Immediately after Wright redeployed Odaiba, Smith Court Academecian took the stage to announce the main content of his academic gathering, and said a lot of professional terms that Nie Kong had troubled with.

Sure enough, as he expected, he specially invited Court Academecian from all over the world to come and publish the results of his research. For example, A Li Court Academecian held two research conferences on his invention.

Although the British Liberal System dominates the No.1 throne of schools from high school to university, but facing the knowledge level of Court Academecian can only show a half-knowledge expression.

Nie Kong has the IQ developed by Dual Cultivation, so he can hear a general idea. What he should be talking about is the principle of the system part of the electric engine, which can mostly be converted into mechanical energy when the consumption rate is very low.

What he said should be the principle of electric cars and the concept of battery cars for later generations. Nie Kong is sweating. Sure enough, it was 20 years behind. Not only was there no mobile phone, but no electric car was developed.

After the explanation, he first invited Court Academecian to come on stage. He hopes to combine A Li Court Academecian’s solar system to realize a low-energy-consumption engine system to eliminate the future energy position of petroleum.

A Li Court Academecian scratched his bald head and said goodbye to Nie Kong. They came to the stage and used the microphone to explain the skateboarding principle designed for Conan in the future. Some people dismissed it. People appreciate it.

But the result should be a private meeting between A Li Court Academecian and Smith Court Academecian. Then it was your turn to visit Court Academecian for free discussion. If you have major academic research results, you can publish it yourself and treat it as a free academic seminar.

“Really, don’t mess up the property that will belong to me.” There was a blond young man who appeared at the meeting with a cigarette in his mouth, looking around with a lazy expression.

Following him is a fifty-sixty-year-old old woman with age spots on her face. It should be his biological mother.

Seeing the appearance of the two of them, Smith Court Academecian’s face was green.

“unfilial son! I am living well now, you are thinking about inheritance?”

It turns out that his name is Kur Smith, Court Academecian Smith Son. The old woman in the back was his ex-wife. They divorced a few years ago and the son was sentenced to him to support.

“haha, old fogey, don’t be angry, I just stopped by to visit the laboratory. It is said that you have developed a new technology product. Has any company bought your patent now?” , Said greedily.

Smith Court Academecian took a deep breath and suppressed the gushing anger. He eased his emotions, no longer paid attention to Kuer, and simply said: “At the end of the party, I will develop the finished smart spotlight technology. Please enjoy it.”

He finished his patted hands. Gesture, only to see the whole audience become pitch black. The spotlight from the second floor immediately gleamed and shot at Smith Court Academecian’s body. But they were surprised to find that no one was controlling the spotlight on the second floor, and it would move with his movement.

“The spotlight has an intelligent recognition system, which can use the tiny microphone I wore before the moon to achieve timely tracking.” He explained as he moved in the crowd.

Wright is in front, trying to get away from the crowd. Because of the distance from Smith, the spotlight kept shining on his shoulder.

“Nie-san, it’s really difficult to deal with, the spotlight can actually follow others and act by himself.” Seeing the scene before him, Yingli seemed a little surprised.

“It’s really good, but it’s surprising that Smith Court Academecian will invent that kind of small item.” Court Academecian said strangely.

Nie Kong has disdain in his eyes. His showy spotlight technique should be very common. What he noticed was an unnatural hum resounding in the court, as if a small motor was running.

Without waiting for him to notice anything, suddenly there was a bang of gunshots from the venue, followed by a ka-cha sound of items falling.

They only saw the Smith Court Academecian illuminated by the spotlight, with round eyes falling backwards. A blood hole appeared in front of his moon, and the bullet even smashed the miniature microphone. As for Wright in front of him, there was also a wound through the bullet on his shoulder, but with a slight injury.

“Ah… there was a terrorist attack.” No murderer was found. They thought they must be hiding in the crowd, so many people made panic sounds and the crowd was commotion. Mingmei pressed her face to her mother, her face pale in fright, she didn’t dare to see the bloody scene before her.

“Nie…Nie-san, what should I do now.” Yingli was a little panicked. Even though he had seen murders happen, he would be a little afraid to see dead people every time.

“Don’t be afraid.”

The only people who can keep calm are Nie Kong entire group and Atsushi Miyano of the dark organization. Nie Kong ordered the relevant personnel to call the police and turn on the lights. And shut the door quickly.

Nie Kong is sighed with the high crime rate in Conan world, and there have been many murders in front of him. Perhaps in places he can’t see, there are many scenes that are the same as they are now.

A few minutes later, five or six police officers opened the door of the institute. The leader of the team was the Radish police officer sent by the New York Metropolitan Police Department who had a fate with Nie Kong two days ago.

Inspector Radish sent two police officers to search the scene, and found guns dropped by the murderer on the second floor, and nothing else was found.

“The deceased was the famous American Smith Court Academecian, 15 years old this year, and the cause of death was that the murderer hit him in the mouth with a pistol. Then when you find someone shooting, you all stay At the venue, did you suddenly hear the gunshot. It is possible that the target of the assailant was Wright, but because he failed to aim, he killed Court Academecian Smith by mistake.”

Inspector Radish said in a deep voice. Witnesses on the scene asked. Everyone was nodded, expressing the accuracy of what he said.

“That’s hard to say, maybe Mr. Wright occasionally got in front of Smith Court Academecian.”

Nie Kong stood in the eyes of Yingli’s encouragement. Come out, refute Radish’s statement out loud.

When Officer Radish saw Nie Kong, his eyes flashed in surprise, “It turned out to be Mr. Nie Kong from Japan. Did you witness anything?”

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