mm, Nie Kong, do you have any comments? You won my first kiss with two beautiful girls, Yuxian. You should be so happy to dance.” Ye Juya saw Nie Kong came out and said with a flushed face and arms.

“Apologize, will it cause you trouble?” Xi Xian said with a low face apologetically.

“Its not that problem. Combination is just to change your 1st Step. If you want to live in human society, you must seal the power of your elves. Otherwise, the power of the eight elves that your body possesses, It will cause trouble to human society.” Nie Kong said, shaking his head.

“That…that’s just a small matter. Just take a snapshot and seal our power as you said.”

“Agree. Although we have time, we will implement it as soon as possible. It’s better.”

The two women heard Nie Kong’s words and realized that the storm they had would harm humans as they do now, so they didn’t feel dissatisfied.

“Although I really want to hurry up, there must be a condition to be sealed, and you must really like me.” Nie Kong said with a slight smile.

“Hey eh…”

The two women screamed silently, which is exactly the opposite of what they said to Nie Kong yesterday. Yesterday they said they had to ask Nie Kong to pick out the girl he liked the most.

“Nie Kong…Nie Kong, you didnt even say that you like…who among our sisters do, now we are…are we obsessed with you?”

“Simple , Xixian has… already reached the standard.”

The two women were flushed and stood in front of Nie Kong with their eyes down.

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