Recovering the volunteers submitted by the students, Nie Kong understood the plans of the two women. You Xizi is ready for her debut. Since her birthday that day, she has not often seen her come to class. Hideri’s filled out the application for Kyoto University, and has already obtained the admission permission of Kyoto University.

In order to listen to Nie Kong’s advice, Xiaobi from the girls’ school next door went to Nie Kong’s office in person. Because her grades were not very good, Nie Kong asked her to apply for Mihua University because she was close enough to meet frequently.

Seeing that because of the arrival of the graduation season, the students gathered in a class will go their separate ways. But if there is no way out without the volunteers of the school, the school has the responsibility not to allow graduation, but only to receive the certificate of completion of Didan High School! !

By the way, Nie Kong has been in Conans world for eight months. It looks very long, but it seems that the white horse is passing the gap! In the blink of an eye, now more than 400 students from Didan High School have gathered in the gymnasium of Didan High School. The teachers personally led the teachers to hold the graduation ceremony for the third grade, which was very grand.

The opening ceremony three years ago and the graduation ceremony at this time can be said to be the same place, but the mood of the students is exactly the opposite. The excitement of freshmen and the anticipation of the new high school life, but now they have more parting melancholy.

Many people are reflecting on what they have done in the past three years, and regretting the troubles of high school life. I complained that if I could go back to life in high school, it would definitely be more than it is now, and I could talk about a memorable relationship.

Unfortunately, Conans world is not Again!! The world is repeated again. Naturally, there is no chance of the absurdity of returning to the opening ceremony three years ago with just one fall.

After more than half an hour of long-winded speech, Principals speech finally came to an end. Now the certificate will be issued. First, the student who reads the name above will take the graduation certificate handed in by the Principal. Even for students with poor academic performance, as long as they pass the re-examination at the end of the three-year high school period, there is no difficulty in graduation. As for the make-up exam, I can only say that I am sorry to repeat the grade.

When the students received their graduation certificates, the ceremony came to an end. Many good classmates formed a group to take pictures or exchange contact information. In particular, Nie Kong and You Xizi are in a serious situation. The three of them have just taken a group photo, and suddenly a large number of classmates have blocked their surroundings!

Nie Kong could only drag the two women, and finally rushed out of the encirclement of the crowd and returned to his office.

“Congratulations, for successfully graduating from Didan High School, I am afraid that it will be difficult to see you in school uniforms in the future.” Looking at the two beautiful silhouettes in front of them in water blue sailor suits , Nie Kong sighed.

“Teacher, if you miss us as a student, you can look at our photos.” You Xizi said naughtyly, shaking his hands for an intimate photo of the three.

“We will grow up, Teacher, don’t always think of us as third-grade students.” Yingli muttered and said what was in his heart.

“You are right, now that you graduated from school, you can no longer be regarded as a teacher-student relationship.”

When Nie Kong said so, the eyes of the two women Gives a bright brilliance. Without the bondage of teachers and students, would Teacher accept his feelings?

Yingli, blushing, clenched his fists.

“Teacher, now Yingli can be called Teacher Nie-san, right.”

“Hey, okay.”

Nie Kong was surprised, strange Why did Yingli make a strange request.

“Nie-san…” Yingli called out softly, after receiving Nie Kong’s response. Suddenly she hugged Nie Kong’s neck, and printed on Nie Kong’s mouth with thin lips like cherry blossoms in front of Yu Xizi.

The lips and teeth of the two intersect, and Yingli’s mouth carries a sweet fragrance and comfortable tenderness. She took the initiative to offer her first mouth!

“Nie-san, Yingli likes you.” Blushing, Yingli confessed his confession, and on the day after the graduation season.

“Ying…Yingri, it was too sudden.”

“I know, so Yingli didn’t expect Nie-san to accept my intentions, but just wanted Teacher to understand Yingli’s feelings. “

The photos in You Xizi’s hands fell. She really didn’t expect that Yingli, who had just graduated, would launch such a fierce offensive against Teacher.

“Ying…Yingli, you are too mean.” You Xizi said in surprise.

“Hehe, it seems to be one step earlier than you.” Yingli happily touched her pink lips with her index finger, as if reminiscent of the sweet taste of the first mouth.

“What are you proud of…what, I like the feeling of Teacher, how could I lose to you! It’s just a mouthful, I already kissed Teacher on my birthday, and Teacher played me that day Lovers for a day.” You Xizi flaunted loudly.

“Eh, You Xizi is one step ahead of me?” Yingli couldn’t accept that kind of thing. “As you said, just pretending to be a lover for a day, what’s so great. Teacher before preparing my birthday present A few days, but I took a wedding photo with me.”

“Ah, I took a wedding…wedding photo?” You Xizi exclaimed, looking towards Nie Kong, muttering: “No wonder The last time Teacher didnt go to take a free wedding photo with me, I already took it with you.”

“Teacher, you are very partial.”

With that said, four bright eyes stared at Nie Kong’s face, seeming to think that each other’s is better than his own. That many things happened when I was not there.

Nie Kong picked up the photo that fell on the ground in his hand, and said softly: “It was okay to meet every day before, but I am afraid it will be difficult to see you in the future.”

“Eh eh!” Facing Nie Kong’s answer is not what I asked, the infectious words made the two women stay for a while, bright eyes showing a little pain.

“Let the teacher hug for a while…”

Nie Kong forcefully hugged the two women in his arms, and the two women stayed quietly in Nie Kong’s arms and stopped the quarrel , Enjoying the last reunion moment, they looked at each other.

Graduating from Didan High School, although I said goodbye to the teacher-student relationship with Teacher, it means I have to be separated from Teacher. Even if she is an opponent or a confidant, she finds it difficult to have the opportunity to meet frequently again.

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