So in front of the building, Jiroki followed Nie Kong’s advice and boldly placed the glass cabinet with azure sapphires there. The location is not very spacious, but there is no time to move, because the time for the appearance of Kaito Kidd is about to come.

Within 15 meters, there is a very open space. Although it is dark, the brilliance of the billboards and street lamps illuminates the surroundings very brightly. A dozen elite policemen and the bodyguards of the Suzuki consortium were waiting around, and as soon as they saw Kidd appearing, they immediately rushed to arrest him.

The admiring audience and the media are about to block up the surrounding streets. Naturally, I hope to witness the magical magic of Kaito Kidd.

Nie Kong and You Xizi were sitting leisurely by drinking tea and watching the excitement, which didn’t match the tense atmosphere around them. Ayako sat in his lap, and Suzuki Jiroki, who was a little anxious, was opposite. He is almost 50 years old, and his temperament is not stable for a moment.

“Ah, Lord Kidd has appeared…” The surrounding audience suddenly let out loud cheers, and they all looked towards the dark sky. The white silhouette can be seen from the light irradiated by the helicopter, and the Kaito Kidd uses the white hang glider to hover in the sky like a predator eagle.

Sure enough, Kidds white mysterious silhouette finally appeared in the sky. Can he successfully steal the gems of the Suzuki consortium? The media of the TV station captured it on the camera on the top of the building. His silhouette.

He has a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if with a confident confidence. He quickly hovered to the height of five meters above the gem, and after putting away the hang gliding wing behind him, he fell handsomely and stood on the gem cabinet.

Wearing a gorgeous white dress, a high top hat, and monocle glasses helped him cover half of his appearance, so no one can see his real appearance so far.

“Kid has appeared, and immediately execute the action of catching turtles in the urn.” Jirogyi used the walkie-talkie to transmit his order, only to see the two dozen people surrounding the venue, dressed in arms, rushed towards him.

Nie Kong has to see what tricks he can play, how he can break free from the encirclement-the famous magician Kuroba Thiefichi.

“hehe.” The thief Kidd chuckled lightly. A black object fell from his sleeve, and peng sound exploded with a dazzling white glow, hiding his body.

“Did the smoke bombs be replaced by flash bombs.” Nie Kong’s expression was astonished. It seems that Kidd had disguised himself as someone else before he acted, and acted out of the surrounding environment. That’s it. It seems that he is not stupid, but he knows how to adapt.

When the dozens of people returned to sight, they found that the gems and Kidd in the glass cabinet almost disappeared strangely. The people around almost searched for his white silhouette with their eyes, but he was really not found in the spacious clearing.

“Don’t panic, Kidd just pretends to be one of them, please accept the police investigation one by one in order.” Yusaku Kudo immediately saw through Kidd’s tricks and faced the White Horse Police Department. Said.

“Understood, immediately strengthen the surrounding vigilance. As long as there are gems hidden in his body, he will definitely be disguised by Kidd.” Baima Jingshi nodded, arranged dozens of people to hold them hand in hand. The ten people formed a circle, only one gap was exposed. In front of the gap, the police officers, Zhongsen and Mumu, who were in charge of the body search, were standing by.

After he lost the hang gliding wing, he could only escape the designed inescapable net through the only means of disguise.

“Nie-san, do you guess how Kidd will deal with the immediate difficulties.” Yukiko asked curiously.

Nie Kong sneered, how difficult it is for the black feather thief to pretend to deceive him. I only blame my memory for being very good, and I recognize who is the extra person at a glance.

But Nie Kong discovered that the black feather thief hiding inside made a small move. He secretly stuffed a brightly colored gem into the pocket of a police officer in the field.

According to the color and lustre, it can be easily distinguished as a mediocrity. It must be his escape method.

“Xiezi, let’s go and join in the fun.” Nie Kong smiled and held her jade hand, Yuxizi blushed behind Nie Kong, mostly caused by excitement. Because she understood that Nie Kong had already planned to expose Kidd’s magic.

“Police officer, found the thief Kidd.” After Nakamori found a blue gem from a police officer’s pocket, he pointed at the suspect and immediately issued cry out in surprise.

“What nonsense, catch him quickly.” The voice of Officer White Horse was heard from the crowd, and then the remaining dozen suspects all rushed forward to catch “Kid”. The scene is a bit messy.

“Officer Zhongsen, you are mistaken, no…no, I am not Kidd.” The suspect explained continuously, but the stupid Zhongsen didn’t believe him. Without the ability to distinguish gems, of course he would mistake it for authenticity.

“hmph, watch me tear off your makeup face!” Zhong Senyin smiled, tearing his face with his hands, but was surprised to find that the skin in front of him was actually one piece. They caught him and bleeds, but he couldn’t tear off the disguise!

“Oops, I caught Kidd’s lured the tiger away from the mountain.” Yusaku Kudo said with a bitter smile.

“What an amazing character, who actually imitated my voice and gave them orders to leave the scene unhurriedly.” The White Horse Police Department bitterly laughed and confronted hundreds of police officers. Voice instructed: “Please shrink the defensive line, please don’t let anyone leave. Kidd is only mixed with the ordinary person.”

To deal with the world-famous thief Kidd, almost mobilized all of Kyoto Police officers, so hundreds of police officers immediately blocked the four nearby streets, forming a new encirclement! !

“haha, thank you for your meticulously prepared gift, Mr. Jiroyoshi. If there is nothing wrong, I will leave.” Kidd’s voice suddenly resounded in in midair. Everyone saw that it was a small communication attached. The card of the device was launched from a corner.

The White Horse Police Department was obviously sighed in relief, and it seemed that Kidd was hiding in the crowd and couldn’t leave. Although the situation has become very troublesome, there is still a chance to find him out of the crowd and put him under arrest.

“Kid, the thief kid, don’t want to escape.” Jirogyi exclaimed, how could he be willing to fail.

Only Jiroji finished speaking, and a cloud of smoke exploded on the top of the building peng sound. Kidd, who was originally mixed in the crowd, appeared strangely on the roof of a dozen-storey building after more than ten seconds, like an instant movement.

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