“The judo clubs from Osaka University are coming. You are all very energetic.” Nakamichi told the generals to hurry up and train. Now there is no time to control. Thing. He had already done his part to help the gross profit just now, but it was a pity that he did not play the desired effect.

“Yes.” The team members dressed in white judo uniforms shouted in unison, very fighting spirit in their voices. Especially the generals in the judo club will be on stage in person later.

For example, the leader of the middle road, General Lingcheng Yukino, the fat man Omura Jun with glasses, and the last Maori. Wearing glasses, Kimoto Jiko, who is known as the idol of the Judo club, takes care of the members. Her job is basically the same as that of a club manager.

“Little Bi-chan, come and practice with me.” Horigo Yumi, wearing a judo suit, swayed her exquisite body, and said with a smile to Xiaobi.

“Well, Yumi may have to play in the game later.”

As a female member of the team, Yumi and the alternate Xiaobi were sent to the cadre level. However, the possibility of Xiaobi being able to appear is probably very small, so we have to consider the female staff of Osaka University.

For example, there are quite a few female members participating in judo clubs at Yoneba University, which is not as prosperous as karate women.

Nie Kong watched the beautiful figures of Xiaobi and Yumi with admiring eyes, watching them sway youthful sweat. Although the judo uniform is loose, it can block most of the scenery of the girl’s body. The only thing that can be taken advantage of is a touch of snow-white gel fat exposed from the wide collar when the two women move around. But the blink of an eye is fleeting, only Nie Kong’s terrifying vision can capture it.

The fighting exercises of the two women are quite exciting, with their hands pulling each other’s clothes. If you notice that the opponent has a weak spot with a tilted center of gravity, what is waiting for them is falling on the floor.

Xiaobi has a slightly worse playing experience than Yumi, so she suffers a bit and Yumi has the advantage. But suddenly something strange happened and Nie Kong found that Yumi’s body was strangely out of balance.

Xiaobi, who was pulling Yumi’s belt, pulled it hard, and slammed on Yumi’s body.

“Ouch…” Yumi Jiao yelled, her soft body lying halfway there, “It won’t work, my legs seem to be twisted.”

“Ah! I’m so sorry, did I take the shot too hard?” Xiaobi hurriedly helped Yumi who had fallen and apologized to her repeatedly.

“hehe, it’s okay. It’s just that the next game depends on your performance, Xiaobijiang.” She smiled and said to Xiaobi.

“Yumi-chan, do you want to take a look at the infirmary?” Zhongzhi caring said.

The surrounding Lingcheng Yukino and Omura Atsushi followed closely behind her and surrounded her. Nie Kong can tell from the subtle expressions that the three of them seem to like Yiji Hanabori Yumi of Judo Club.

Yumi wiped her sweat at the three of them and smiled, “It’s okay, Xiao Bijiang will help me to rest for a while, and it must be watched by your game, you can’t just leave.”

“Okay, but if you have something to say right away.” Xiaobi took Yumi’s arm, helped her to Nie Kong’s side, and asked her Teacher to take care of her by the way.

Yumi clung to Nie Kong, and a charming smile appeared from her pretty face.

“Yumi, I’m not mistaken, did you really twist your foot?” Nie Kong said aloud, he felt weird, as if plotting against something.

“Hehe, Nie Kong Teacher used to see sprains. In that case, can Nie Kong Teacher help me see the situation?” Yumi’s pretty face smiled and put the white jade feet on it Nie Kong’s knee.

The five exquisite jade green onions are like five pearls in the palm of Nie Kong’s hand. She gently pulled her trousers, revealing her white calf.

Nie Kong held her ankle and kneaded it carefully, and found that her ankle was intact, she was pretending to be sick.

“I didn’t see where you hurt.” Nie Kong put her foot down and said, shaking her head.

“Perhaps it should be a little bit above, Nie Kong Teacher…Do you want to look at it?” She blinked, a faint blush appeared on her face. Leaning to the side, the white and slender legs appeared in Nie Kong’s line of sight, even allowing Nie Kong to see the red panties inside.

Because the team members are watching the game, they don’t have time to pay attention to Nie Kong and her little moves.

“No, it may really hurt other muscle tissues.” Nie Kong sensed her bold enthusiasm, but suddenly failed to adapt to her transformation.

“Hehe, it’s a pity, I thought Teacher could be cured. By the way, I almost forgot to ask Nie Kong Teacher a very important question, are you really dating Xiaobi?”


“Yumi, what do you ask that?

“Because, I seem to like Teacher. “She whispered in Nie Kongs ears, and secretly said to Nie Kong.

Nie Kong didnt have a big surprise, because her personality was a bit bad, and she remembered that she would die in the class meeting 20 years later. In the hands of Hezhi. The reason is that the two have been dating for 18 years, but Yumi rejected Hezhi’s proposal! When Hezhi married his boss’s daughter, she was immediately jealous of Hezhi’s happiness and often threatened Hezhi’s marriage! /p>

To put it bluntly, she has a very jealous character.

And she will like Nie Kong at first glance, probably because she likes Nie Kongs looks and money mostly, so Nie Kong I dont like her much.

The most important point is that she used tricks to distract Xiaobi and get along with Nie Kong alone.

“Sorry, Yumi, you Is a good girl. “Nie Kong sent her a Good Person Card.

I only saw her pretty face a bit pale, gritted her teeth and said: “As long as you are not married, I won’t give up easily.” “

“Let’s do it, I just give you a warning, your jealous character will bring you a catastrophe in the future. “Nie Kong did not pay attention to her, but looked towards Xiaobi in the game.

At this moment, the Judo Club of Osaka University has appeared, and there are five people here. There is only one female, male There are four of them.

The First Stage is Lingchengs game. It really deserves to be the General. It easily defeated the First Stage. And the second one is the middle. The head-level battle is very exciting. Finally Zhongdao won with a small advantage.

Finally, it was the turn of the gentle and virtuous Little Bi in the third game. After seeing Nie Kong cheering on her, she suddenly showed unprecedented confidence.

Sure enough, the power of love is so great, Xiaobi smashed his opponent halfway through two or three moves. In the end, it was Moori Kogoro’s turn. What’s very funny is that when Moori went on the court, he found his legs Shaking.

Looking at how he looks like brow beaded with sweat, one can imagine how nervous he is. He was embarrassed to the extreme, and he was too timid to resist the opponent. Mika University VS Osaka University only Defeated.

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