“wu wu wu!”

Suddenly, a sharp alarm sounded from the speakers installed in various areas of Heavenly Palace City. Its appearance broke the quiet and serene morning and awakened those who were still asleep.

In the face of the shock that they have become accustomed to, the citizens yawned and went to the nearest air-raid shelter. It used to be several times a month, but now the frequency of spatial earthquakes is much lower than the original frequency! They often bought all kinds of insurance and didn’t lose much, and some even made a fortune. Therefore, they did not become alienated by the earthquake in Heavenly Palace City, but instead lived in a lot of people.

The spatial shocks that are occurring now are more intense than ever before! ! The fluctuation of spirit strength faintly smells of destruction, and it is necessary to raze Heavenly Palace City to the ground.

The lively siren and the bumpy vibration woke up Nie Kong in his sleep. When he was about to wake up, he found a girl clinging to his body like an octopus.

The silky skin like milk, the flowing violet hair, the exquisite face to the extreme, combine to form the top beauty-Meijiu! Especially the huge soft oppa made his body weak.

Nie Kong finally got all of Meijiu as she wished last night. Her mature female body and sweet voice gave Nie Kong the most enjoyment, and she was a little bit overwhelmed.

“Mijiu, something happened, hurry up.” Nie Kong squeezed her face, trying to wake Mijiu who was in a cute sleeping position.

Because of the impact of the space shock, the overlapping bodies of the two were shaking. For a moment, Mei Jiu, who was still united with Nie Kong from last night until now, has a blush on her face.

“Mmm, Lord Nie Kong is really…really H. You will bully Meijiu early in the morning, don’t…don’t shake it, you…you are going to kill Meijiu.” Half-dream and half-awake state, Where did Meijiu tell that there was a space shock?

“Come on, that’s force majeure.”

In other words, that’s a space shock. The car shock is so weak compared to it!

“Hey, Master Nie Kong is so powerful, shake it harder!” But Meijiu, who closed her eyes, enjoyed the turbulence of the space. If it is seen by those who lost their lives in the space shock, they must be resurrected with anger!

“Brother-in-law, there is a space shock alarm.” Ka-cha at the door forcibly twisted open, revealing Zhang He Shizhi’s five 60% similar cheeks.

When she saw the situation inside, she immediately widened her eyes and screamed. Brother-in-law…brother-in-law is carrying elder sister and other girls…girls, they do that kind of thing! !

When they heard the horrible cry, Shixiang and the others gathered around, with different reactions.

Shishino blushed, looking sadly at Nie Kong. Shixiang bulged his face and was already emotional. Origami is a lot more natural. Each minding their own business takes off their clothes and says it’s their turn.

“Mum, I’m so mad, how can we do that with our Eight Dance Sisters and Nie Kong behind my back!!”

“Tenchu, you must tie Meijiu to Enter Rosario.” The two sisters said, aggressive rushed to the front of Meijiu, one of them held Meijiu’s side and pulled her out of Nie Kong’s arms.

“Wu wu, you guys, what are you going to do, don’t… don’t bother me and Lord Nie Kong.” After we separated, Mei Jiu, who was still looking forward, looked at the eight dance sisters on the left and right and shouted.

The Eight Dance Sisters have no meaning of softness. First, the bowstrings that Xi Xian transformed into, separated her hands and put her on the wall, forming a beautiful Rosario.

“hmph hum, accept the punishment obediently.” Ye Juxian hummed.

“Agree! Your bold actions must be forgiven by confessing to Jesus.” Even Toka and Shitono were nodded to support the Bawu sisters, calling Meijiu confession.

“Although it is worthy of sympathy, Shiito has never tried it. It is forbidden to win love with a horizontal sword!” Shiito said in a comical tone that Shiito said what was in his heart. Nai was so ashamed to cover his mouth hard.

And Meijiu really wants to cry without tears, she almost works, at least… I have to bear it for a few more seconds. Now he opened his body in a cross shape and was exposed in front of them, and there was no strength to resist.

“ahhhh, brother-in-law, you have to explain to Zhenna, obviously I already have an elder sister.” From the shock of the incident, she came back to his senses, she looked towards Nie Kong, but look After reaching his body, the cute face turned into ketchup.

Nie Kong hurriedly stopped the undressed origami, and began to put on the clothes discarded beside her with both hands.

“Hey, you guys, stop making trouble, what time is it now.”

“hu hu……” The girls finally wake up, and now new elves appear It is necessary to control the harm caused by the space earthquake. Because Heavenly Palace City has become their special administrative region.

Such a strong spatial shock, the level is much stronger than Shixiang’s! And most of the elves that can cause the space shock already live in Nie Kong’s house, so it can be guessed that a new elves have appeared.

“Well, for the time being, I will spare any bastards who dare to attack my brother-in-law at night. Just now Qinli has greeted us to Latatosk and said that he wants to discuss information about the elves with us.”

Now Latatosk has become another organization, known as the Elf Guard, owned by Nie Kong. Of course, the main management is still the Wuheqin of the Elf Balrog.

The matter was a bit urgent, so Nie Kong skipped the breakfast and took a few women to the ship at ten thousand meters high after washing.

Shizhi and Qinli have arrived early, but Shizhis long black hair is still a bit messy. Perhaps due to an immediate spatial shock, he hurriedly woke up and came to the base directly with younger sister Qinli. Time to sort out.

“You…you are here, Nie Kong Teacher.” When she found that Nie Kong was here, she hurriedly moved her hair with her fingers, almost afraid to face Nie like she is now Kong Teacher.

Zhenna pouted her mouth, and quietly pulled Shizhi in her ear and muttered a few words, and Shizhi’s complexion turned red. With a gaze that was several times larger than before, Youyou glanced at Nie Kong. It made Nie Kong think that Shizhi had become a deep-seated woman. Looking at her situation, I can guess that the talkative Zhenna told Shiori about the situation just now.

In the piano tied with black ribbon, sitting in the captain’s seat, skillfully directing the crew below to start their work.

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