“Teacher, is it really okay?” After watching Mei Jiuru leave with her toys, Shiwei asked worriedly .

“The attitude of Meijiu towards humans is almost like rubbish. I am not confident that I can get her favor, so I can only rely on her initiative to put forward the game.” Yes, she said Beautiful humans are treated as dolls, not as a single lily tendency! ! Just because she is now studying at the Gentian Girl Academy, and only beautiful girls make her fun that’s all. After seeing Nie Kong and Shizhi, he immediately said that they would go to Longdan Temple to live.

“Then…then even if Teacher wins her, if…if we don’t get her favor, we can’t seal her spirit strength at all!” Shizhi said of his concerns, because there is no A good impression, it is useless to kiss her after winning over Meijiu.

“haha, if there is no accident, then there is really no way to deal with her. Shiori, you missed a little possibility.” Nie Kong chuckled, seeing her cuteness, could not help She held her arms in her arms.

“Wh…what.” Shi Zhi blushed and nestled quietly in Nie Kong’s arms.

“As Meijiu’s own spirit strength, it is actually a key loophole that seals her.”

“Ah, Teacher, you already know what she has. Already?” Shizhi raised his blushing face, looking towards Nie Kong.

“From the content of the conversation with her just now, I have already guessed it.”

“Yes…Is there, why didn’t Nashiori notice it.” Shi Zhi asked foolishly.

“Because everyone likes me so much, they will listen to me obediently.”

Nie Kong copied Meijiu’s original words and explained: ” She can make others fall in love with her, and the result of liking her in the end, of course, she can only be her loyal servant obediently, just like the girls on her side. So her first ability should be to be able to use spirit strength to make a sound Capture other hearts.” As long as you use that voice, everyone will like her and tolerate her willful things.

Nie Kong said her own guess, her voice ability is not much different from the original Meijiu, the key personality is a bit worse than the original.

Shizhi seemed to understand, he put his finger against his chin to think. After quite a while, she showed a frightened expression and panicked: “If she would use that ability against us, could it be that we…we really…will force to like her?”

” Don’t worry, she has used it just now, but it has no effect on the two of us, otherwise how could it suddenly say that we are elves?” Nie Kong lightly said with a smile.

“en!” Shizhi sighed in relief. If she wants to force her to like others, she just thinks that it is already very bad.

“So it’s very simple. Just copy her ability after winning her and force her to like me. Using that gap, copying Shiori’s power should be able to seal her easily. “Nie Kong whispered in her ear. Meijiu overestimated her own power and tried to control them to protect herself against the wizards of AST! But now Shixianghe Origami, she can’t control it at all.

If it weren’t for Nie Kong to save all the elves, if it weren’t for her despair before she became an elf, he would not like a girl with that personality. Now I can only seal her power first and enlighten her slowly.

“Ah…ah, it turns out that Teacher…Teacher has already planned it, Na Shizhi is relieved.” He is used to relying on Nie Kong, so Shizhi didn’t feel anything wrong.

After leaving the Longdan Temple, the three girls kept asking Nie Kong what they said to Meijiu. The Eight Dance Sisters inspected Nie Kong’s body and said that Nie Kong belonged to their sisters, but they could not miss anything without their permission.

Nie Kong gave them a white look. If you lose the seeds of your body within the body, it would be strange if you can find out.

“Meijiu students challenged us to come to Zen High School, saying that the Longdan Temple Girls Academy will definitely win the championship on the first day of the Tianyang Festival! And those who lose must agree to a condition of the party. “Nie Kong briefly told Origami the content of the conversation with Meijiu two or three times, of course, omitting the content that Yai and the others could not listen to.

He didn’t intend to hide it, and it’s only strange that he can fill that ghost origami.

“Kuku, you are so bold, you dare to challenge our Eight Dance Sisters.”

“Sadly, there is Yakushi and Yuxian, nothing can beat.”

Origami tilted her face and asked: “Then what conditions did she offer for victory?” As expected of Origami, I asked the key points all at once.

“If we lose, then the few of us must transfer to Longdan Temple School. It is estimated that we will serve her like her side girl.” Shizhi said with a frown, still a little angrily.

“It’s so disgusting, I dare to hit our minds. The Holy War between the two schools has begun. We must defeat their Longdansi High School when we come to Zen.” Ya Yi gritted his teeth and raised a gesture. Own little fist.

“Although I don’t know what happened, Shixiang must win the game.” Shixiang said with a cute expression.

“Well, leave it to me!” After Origami and Toka had finished speaking in unison, they looked at each other and found that the original rivals were in a tacit understanding at this moment.

“Yes, yes, defeat Longdan Temple, even if your opponent is Yuxiao Meijiu.”

“Come to Zen High School, you will win.” Meiyi and Mai fear the world. Chaos, shouting loudly.

“Lets go back to school and train now. You are under a lot of pressure to lure Xiao Meijiu to perform on the same day.” Just and honourable challenge, and the opponent is an active idol, the difficulty is not ordinary.

“What is there to worry about? The Tianyang Festival is more than just a show by the stage orchestra. Teacher, your barbecue booth is also the key to victory.” Ya Yi glanced at Nie Kong, “Teacher you Don’t think about it.”

“Well, it is difficult to control the victory of the entire Tianyang Festival by seducing Xiao Meijiu alone. As long as you work hard to prepare, there is nothing to worry about.” Nie Kong nodded, even if they lose, Meijiu can’t help but the origami and ten incense after Dual Cultivation, the level difference is too big.

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