Seeing that Nie Kong had prepared a rich breakfast, the eyes of the three women in Yayi were bright, and they had a cheeky meal at Nie Kong’s house. Unprecedentedly delicious, they finally understand why Shixiang and the others are confident in Nie Kongs barbecue cuisine and won Eibe Nishi High School! ! The three girls are envious of looking at Shixiang, because they can taste that delicious delicacy every day!

After breakfast, Sanyi pulled him out of the door for fear that he would slip away. What’s strange about Nie Kong is that the direction they led is not right with the one who came to Zen High School. Didn’t they say they want to go to the music classroom to practice the songs he wrote.

“Before the orchestra’s practice begins, there will be a joint meeting of various schools for the Tianyang Festival at ten o’clock today, so please ask Teacher to accompany us to finish the meeting.” Ya Yi said nonchalantly.

“Yi! What’s the matter with me for your students’ voluntary meeting?” Nie Kong was surprised.

“What does it matter? Teacher just stopped by and didn’t ask you to participate in the discussion.”

“Yes, we have a large group of cute girls with us, Teacher, you should Be happy. Mei Yi and Mai said one after another, and Nie Kong could hardly refute them for good reasons.

“Okay, but don’t waste too much time. I don’t have time to play with your students.” Nie Kong couldn’t refuse. Now he has gone to his destinationthe joint conference venue. Nie is dispatched. Kong and Shixiang are nine of them.

The crowded Nie Kong arrived at the meeting place, in front of a school with high walls. The plaque at the entrance reads seven characters, Longdan Temple Women’s College, the meeting place of the original joint conference actually opened inside.

Iron decorative fences extend from the left and right sides of the solemn school gate made of red bricks, and lush hedges can be seen between the gaps.

Behind the gate, a road paved with red brick stretches straight ahead, and at the end is a magnificent school building like a castle. Perhaps it is because of the preparation of club activities or Tianyang Festival. Even if today is the weekend of the holiday, you can see the sporadic silhouettes of students. The private Longdan Temple Girls Academy has many children of Upright Sect nobles studying here. It is one of the very best schools in Heavenly Palace.

Strictly guarded, luxurious and magnificent, and Laizen High School are basically two levels. I’m afraid that if a man broke into it, dozens of guards would immediately be surrounded with batons.

Tenxiang was looking up at the school building, his eyes glowing and said: “Oh…its so spectacular, Nie Kong, is there a school too?”

“It seems thats right, Go in first.”

“en!” Shixiang in great spirits answered like this, while Origami was silently nodded.

Nie Kong entire group came to the campus after showing relevant certificates in front of the guards. Many girls were surprised to look at Nie Kong and them. They are so conspicuous because of Nie Kong, eight lovely and beautiful girls, surrounded by handsome man with red hair.

Even in the Longdan Temple, it is rare to see such amazing girls, but now there are six. The remaining three are slightly inferior. Needless to say the man, none of the nine women could conceal his temperament.

Take the visitors elevator school building and go through the corridor to the destination venue.

Ya Yi took Nie Kong and the others to a magnificent office. Nie Kong opened the door and brought the nine girls to the Conference Hall.

There are already many students in all kinds of clothes gathered in the room, maybe it is still some time before the meeting, it is very lively. The long tables are arranged side by side in a square, and the nameplate with the name of the high school has been hung there. Many students have not yet taken their seats according to the signs, talking and laughing with others.

be that as it may, the Shizhi who just took over as the executive committee yesterday couldn’t find a familiar face at all, only Yayi and the others were familiar with greeting a few people. Nie Kong took a few women and sat in the empty seats at the long table.

Not long after, someone knocked on the door of the Conference Hall.

Nie Kong was feeling strange when he found that the students in the room were all looking up and looked towards the door.

Seeing everyone’s reaction, Nie Kong frowned unconsciously. Who is the person outside?

It came from the other side of the door, listening to a gentle voice that was a little unspirited.

“Excuse me.”

After hearing that sentence, the door slowly opened.

Those neatly lined up into the room are a group of girls wearing deep azure sailor suits.

Next, the young girls are like courtiers welcoming the famous team, standing in two rows with their faces down, as if welcoming their noble kings. Compared to the arrival of Nie Kong, the pomp is bigger. Nie Kong is only accompanied by nine women. Now someone has brought out dozens of women, he has to take it!

When many students were surprised, a graceful student came out from the center of the two rows of girls like a queen.

The young girl with loosely tied long hair has light-colored hair that emits blue and purple radiance in the light, dancing with the wind.

The eyes that shine with silver rays of light, the beautiful face. Although she is wearing a sailor suit of the same style as the young girls around her, her overwhelming beauty and temperament exudes her beauty and elegance. She is indeed an amazingly beautiful girl. If she walks in a busy commercial street, her return rate should be 100% possible.

“What…what?” After seeing her silhouette, Shiori held his breath consciously. She stared wide-eyed, staring straight at the beauty that appeared, as if she had seen something very surprised.

“Hello everyone, and welcome everyone to come to this Gentian Temple Girls’ College.” After the girl finished speaking in a very contented tone, she bowed her head and said hello. The sound is very sweet and beautiful, like a string rhythm played by nature without impurities.

Hearing her voice, Shiori was already convinced. The girl who appeared in front of her was the singing wizard she met last night, identifying the famous singer.

“I am the executive chairman of the Longdan Temple Women’s Academy Tianyang Festival, tempting Xiao Meijiu!”

Nie Kong admiringly looked at the slim girl in front of him, he couldn’t help but secretly Praised. The voice is sweet and pleasant, the figure is tall and plump, and the face is cute and beautiful. In terms of the girl’s personal charm, she should be ranked first in the dating world!

Is she really a lily? Nie Kong didn’t dare to confirm it immediately, because she didn’t find any disgust for the men in the field who looked at her.

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