Nie Kong picked up the red roses she had discarded, looked at the flamboyant flower bones, and said her own speculation: “According to the loss of flowers In terms of moisture, it should be exposed to the air for at least an hour, so the time spent by the prisoner should be earlier than seven in the morning. In other words, when you are still sleeping in the bed, he has already left home early in the morning to prepare.”

Nie Kong scanned the surrounding circle, his eyes fixed on a boy holding bread around him, and continued: “Although he is stupid and naive, and his style is not man at all, he is sincere. Your heart should be respected.”

After she listened to Nie Kong’s words, Fei Yingli’s big eyes looked around in surprise. She and Nie Kong reacted quickly and looked towards the male student holding the bread at the same time, and they obviously heard the hidden message in his words. To be honest, I can only see a lot of things from the moisture of the flowers, Fei Yingli really admires the new Teacher.

“Teacher may be right, but Yingli can only say that the flowers are beautiful.” Fei Miles received the roses from Nie Kong sorry, knowing that she had done a little too much, but until now Still did not regret his decision.

Mori Kogoro scratched his short hair and murmured, “What are you playing dumb puzzles? Who is the criminal?”

“It doesn’t matter anymore. , Right, classmate Fei Yingli.” Nie Kong said with a smile.

“Yes, it’s not important anymore.” Since he refuses to accept his thoughts, there is no need to announce him, otherwise it will only cause trouble. I think Nie Kong is really a considerate Teacher . If you become his student, you should be very happy.

Perhaps only a few people can tell who is the real confessor, but none of them said.

“It’s all gone, it’s time for class.” Nie Kong took the lead to leave the crowd and step into the gate of Didan High School. After seeing the end of the excitement, the students in the back all dispersed.

Soon the bell of ding dong sounded quietly in every corner of the campus, and the students rushed to their classrooms in a hurry.

At this time, Nie Kong had already arrived inside the teaching building. He knocked on the door of Principal’s office. After hearing Ying Ke coming from inside, Nie Kong opened the door and walked into the room.

Very simple decoration, only a desk, two free chairs, and a bookshelf full of books in the back. There are a lot of files on his desktop, and a 40-50 years old middle-aged man is working hard.

Simple and simple, but you can see the connotation and positive atmosphere of a school from it.

“Excuse me.” When Nie Kong was sitting opposite him, he raised his face and looked at the visiting guests.

“Well, you don’t seem to be the Teacher of our school?” Pushing his glasses, he asked in surprise.

“Well, I am here to apply for the position of Teacher in Didan High School.” Then, he put on the identity certificate and resume prepared by Suzuki Consortium for him. Because of Nie Kong’s ambition to be Teacher, the resume contains the experience of serving as a teacher in a well-known university in the United States.

“so that’s how it is, I am glad that you are willing to come back from abroad and assume the responsibility of nurturing our Japanese pillars.” He read Nie Kong’s resume and Suzuki chaebol’s recommendation letter, very happy He took Nie Kong’s hand. In the backward years before the Conan plot, the level of education in Japan is not very high. With talents coming back from the United States and recommended by Suzuki consortium, he is of course very happy.

“Please wait a moment, I’ll look for it to see which teacher’s seat is available.”

He took out a form from the drawer and looked at it for a while Then he said: “The class tutor of Class B in the second year was promoted to the dean of academic affairs, so it would be too busy to serve two important tasks. Now you can take over. The course you want to teach is mathematics, so there is no problem.”

It turned out that in the last semester, a classmate named Fei Yingli in the class he taught was honored to pass the exam at Harvard University. As a class guide, his reputation and prestige have risen a lot, and he has risen to the position of dean of academic affairs by virtue of the shareholder style.

“No, that position suits me well.” A smile appeared on Nie Kong’s cheeks. He could only say that he was very lucky to be able to teach Fei Yingli to the class.

“We should be able to complete the formalities today, and you can take over tomorrow.”

Nie Kong nodded, he is already familiar with the process of inaugurating Teacher, after all, he has done it Teacher for many years.

After signing the contract, Principal arranged for a teacher to show Nie Kong about the school environment. Sure enough, even in 2D, Japanese schools are the most representative of a city.

Unlike the celestial dynasty, how can schools compare with government officials, they are simply several hundred million, tens of billions, and that money can build dozens of schools.

After visiting the campus for a couple of times, Nie Kong bid farewell to Didan High School. Now that my Teacher’s job has been settled, I should prepare a place to live in peace. Because he can already guess that he will live in Conan’s world for a long time.

So, Nie Kong Spiritual Consciousness covers a residential area a few kilometers near Didan High School. After comparing schools, Nie Kong chose a location much easier, of course, it should be near the school.

Nie Kong used Spiritual Consciousness to eliminate, and finally found several newly built buildings around Mihua City 2chome. There are not many people living around the empty house. The residential area has just been developed.

Nie Kong asked to take out a large amount of banknotes from the money left over from the dating world. Jirogis 50,000,000 wallet is not enough to look at. For 2D money, Nie Kong only treats them as a bunch of numbers, which has no practical meaning! !

After a while, Nie Kong and a Young Lady from the real estate salesman came to the apartment. According to her, the independent apartment is very spacious and has been renovated, which is comparable to the villa.

Nie Kong Spiritual Consciousness checked the environment a little bit, and found that, as Young Lady said, he can live in an apartment of equivalent to twenty people!

After visiting for a while, Nie Kong has decided to buy it. But in the middle of buying a house, there was a twist of neither too big nor too small.

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