To change the world 30 years ago, it is many times more difficult than Nie Kongs change five years ago, such as the pyramid-shaped structure of the bearing of time. If it really changes to Kuangsan, then the dating world can become incredible, and the dwindling power of faith will immediately dry up.

When she came back from a serious injury, she first thought of only Nie Kong. Both the body and the mind are very eager to see Nie Kong, so she will sneak into his bed immediately.

“Nie Kong Teacher, can you help me change the present vain world, accompany Kuangsan back to 30 years ago. If it is you, it can really change the fact that elves will be born.” Kuangsan His fingers kept wrapping around Nie Kong’s cheeks, his enchanting body was wrapped around his sturdy body, and his mouth was sighing against Nie Kong’s ears.

She is desperate whether she can break the barriers of the world 30 years ago with her own strength. But Nie Kong Teacher is different. Last time he was able to bring back alive people from five years ago. Although it has little effect on the present, it can’t obliterate the fact of change.

Nie Kong suddenly hugged her body hard and whispered: “I refuse.”

Kuang San’s body was shaken, muttered: “Why?” She was very lost , I thought that after combining with Nie Kong, Nie Kong could feel his mood.

“If you change, then you will not show up. How can you tolerate the disappearance of you in front of me!” Nie Kong understands the reason why she changed, because she hates herself absorbing others in order to live The act of life! ! Even if she fends and perishes on her own, the spirit crystals bred by the elves within the body will also be able to create a second “Tokazaki Kuangsan”, unless the existence of the root is changed, so she has her tragic wish.

After the Dual Cultivation with Nie Kong just now, she has actually been able to transcend the shackles of dating World Rule and has the power to change. Of course Nie Kong dared not point it out to her.

“I really hope that you can abandon the identity of the elves like Shixiang and others and live happily in the world. When there is no time, please don’t hurt others. I can give Kuangsan anytime. Suck,” Nie Kong said.

“Hehe, Nie Kong Teacher is so cute. How can elves live freely, even if you dont care, do you think wizards from all over the world might agree.” The third madman is propped on Nie Kongs upper body , Leaning on the lithe and graceful upper body, looking down at Nie Kong with evil eyes.

The posture of male and female riding and shooting, the scenery is unique, and it can highlight the silhouette of the two groups hanging.

“You are wrong, the world has changed a lot during the time you disappeared. At present, Heavenly Palace has become a special administrative region for elves, and the nations of the world have recognized that elves have the same right to exist as humans! “Nie Kong told Kuang San one after another what happened the other day.

“As long as all the elves are gathered in Heavenly Palace City for management, and the power of the Shiori is used to limit their spirit strength, will there be any difference between elves and humans?”

Kuang Sans eyes flashed with strange rays of light, she was really surprised that Nie Kong could do that kind of thing. In this way, no wizards will hunt them anymore, and the elves’ spatial shock hazards can be controlled.

Only Nie Kong Teacher can do that, because only he can manage all the elves in the world! Seriously, Kuangsan was really happy when she heard that Nie Kong was willing to give her time to smoke.

It turns out that some people really want to be flexible, no matter what others think, Nie Kong has always accepted them.

Of course she longs for freedom to live, and she wants to enjoy the happiness of being one with Nie Kong again. And now Nie Kong has untied her from the ropes, and the persistent and tragic wish like before origami is dissipating little by little.

“Stop talking about the silly things that made the elves and themselves disappear, stay and live with us.” Nie Kong brushed her scattered black hair and said into her eyes.

Nie Kong has already said that, I hope Kuangsan’s mind will not be stubborn.

“hehe, Nie Kong Teacher, you know Kuangsan. Although I have convinced you, Kuangsan is not an obedient child like Shixiang and others.” Kuangsan bites hard. I stayed with Nie Kongs mouth, I cant bear to live with them peacefully and live with them. Indeed, as she said, Nie Kong cant imagine the scenes of Kuangsan in daily life because of her Character dictates. Can you live peacefully with Shixiang and the others? Nie Kong got the negative answer. She will only be alone, it is difficult to have a good relationship with them.

Even the girl living in Nie Kong’s ring, there is no one who has a personality similar to Kuangsan.

“Is it really bad?”

“I dont want to stay together all day long. If you have time, please come and visit Nie Kong Teacher again and again. Dont forget the crazy Three.” Kuangsan let out a coquettish smile.

“Okay.” Nie Kong couldn’t force it and had to do it.

“I will stay in Heavenly Palace City.” Kuangsan said.

“Of course, Heavenly Palace is now an administrative district of the elves. There is just one thing, I hope you can help me pay attention.”

“Hehe, Nie Kong Teacher can’t do it. What happened, I really want to hear it.” Kuangsan glanced at Nie Kong and said with interest.

“About the second elf imprisoned by DEM, I hope you can find out her location. It would be best if you can bring her back to Heavenly Palace.”

“Aiya, that’s a coincidence, I have been checking her news before.” Kuang San said in surprise.

Because the Twelve Bullets had to consume the life of an elf 30 years ago, so Kuangsan hit her with his idea and secretly searched for her news.

Now DEM has no wizards, but there are too many branches in the world, so I can only trouble your Avatar to find out. Although Nie Kong has Spiritual Consciousness, its a pity that there is nothing about the appearance of the Second Elf. Information. Even if Spiritual Consciousness saw it, they couldn’t recognize it.

“Understood, I will help Nie Kong Teacher gather all the elves in our country. But before leaving, let Kuang Grade 3 taste the taste of Nie Kong Teacher.” Kuang San’s Her face flushed suddenly, Nie Kong already knew what she was thinking.

He didn’t refuse Kuangsan, twisted her waist, and the two became one again. Kuangsan’s cheerful laughter came from the room.

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