In the early morning of the next day, Nie Kong drove to the meeting place where A Li Court Academecian and Ying Li moved towards Court Academecian.

And Nie Kong, the car they are riding at the moment is the blue Mini Cooper, which he rented from the rental bank. Although the car is a bit cute, it is because Yingli likes that model very much.

Its ten oclock in the morning, and Nie Kong can see a large number of invited guests appearing at the place that Court Academecian said-the private research institute in New York City. There are many cars parked in front of the private research institute in New York City. outside.

Most of them are very unfamiliar faces. Nie Kong guessed that besides the Court Academecians, there should be company presidents. They hope to buy patents for products with great potential.

Dan Yingli saw the people coming, people going in front of the door, and muttered: “Nie-san, it seems that only the two of us are incompatible.” Is it really good to come to such an occasion? Yingli who was so hesitant murmured.

“It’s okay”

It is normal for Yingli to feel awkward, because among the crowds I see, all of them belong to middle age persons in their thirties. Only the two of them seem to be very young, so they will look different. The gathering of the Court Academecians was originally not the place for their young ones, Yingli thought.

“Haha, there is no age discrimination in our academic circles.” Court Academecian, playing with the newly formed beard, said to the two of Nie Kong.

“By the way, Ying Li-chan has never participated in a party. Don’t worry, I will accompany you by the side.” Nie Kong grabbed her jade hand, Ying Li’s face turned red. Hugging Nie Kong’s arm.

A Li Court Academecian shook his head strangely. It is difficult for him to understand the complicated relationship between the three of Nie Kong. Obviously they were students before, but it seems that their friendship is beyond the boundaries of ordinary friends.

After checking the invitation, Nie Kong and Court Academecian came to the interior of the research room. There are no bright lights of the upper class, no luxurious and sumptuous cuisine, but sophisticated equipment is arranged, and the space for them is limited. The Court Academecians gathered in these venues are concerned about the academic aspect, so they don’t care about the extravagant banquet details of the upper class.

As the host, Court Academecian Smith, an American in his sixties, is more blessed than Court Academecian.

According to A Li Court Academecian, Smith Court Academecian is outstanding in mechanical development in the United States. Because he read his thesis on the transformation of solar energy into kinetic energy system, he specially invited him to the party.

Looking around the meeting place that Yingli couldn’t bear, the hall used as the meeting place was vacated by the research room. However, there were two hundred visitors, so it seemed a bit crowded. They were all Nie Kong and the two strangers who had never met before, although they were all famous Court Academecians from all over the world.

Even though A Li Court Academecian, who has invented the conference experience several times, knows only a dozen people, and the friendship is almost superficial.

For example, Professor Masami Hirota of Nanyang University from Japan, and Court Academecian Miyano, who had met twice. And behind him was a beautiful blond woman with glasses. In her arms, there is a small cute baby girl in her arms, her beautiful face carries the brilliance of motherhood. Because he admired the invention of A Li Court Academecian, A Li Court Academecian was very impressed.

Except for his wife and seemingly born daughter, only a middle-aged man who is wearing black clothes and is about fifty years old is willing to chat with him, and the rest of the Court Academecians all treat him Stay away.

No Court Academecian dared to approach him. After all, Miyano’s reputation is bad in academia. He has the title of mad scientist. It seems that no one in academia would recognize him as Court Academecian.

But Aka Court Academecian found it very strange, why Miyano Court Academecian didn’t notify him when he got married.

“Miyano Court Academecian, hello.” A Li Court Academecian greeted him with a simple smile.

The indifferent Atsushi Miyano showed a surprised expression, probably because he didn’t believe anyone would talk to him. The reason he would come to the gathering was that he happened to be in New York, the United States, and came to end the order of the organization to collect and make friends with talents who are useful for their research.

“It turned out to be Akasaka Court Academecian, you invented something very interesting recently.” Miyano said with a smile.

“I’m glad you remember my name.” Court Academecian touched his bald head, looking a little happy. Nie Kong glanced at his side middle-aged man and realized that his clothes and gin looked like them.

“hehe, A Li Court Academecian, are you not going to introduce your friends to us?” Nie Kong and Ying Li followed and asked A Li Court Academecian.

“I almost forgot to tell you, his name is Court Academecian Miyano, one of the very few appreciates my great invention, hahaha.” Court Academecian said proudly.

“Hello, my name is Nie Kong.”

“My name is Concubine Yingli.”

Nie Kong and Yingli introduced themselves, but Gong Court Academecian shook his head lightly, and said lightly: “For your own good, I believe you won’t want to know me.”

Looking at his cold expression, it seems that he has no plans to make friends with Nie Kong. the meaning of.

“Please don’t mind, because Court Academecian Miyano was called a mad scientist, and was expelled from academia. That’s why he said that.” The black clothed person on the side was calm. Smiled and explained.

“You are…” A Li Court Academecian asked strangely.

“My name is Kenzo Masayama, a companion who works in the same laboratory as Court Academecian Miyano.”

Through their respective introductions, Nie Kong and Hideri understand the situation of the three . Miyano Kouji’s wife is Elena Miyano, but she is taciturn and just coaxes the child. The baby in her arms is called Shiho Miyano, a daughter who was only a month old. Nie Kong was finally able to confirm their identities, and it was Xiao Ai’s parents who appeared. Their family would appear in front of him in this way. According to the plot he knew, after Shiho Miyano was born for a while, it seemed that their husband and wife would die in a strange state.

As for his side black clothed person, Kenzo Masan, his code name is Pixar. He should have been sent by the black clothed organization to monitor the situation of the Miyano family. Now their husband and wife have very important research to prevent them from having any accidents. .

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