“Does the Metropolitan Police Department really have extra long pleated skirts?” Nie Kong despised.

“Well… that, the use of long pleated skirts as disguise is really too rare.” Officer Matsumoto said with a wry smile. How could the police prepare to have non-mainstream decorations that have been popular in long pleated skirts recently? .

“Since you are not prepared, only student Xiaobi can take on that task. Let’s start discussing the battle plan.”

“The danger of lure combat is great, even Our police secretly protect, but we still cannot guarantee that Xiaobi will be foolproof. Moreover, to bring criminals out of the huge rice flower market, the amount of work will be huge, and it will not be completed in a short time!” Matsumoto has been thinking about it since yesterday, so At that time, he did not agree to Xiaobi’s voluntary behavior.

“As long as the criminal is still in the rice flower market, I am sure to lead him out within a day.” Nie Kong said calmly.

“Really.” Hearing Nie Kong’s words, the three officers of Matsumoto were very surprised.

“You now have a map of Mihua Market in your hands.” Nie Kong asked when looking at the three of them.

Matsumoto motioned to Officer Megumi, who immediately nodded and took out the scroll from the bookshelf in the Conference Hall and spread it on the table of Nie Kong and their desks. Both Xiaobi and Hideri were surrounded.

“The criminals targeted the college students in Mihua City, and we only have four colleges in Mihua City.” Nie Kong used a pen to link the positions of the four colleges and universities with lines to form a A rectangular area.

“Using the criminal’s motive, we can guess the area where he committed the crime.” When Nie Kong focused on depicting the street, the originally complicated problem suddenly became very simple.

The offender should understand that only girls around the school wear long pleated skirts, so they basically drive around in the vicinity. The bad guys often gather on weekends, so criminals should show up! !

“Hehe, Teacher really deserves to teach mathematics, and he can apply his mathematics knowledge to case-handling.” Yingli smiled surprised.

The three police officers looked at Nie Kong in admiration, wondering why they didn’t think of such a simple question.

“so that’s how it is, if it only takes half a day, then our three police officers can all be deployed to protect Xiaobi, and the risk will be reduced by more than half.” Matsumoto said with a ease. smile.

“hmph, I don’t need your police to secretly protect.” Xiaobi said coldly with a pretty face.

“Then change the teacher to protect you, it’s okay.” Nie Kong said with a smile to her.

“How can you do it? Although your reasoning ability is very strong, our police are better at protecting people.” Matsumoto strongly objected, if something goes wrong with both of them, it will be troublesome.

“No problem, even if I save my life, I will protect the safety of classmate Xiaobi, and don’t forget that there is your police officer in secret.” Actually, I dont feel relieved when I hand it over to the policeman, Nie Kong. Who can hurt Xiaobi? Even if the opponent uses high-risk weapons such as sniper rifles and missiles, there is no threat to Nie Kong at all.

“Well, at least Teacher is more pleasing to the eyes of the police.” Although they are bad students, they still respect Teacher when they are in school. They are only incarnation bad when they leave school.

And Xiaobi learned from Nie Kong just now that he will be a very responsible Teacher, and even prefers to wear a long pleated skirt for others.

After Nie Kong and the three police officers discussed the specific War Section, Nie Kong and Xiaobi took the lead to leave the Metropolitan Police Department to the target street, while Matsumoto and the three police officers secretly followed behind for surveillance Protection to ensure the safety of Nie Kong and Xiaobi.

“What? The two are too close.” Seeing that the two of them kept two meters close, Yingli said that he was sulking in secret. What kind of protection, they are no different from dating.


“Hey, I said, Xiaobi, there are too many people on the street, you slow down, I will soon be separated from you.” Nie Kong Called softly from behind. Because of weekends, there are more people on the street.

“I dont think you are slow, but you spit it out first. Dont talk nonsense, Teacher hurry up and follow.”

“Yes, yes, Xiaobi big sister Head.” Nie Kong called and said cooperatively, and Xiaobi’s pretty face immediately turned red.

“Really, I’ll wait for you for a while.” Xiaobi has never believed such a ridiculous thing. As a teacher, he calls himself a big sister. The people around were obviously looking at her with disgust, disgusting themselves in a long pleated skirt, he was the only one who did not reject bad things.

She couldn’t help but slowed down, and waited for Nie Kong to follow her, and stood beside Nie Kong. I didn’t deliberately embarrass Nie Kong, but cooperated with him and occasionally chatted with him.

Swaggering and wearing long pleated skirts for two streets, when Xiaobi was about to turn to the alley to go to the destination near the next school, a black car slowly followed Xiaobis Behind.

When Xiaobi walked alone from the busy street to the alley, the car immediately accelerated and crashed from behind. The rumbling sound of the engine and the zi zi sound of the wheels reached Xiaobi’s ears. She turned around in horror, only to see the car cruelly rolling towards her. At speeds exceeding 80 kilometers per hour, she couldn’t escape.

She discovered at this moment that the real gangster is not as simple as the police and gangster movies on TV. She originally planned to avoid the impact of a car, use the crowd to protect herself, and remember the criminal’s license plate number by the way. But when they really met, the situation on the scene did not give her time to think about it!

“Student Xiaobi, be careful!!”

Being able to attract criminals so quickly, it can be said that on the one hand it is the surveillance of the criminals, on the other hand it is the flow of people to help propaganda. After all, girls in long pleated skirts are generally pointing fingers.

Nie Kong was surprised at the same time, his body leaped forward towards Xiaobi. With the help of Spiritual Consciousness, Nie Kong could say that he had anticipated the approaching car first, so there was no time to react.

The distance of five meters was within a blink of an eye. Nie Kong’s hands passed through her knees to hug her body, and smoothly led her to avoid the sudden impact of the car. When reacting, Xiao Bi’s eyes were full of horror, and her hands tightly hugged Nie Kong’s neck, as if she had slipped through hell.

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