The banquet slowly ended. The guests all left the hall one after another, but they still talked about the magic of Kurobaruichi. The luxurious dishes placed on the table are basically not eaten by anyone, which shows how wasteful the banquets in the upper class are.

“Hey! Nie Kong, what did Kuroba Thief say to you just now. Could it be that you have already asked from his mouth about the true meaning of his wall penetration technique?” As the Master, the party ended. After the guests, Jiroji asked curiously after Nie Kong left the hotel.

“Need to ask, Nie Kong has already seen through the essence of the magic. That’s why the magician Kuroba Thiaichi specially came to ask about the weak spot in his performance.” Yukiko represented Nie Kong Defended.

“haha! Although I read few books, don’t lie to me.” From his funny and funny smiling face, you can see his unbelief.

“Then you can listen well, I will tell you the principle of magic now.” Yu Xizi, who is pushy, is ready to show off what Nie Kong told her.

But Nie Kong suddenly grabbed You Xizi’s little hand, and forced her pretty face into her arms.

“Old…Teacher, what are you…what are you going to do.” You Xizi looked up at her panicked pretty face, because Nie Kong’s bold behavior stunned her.

“Don’t look.” Nie Kong’s voice just fell, and Yu Xizi only heard a bang, as if a heavy object fell. But Jiroki was completely frightened and his face turned pale.

“Wow!” After waiting for a few seconds for his reaction, Jiroji couldn’t control his nausea and spat out. I only saw a mass of bloody corpses appeared outside the parking lot five meters in front of the hotel.

From his situation, it is very likely that he fell from a tall building in a hotel and died. The red and white liquids all gathered together. Especially the pupils in his eyes are dilated, as if to narrate his incomprehension.

At the same time, Nie Kong could observe that the exposed ankles had the scars of the rope and the water on the trousers there, and they did not wear socks or shoes.

“Teacher, did something happen.”

You Xizi wanted to turn around, but Nie Kong hugged her hard, “Dont look, someone fell in front of us He died, and his death was terrible.”

You Xizi’s heart warmed. It turns out that Nie Kong Teacher wanted to protect herself. But I have a strong ability to accept, what terrifying the dead? She was facing this way, glanced at the scene secretly, and then vomited out like Jiroki.

“I told you not to look at it. I don’t believe it.” Nie Kong gently patted her back, hoping she could feel better.

“Really…really disgusting. I’m really afraid of nightmares at night.” You Xizi smiled bitterly.

Shiro, who came out from behind, saw the appearance of the deceased, and was shocked: “It was Shinji Yoshida. Why did he die in our Boston Hotel?”

“Don’t say Nonsense, hurry up and call the police.” Nie Kong sighed, reminding the two brothers behind. As for Conans world, its normal for a person to die a day. Nie Kong doesn’t need to guess, it must be a man-made murder.

“I see.” Shi Lang hurried back to his hotel and called the police on the phone in the hotel.

The surrounding crowd slowly circled, pointing fingers at the corpse. Most of them were high-class celebrities who had just come out of the hotel and had no time to leave, and almost knew the dead.

“Don’t mess around with things on the scene, wait for the police to solve it.” Seemingly a bit of detective knowledge, Jiroki drove the approaching crowd out ten meters.

Soon after five minutes, the buzzing police car came to the scene. Several policemen and a forensic doctor came out of the car. The forensic doctor was in charge of taking pictures of the corpse with a camera and often investigated the information of the deceased.

Among them, there is a little policeman, Nie Kong is very familiar, and the same fatty as A Li Court Academecian, but only 25~26 years old, with a straight face.

“The police officer Mumu actually appeared.” Nie Kong’s eyes were surprised, and it seemed that the characters related to the Conan world plot appeared one by one.

“The name of the deceased was Shinji Yoshida, the chairman of Yoshida Enterprise, 51 years old. According to the investigation, the cause of death was a strong blow to the head. Without the remaining wounds, the time of death was estimated to be ten minutes ago. Did they commit suicide by jumping off the building?” Several police officers who investigated with their notebooks analyzed.

“No…No, if it was a suicide, why didn’t the eyes close by itself? According to my guess, someone should have pushed him down from behind.” It seems that the police officer’s IQ is indeed in sight. The highest, I finally said a human word. But Nie Kong disagrees with the latter sentence.

“Teacher, you…can you see any clues.” You Xizi asked curiously.

“It must be a deliberate murder, and the method of committing the crime is clever.” Nie Kong answered with a frown.

“Eh, did the Teacher infer that the water was the murderer?”

“It’s so mysterious, as if you saw it with your own eyes.” Jiroji murmured.

“Other important clues must be collected by investigating the crime scene, but the murderer must be one of the banquets.”

“Give me all of them immediately and investigate Their alibi. The leading police issued a convening order very seriously, once again gathering Nie Kong and the others in the hotel.

It can be known from other people that there are four people who have a private conversation with the prisoner, and the last one who met him was a middle-aged man named Furukawa Naruto. According to investigations, his company and Yoshidas company had disputes over interests, and the motive for murder was very high.

Among the other three, there is still one dispute, Shintaro Tanaka. The man who looked a little sick and a little thin was said to have had a big fight with the deceased during the banquet.

But the police were dumbfounded that when Xin Er fell down the building, all four of them had an alibi and had left the hotel. The police were at a loss as to whether Shinji Yoshida committed suicide. How can you kill four people without being there?

“Teacher, if it was a homicide, who is the murderer?” You Xizi asked quietly.

“Now there is a lack of evidence. You must check the scene of the crime and confirm the method of committing the crime.”

Nie Kong has been able to confirm that the murderer is one of the four people, but There is a lack of evidence. In order to find clues, I took You Xizi to the rooftop of the hotel. After carefully observing the surrounding environment, he finally found a rope tied to a fence in a hidden location, only twenty centimeters long. The other end was hung in the air, and there was a ring.

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