After agreeing to have Xizi as the teacher of the club, Nie Kong, who had returned home from school on time every day, occasionally participated in the club activities of Xizi’s acting club. Of course, Nie Kong could only watch them rehearse.

Perhaps Nie Kong is only useful. When he was there, the girls in the acting department were desperate to show their best acting skills. Faced with this situation, You Xizi often teased Nie Kong.

Unconsciously, Nie Kong has already melted into Didan High School and became one of them. Moreover, it has a very high popularity, and was actually called the Prince of Didan High School by the female students. The princesses include Kiko, Queen Yingli and Prince Nie Kong. The popularity of the three in the school is equal! As for Kogoro Mori, few know him.


“By the way, I have something to do today, so I may not have time to participate in the activities of the club.” It is time for school, the activities of the acting department of Didan High School Indoors, Nie Kong is greeting the lovely minister Yukiko in front of him.

“Although the club does not have very important rehearsals today, you shouldn’t be lazy, Teacher.” Looking at Nie Kong with those big eyes, Yukiko’s pretty face is full of suspicion.

“Really something.”

“Does Teacher want to date girl this weekend?”

“How is it possible.”

“Hehe, if there is no good reason, I won’t follow it.” She clearly wanted to inquire about the important things Nie Kong said. She was really an unearthly girl.

“Well, I actually plan to buy a car today.” Nie Kong said what to do today.

“Buy…buy a car.” I only saw Xizi’s sudden eyes shined, “Don’t want to lie, tomorrow is the weekend, why choose today?”

“Because I need a car for something tomorrow, so I have to do it now and today.”

“You are right. I can forgive Teacher, but there is a condition. It just happens that the director is free, So accompany the Teacher to pick the car.” You Xizi held Yuexun with both hands, her face full of excitement, as if she was buying a car.

“Thank you for your kindness, I am enough by myself.” Nie Kong said grimly.

“Don’t, I dare say that you know more about cars than Teacher. Maybe you can give Teacher useful advice.” Yukiko said hurriedly.

“You are reasonable.”

“Hehe, let’s go quickly.”

Nie Kong can only acquiesce in her to follow and fight After greeting, I took You Xizi to the biggest car dealer in Mihua Market. There are many models in it, but because of the backwardness of the age, no cool cars have been designed.

You Xizi looked around, her eyes were picking up her favorite car.

“Now, Teacher, if you can, please buy that one.” As if he had found a treasure, Yuki pointed to a deep red sports car, which was her favorite car.

Nie Kong glanced at the brand, it was Alfa Romeo. He has no intuitive concept of 2D cars. He only knows that the models are beautiful. He can say that You Xizi has a vision. “That customer really has a foresight. It’s a new car from Alfa Romeo. It’s not only fuel-efficient, but it’s also beautiful…” The salesperson who stood by continuously explained the advantages of the car.

“Aiya, it’s a pity. Now, with Teacher’s meager salary, I am afraid that it will take more than ten years to buy. So I can only choose other types.” You Xizi can only regret, looked towards Cars made in Japan linger.

“By the way, Teacher, what are you going to talk about with the car tomorrow, I will help you to refer to the car model.”

“Tomorrow, it seems to be attending the banquet held by the Suzuki consortium. “Nie Kong said.

Things must start from yesterday. Jirogyi went to visit Nie Kong specially and gave him an invitation for the banquet. The upper banquet is very troublesome. Both the dress and the car need to be prepared.

Nie Kong originally wanted to refuse, but Jiroki has slipped away and did not give him a chance. He didn’t bother to read the specific content, only looking at the location and time-tomorrow at six o’clock in the Boston Hotel.

“How is it possible that you want to attend the Suzuki…Suzuki consortium banquet?!” Yukiko’s eyes widened, as if she had met Nie Kong for the first time. How can my own Teacher be related to the Suzuki consortium?

“Because of something, I met Suzuki and their father brothers. No surprises.”

“Teacher, you actually want to participate in the kind of high-class party, Its not okay to buy an ordinary car, only the one I introduced to you is suitable.” You Xizi looked at her Teacher speechlessly.

“Then buy the one you introduced, it’s just that it will be troublesome to drive to school in the future.”

“hmph, hmph, driving it can be a big show, how can it be troublesome Well. But, do you have the money to buy Teacher?”

“There is classmate Xizi, don’t underestimate Teacher.” Nie Kong chuckled lightly and opened the briefcase he had brought to reveal it. The neat 10,000 Yuan Japanese Yen, I guess there are thousands of them.

You Xizi’s eyes widened, but she didn’t expect that Nie Kong had prepared all the cash. I was wrong, Teacher is very rich, otherwise how could I know Suzuki consortium?

Only the salesperson smiled and it seemed that the business was done. So Nie Kong spent millions of Japanese yen to buy the Alfa Romeo sports car that You Xizi introduced to him.

After driving Yanred’s car out of the dealership, You Xizi excitedly begged Nie Kong to drive her for a while.

Nie Kong looked at her suspiciously, “Do you really know how to drive?”

“Teacher, don’t underestimate people. I have learned to drive since 15 years old. , Its just that I didnt have time to test the drivers license. You Xizi said confidently.

Looking at her excited look, Nie Kong couldn’t bear to refuse, and gave her the driving seat. She only saw her stepping on the gas pedal hard, the car shot out in the rumbling engine, and the speed increased to 80 hours in three seconds, but she yelled for fun.

Although it is not comparable to Nie Kong, it is crazy to drive. The cars on the road panic and avoid it, for fear that the red beast will accidentally hit them.

Nie Kong showed such an expression as expected and forcibly grabbed her driving rights. Although he drove faster than her, he still knew the speed.

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