When the sports festival of Didan Elementary School opened, it marked Yinglis birthday, October 10th.

When I came to school early in the morning, Yingli didn’t notice the strangeness of the classmates. But she was used to it, because she had few friends since she was a child. Even Kogoro Moori, known as childhood sweethearts, has never received his birthday gift or even a blessing.

When Nie Kong came to the classroom with a textbook in his hand, Yingli’s cheeks appeared beautiful pink. A few days ago, Nie Kong’s unique “birthday gift” has been placed in the most secret place in her bedroom. Yingli is already very satisfied to receive his gift this year. She may be able to slowly savor the unforgettable memories of that day in a lifetime.

The most speechless thing about her is her good friend Yu Xizi. She knew it, but she still didn’t have a word to say, she smiled and looked at herself as if it were all right.

I thought that this years birthday party would be as ordinary as before, but when she was about to leave school in the evening, Yukiko suddenly took her to the club activities classroom of the dance drama department.

Only the explosion of “Pa” was heard, and there were many showers on the body of Yingli who had just arrived. Yingli looked at all around in surprise and found that the words Happy Birthday were all over it. Seeing his own Teacher, he was wearing a conical hat and holding several firework tubes. Yingli’s colorful body was sprayed out of the paper tube.

“Happy birthday to you!”

It turns out that they didn’t forget their birthday, but wanted to surprise themselves. Yingli suddenly felt very happy. Although there were only two people in the school celebrating for themselves, it was really enough.

“Teacher and You Xizi, thank you.”

“Hehe, we made preparations a bit simpler, I hope Yingli students dont dislike it. There is no birthday cake, no banquet.” Nie Although Kong can do it, the school conditions do not allow it.

“No…no, I’m really happy, the first time someone did that kind of thing for me.” Yingli said, shaking his head.

“Because we understand that Yingli’s parents will celebrate your birthday with great care tonight, so we did not overtake you. Of course, we have prepared birthday gifts. Yingli wishes you a happy birthday.” Yukiko smiled. I handed it my gift box, which was packaged beautifully.

“Xiezi, thank you for the gift.” Yingli accepted the gift happily, and then she was surprised that Nie Kong actually prepared a gift box. Obviously I said that the photo replaced the gift.

“Yingli, my gift is not very expensive, I hope you like it.” Seeing Teacher’s small square box was stuffed into her hands, Yingli was surprised and curious.

“Well, the important thing is the teacher’s heart, no matter what Yingli will cherish it.”

What can be stored in a small box, is it that? . Thinking of things that shouldn’t be thought of, Yingli’s cheeks became fiery, and she wanted to take it out immediately.

After giving her a birthday present, Nie Kong and You Xizi sang a happy birthday song together and had a simple celebration party with only three people.

When it was over, it was six o’clock in the evening when Yingli returned home. The room was dark, and before she turned on the light, only the light of the candles flashing in the room came out. Count, there are seventeen.

When I turned on the light, it turned out that my parents came out with the cake. There were ribbons all around, and a birthday dinner was arranged.

That’s right, I am 17 years old. In June next year, I will graduate from Didan High School.

“Yi Li, happy birthday.”

The parents put the cake in the middle of the table full of food, and then gave the gift of their choice. It seems that the two have carefully prepared for a long time. .

“Dad mother, thank you for taking care of you for more than ten years.” Yingli eyes with tears, she is really happy today.

“hahaha, if you don’t celebrate before graduating from high school while Hideri does not have a chance to celebrate now, maybe there will be no chance in the future.” It was Moori Kogoro’s father next door, a man in his 40s. It turned out that in addition to his parents, a family of three Maori came. Hideri glanced at Mouri Kogoro and found him with an expression of reluctance.

“Yes, if Yingli could not have our turn when he was in college.” Yingli’s mother felt so deeply, because when he grew up, his friends helped to celebrate.

“Oh, this year, someone gave you a birthday present, it’s really strange.” Kogoro Mouri relentlessly attacked.

Yingli was very indifferent, holding his hands in his arms and replied: “Teacher and Youxizi share the same feelings, do you have an opinion?”

Aiya, Mother Yinglis eyes were surprised, sure enough Teacher and Yingli have a very good relationship.

“Kogoro’s little bastard, did you talk like that. Hideri, don’t be angry, in fact, Kogoro prepared a birthday present for you.” Kogoro’s mother came out while blaming her son. Round field.

“Kogoro, hurry up and take out your present.” Don’t take Maori’s words seriously.

“Happy birthday to you.”

Moori Kogoro looked away, and threw the gift in Hideri’s hands, a small square box like Nie Kong.

“Hehe, Kogoro secretly went out to work, and bought it for 10,000 yen. I hope Yingri will like it.” Kogoro’s mother added fuel and vinegar to the side, almost like a pimp.

Hikori glanced at Kogoro, and found that he was rarely anxious, and her pretty face appeared astonished.

“Xiao Yingli, take a look at the present.” Yingli’s mother urged his daughter with a smile.

Yingli was nodded. First of all, it was unpacked from You Xizi. After the packaging was scattered, a valuable fountain pen appeared, which was very beautiful. It was the turn to unwrap the gifts from the parents. Father’s is Yingli’s favorite books, and mother’s is beautiful clothes.

Compared with them, Kogoro’s gift is indeed very precious. The bracelet with golden metal rays of light is estimated to be very valuable.

And when the gift of Nie Kong was opened, Yingli felt nervous inexplicably.

In front of them, if it is a guessed ring, what should I do?

After hesitating for a while, she closed her eyes and tore open the package, and a silver necklace appeared in the box.

“What? I thought that Teacher’s gift is so good, it looks like a few hundred yen apiece on the street. Silver-plated, the necklace will soon become dark and gray.” Kogoro said with contempt, as if to show off his precious golden bracelet.

Kogoro’s parents were embarrassed. They didn’t expect their son to be so direct, as if they were showing off how good their gifts were. .

“The pure white silver color will turn gray with the passage of time, but what I like more and more is the gray after time baptism. So even if it is silver-plated, I really like it . Perhaps what you said is true, it is too expensive compared to your bracelet, please take it back. After Yingli said, he ran to his bedroom holding the necklace tightly, leaving three awkward Maori.

“You don’t like it, I am not rare to give it to you.” Especially Kogoro Mouri, his face was frustrated.

The Maori mother sadly discovered that the best daughter-in-law plan she had booked had fallen through.

I thought that Kogoro, a childhood sweethearts, worked hard to buy her a birthday gift. Hideri will be very moved and very happy.

After all, Hideri knows only a limited number of male children, so his own Kogoro will definitely be able to return home with a beautiful woman. Now it seems that the situation has changed. Yingli that girl has someone she likes.

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