The day after the seven sins were sealed, Nie Kong took her back to her attic. Without any accident, Nie Kong had an additional tenant, eight women and one man gathered to live in the three-story wooden attic.

Janna MM is very worried about the birth of Nie Kong, and often talks in his ears about the idea of keeping away from the elves and cherishing Shiori’s elder sister. Obviously he was jealous, and he just pretended to be thinking of Nie Kong.

Nie Kong only said that when she took Shizhi to stay at home during the winter vacation for a few days, she became grinning. As for the Seven Sins, after living with Nie Kong and the others, they showed their studious spirit to learn the techniques of dressing and nursing from Meijiu and the others, striving to become beautiful.

No one will ignore her, Nie Kong, they all regard her as a friend, and they can taste delicious food every day. Seven Sins finally understand what they call a happy life!

At the end of the noisy day, Nie Kong climbed the stairs from the living room to the bedroom on the second floor.

“Kuku…you should be honored, Nie Kong. After all, you are the only one who can dedicate his life for Hurricane Gemini_awu.”

“Happy, no one can stop us.”

The voices of two women came from behind, and Nie Kong glanced at the back. Standing there are the eight dance sisters who have the same looks and wear cute pajamas. Slimming Ya Juya with her hair braided into a lock, wearing a white primer and black lace. On the contrary, Xixian, who braided her hair into three strands and has a model-like figure, has black primer and white lace.

The eight dances Ya Juya, and the eight dance Xixian. They were twin elves whose spirit strength was sealed by Nie Kong during their summer vacation. As a result of the Shishino incident, they have become much more diligent now! Had it not been for Shixiang and their interference, the two women would have lost their purity.

At this time, the two women smiled very proudly. After quietly shutting the door to death, they hugged Nie Kong to the front of “Hiroki” and pushed Nie Kong into the bed.

“Where are Shixiang and the others.” Nie Kong asked strangely.

“Kuku, those who dare to hinder our Bawu have been sanctioned.”

“Explanation, we are too troublesome to blow them away with a storm Now Nie Kong belongs to our eight dance sisters.”

“Kuku, give your body to our eight dances.”

“Support, Nie Kong body Every part of it belongs to the common property of our sisters.” The two women’s cheeks are flushing, it seems that it is not the decent and generous that they showed, with the sweet shyness of the girl.

“Which one of your sisters will come first.” Facing the identical sisters, Nie Kong hesitated for a few seconds even though his body was burning. It seems that if he chooses someone, both parties will not be satisfied.

“Sure. Yakushi is more beautiful than Yuxian, so please Nie Kong to give Yakushi first.”

“Umm… it’s obviously that Xixian’s figure is better. .”

“Negative. Yae Juya is more cute”

“Your fellow, Yuxian.”

“Fight back. Yae Juya! “

While blushing and arguing, the cheeks of Yakiya and Yuxian gradually became red and they folded their fingers together. The two closely sandwiched Nie Kong tightly between them, and acted in a scene of Kong Rong’s intestines.

Nie Kong finally understood how stupid he was. He had known how good it was for him to make decisions without authorization, so he had to bring them to discuss.

“Okay, they are all beautiful. Then you can fit together, both of you can synchronize your senses at the same time.”

“Kuku, Nie Kong is really our favorite Family members.”

“Correct, it will be fair only when Yejuya and Yuxian are combined.” After the two women finished speaking, they all slipped out of the bed. Exposed a pure white body, he used the fit skills in front of Nie Kong.

After the white light shone, a lovely and plump eight dance that combined the beauty of the two women appeared in front of her.

Nie Kong stretched out his hand to embrace her and crushed Ba Wu under her body. The two women did not avoid Nie Kong at all, and took the initiative to kiss Nie Kong.

Finally, after suffering untold hardships, the two sisters of Bawu finally dedicated their bodies to him. But after half an hour of flogging, Nie Kong only felt empty, and the two girls were separated in H!

He didn’t want to wait for the eight dances to fit together. After pulling the closest Xixian into his arms, he immediately embarked on a new round of conquest.

When the Seven Sins ran into Nie Kong’s bedroom, in the end he had completely detonated the twin sister who dared to provoke him.

The Seven Sins blushed and pulled the corners of her clothes. Still inferior, she thought Nie Kong might do lustful things to her now. They lived with Nie Kong for a long time, so there is no reason to be ignorant.

“Mm, it’s really good or bad. After blowing us away, secretly doing something with Nie Kong.” Shixiang pouted.

“Hehe, congratulations to Bawu, I’m going to prepare red bean soup for you.” Meijiu kept a smirk because she had already guessed the ending of the two women.

“It’s…it’s so good, Bawu and the others are very happy.” Shitono whispered, his eyes full of heartfelt blessings.

“Aiya, Shishino is too kind. If Nie-san doesn’t have time to be with you, don’t cry secretly in the future.” Shishina said from the side.

A few women pointed to Nie Kong their three people, chirp chirp twitter twitter discussed, their eyes did not leave Nie Kong’s body.

“It’s already late, everyone should go back to their rooms and rest. I will sleep with the Eight Dance Sisters tonight.” Nie Kong said.

Shixiang and their pretty faces are disappointed, they are all eager to have the opportunity to accompany Nie Kong, but it’s a pity that Ba Wu took the opportunity.

The seven sins of serious low self-esteem, I saw Nie Kong wronged. Stay in the last one without leaving. She changed the perfect big sister out, thinking that she could attract Nie Kong with her beauty.

Nie Kong knows what she thinks, sighed. He held her in his arms, but asked to change back to her original state. Although it is beautiful, it is only moon reflected in the water and cannot be obtained. What Nie Kong wants is the most real her.

. It was painful and painful, but the wonderful taste of bitterness and sweetness melted into every cell of her body.

Her soul has touched the cloud, looking forward to that moment forever.

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