“It’s true that as long as you wear a special miniature microphone, the spotlight can automatically identify and shine toward Smith, and equivalent to help aim at Smith at all times.” Court Academecian suddenly realized.

The police officers experimented on the spot, and found that it is as advanced as Nie Kong said, a very advanced spotlight system.

“I have a question. Since the gun is tied to the spotlight, it should be tied to it like the motor. Even if the rope happens to be broken, the pistol should fall on the first floor with the motor. How could it be on the second floor? Lou?” Officer Radish had to admire Nie Kong pegasus’s unrealistic reasoning, but it was a bit unrealistic.

“Did you forget, the reaction of the pistol when it fired.” Nie Kong said contemptuously at him.

“Well, in addition to the gun smoke reaction, will there be other reactions when shooting, Mom?”

“Idiot, of course there is a strong recoil when a pistol is shot.” Miyano Houji had to complain.

The surrounding Court Academecians immediately realized that it is Newton’s law learned in physics in middle school, and the effect of force and force are relative.

” Court Academecian Miyano was right. The pistol produced a strong recoil when the pistol was shot, which broke the rope and fell on the second floor. After the rope was broken, the motor naturally went free vertically. The movement of the falling body.” Nie Kong didn’t manually turn on the motor, only heard a loud bang, and demonstrated the murderer’s modus operandi in front of them. The pistol really returned to the second floor, and the motor fell below.

Inspector Radish exclaimed, admiring Nie Kong’s ability to reason out such a clever layout, and he continued to ask: “According to your reasoning, the murderer’s target is really Smith Court Academecian, Mr. Wright Its just an accidental injury.”

“No, you are wrong. Mr. Wright was not accidentally injured. He was shot by himself deliberately.” From Nie Kong’s mouth, he spit out unscientific reasoning, listen. They must be frightened and flustered.

“How come.”

“Of course, because he has to prove his alibi. That’s right, he is the murderer of Mr. Smith. “Nie Kong announced sonorously.

Every time Yingli listens to Nie Kong’s reasoning, it feels very exciting, because it is really unexpected.

“Huh, no wonder Uncle can guess what he is hiding, he is really smart.” Mingmei muttered.

“You said…wounded Mr. Wright was the murderer? Even if he could arrange a clever mechanism, how could he not accidentally kill himself with a hand gun.” Officer Radish shouted.

“Its very simple, because the spotlight is aimed at Smiths miniature microphone. As long as he keeps his distance and touches the light with his shoulder. Its good to be able to hit himself, and its okay if he doesnt. He is the only person authorized to set up the spotlight,” Nie Kong said.

“Your reasoning is really interesting, but I…how could I kill Smith Court Academecian, there is no evidence that you just talk nonsense!” Wright eyes shrank, impossible will admit himself frankly Charge.

“Is the proof? I guess you have not had time to throw it away. The remote control of the motor should be on your body.” Nie Kong glanced into his pocket, Wright’s face pale.


Wright’s body trembled suddenly and violently, and a desperate bleak could be seen in his eyes.

“Mr. Wright, please cooperate.” Several police officers immediately stood in front of him and stretched out their hands to search for his body.

“No, it is true that I killed the Smith Court Academecian, using exactly the same technique as Mr. Nie Kong said.” He whispered in a low voice, and after handing over what was in his arms, his body Lost the last trace of strength that supported him.

Radish immediately activated the switch, only to see the motor buzzing. As a result, there is finally evidence to confirm his layout.

He was amazed. Without Nie Kong, he would only treat Wright as a victim and would never solve the case in the end. This shows that Nie Kong’s reasoning ability is really strong, not just in name only, but also in reality, a famous detective.

As for the group of nerds known as Court Academecian, they have long been dumbfounded. They have no problem with IQ, but reasoning is not their strong point. Mountain road twists around each new peak, but everyone does not know that after a big circle at the end, the murderer will actually be Smith’s assistant-Wright in the “victim”.

“Hehe, a thousand counts, I didnt count that a famous detective would come to observe it.”

“Wright, you and him lacking hatred and enmity, why did you kill Smith Court Academecian?” A Li Court Academecian asked incomprehensibly. The relationship between the two has always been very good.

“Because, that spotlight system was developed by me, who knows…who knows that he actually took my hard work for himself and released it with his own reputation!!!” Wright clenched tightly He knocked his fist and said angrily.

“hmph, he really cant change his shit. Last year, he also plagiarized the concept of my electric engine, so todays results are released.” Dawei Court Academecian sneered.

Nie Kong may have inferred the truth, so I was not surprised. Because A Li Court Academecian once said, “Smith Court Academecian will invent that kind of small item, its really surprising.”

“Although he created a research room by himself, many of the results are The researchers worked hard to get it, but he took all the credit and was really unwilling.” Wright clenching one’s teeth and said.

“If you have anything, please go to the police station to speak, because you cannot represent the law and cannot punish him without authorization.” Radish handcuffed Wright and took him out.

In a blink of an eye, the prosperous research institute has fallen into decline. The only ones who are happy are Smith’s mother and son, cheering that the research room belongs to them.

The researchers dispersed and did not intend to stay in the research institute. However, the Dawei Court Academecian attracted a large number of talents in a timely manner, saying that he would establish his own research institute and inherit the development of the electric engine system.

Yingli is next to Nie Kong. She feels that behind every case, there are reasons that can move her.

She really hopes that there will be less tragedies in the world, and that friends can be considerate of each other. But like a considerate person like Nie Kong, the world is really rare. Its really blessed by God to know Nie-san.

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