From the principles he explained to You Xizi, I can infer the true meaning of Appearance Changing Technique, so the unfinished teaching process of Xizi can be handed over to Nie Kong, which may be better than what he taught.

At the end of the five-day teaching course, You Xizizi gave Behirmode a hug, continuously called Sharon sauce, and reluctantly said goodbye to Belmode who had become a girlfriend. I’m afraid that after leaving her, she might not see each other for a year or two, unless she has the opportunity to come to the United States because of her work.

After they go back to Japan, they will start the TV series Sakamoto Dragon Horse, which will be busy for more than half a year. It was her dream to become a well-known star, but at the same time she lost a lot, such as sacrificing time with Nie Kong.

“Goodbye, Xizi, Nie Kong.” Before putting on the helmet, Belmode looked back and smiled at them. That beautiful and extraordinary face, like a hundred flowers blooming.

She exudes a different charm from You Xizi, such as poppies with deadly toxicity, with unguessed secrets, which make people unconscious inadvertently. Nie Kong watched her motorcycle go away, with a strange light in her eyes.

Because of Xizi’s presence, Nie Kong didn’t talk to her. Some things, don’t let You Xizi know for now. Otherwise, the deep friendship between the two will immediately crack. Wait for Belmode to confess.

Nie Kong drove leisurely in the streets of New York. He went to the FBI Intelligence Bureau to visit Judy and told Judy that he was leaving the United States tomorrow.

Judy’s expression was very gray, and hua hua’s tears came out of her pale blue pupils. Nie Kong wiped her eyes with her sleeves and could only comfort her by claiming that she would come back to see her in one or two years.

Leaving the US FBI Intelligence Agency, Nie Kong only belongs to You Xizi for the rest of the day. Naturally, she must seize the opportunity to take Nie Kong to enjoy the famous scenery of New York with a happy smile. By the way, I used the camera I bought from the street to commemorate the beautiful memories of her life.

They didn’t return from the free girl Divine Idol until six in the evening. But what is strange about Xizi is that Nie Kong drove the car to the building that looked like an abandoned factory! !

“Nie-san, what are you going to do?”

“You stay in the car and don’t get out, I have something to do.” Nie Kong asked. Seeing Nie Kong’s serious expression, Xizi obediently nodded.

Nie Kong has already used Spiritual Consciousness to find out that although it looks like an abandoned factory, it is actually the base of the black clothed organization in New York, USA! And the enchanting Belmode, sitting elegantly at a table lighting a cigarette.

The matter between him and Belmode is not over, or it has not started, so Nie Kong wants to meet with her as Belmode.

Nie Kong’s figure lurked in the dark, and the guards and researchers of the abandoned factory did not notice any aggression. Even if they install cameras a few years in advance, it is useless to Nie Kong.


“Sharon Young Lady, its not right. Maybe you should be called Belmode.” Belmode, who was drinking coffee, suddenly covered himself His hair trembled, it was incredible that someone was close to him within two meters, but he didn’t even notice the presence of the enemy! !

She turned her face to the back in an instant, her eyes looked towards the direction of the sound, but at the same time the vigilance of her pretty face became very shocked.

“How could it be… it’s you, Nie-san?!” Especially when Nie Kong called her private name in the organization, she understood that her identity had been leaked.

“Hehe, are you surprised.” Nie Kong hugged her waist from behind, and stroked her body with his left hand. Facing Nie Kong’s bold movements, Belmode’s body became stiff and his face was full of anger.

His hand touched her beautiful leg. No, he was not trying to insult himself, but took off the pistol in his arms.

The awakened Belmode pressed Nie Kong’s hand firmly to prevent him from pulling out his pistol. Holding Nie Kongs arms behind her, she said strangely: “You…why did you find my other identity?”

She was confident that she did not show her feet, could it be that his reasoning ability has been So tough?

Nie Kong smiled and explained: “You have not forgotten that you killed the Stylin family in the FBI a few days ago. At that time, the police regarded Yukiko as a suspect. And he was in the black feather thieves’ family. Seeing that Kiko has several points of similar to you, I feel a little strange. It is the survivor Judy’s description that has been confirmed. She made the specific appearance of the murderer very clear, so you will be anxious to learn disguise Come on.”

“so that’s how it is, that little girl.” Belmode looked thoughtful and nodded, she remembered that she didn’t kill the seven or eight-year-old little loli, and seemed to tell her Up his own mantra.

“Nie-san, you are really amazing, no wonder Xizi would like you. But you are alone in the base of our organization, Nie-san, you are very impulsive. Are you just going to have a tryst with me?” Belmode didn’t panic at all, she had a monster smile.

By the way, Nie Kong’s fingers can experience it. Her figure is awesome, better than Yingli and Youxizi. And now the posture of the two of them is very charming, it seems that Bel Modra is holding Nie Kong’s hand to her body.

“hehe, she was right. I admire your courage. Since we have discovered our secret, you can only ask you to die.” On the second floor of the living room, two black clothed black hats appeared Men, they sneered.

The pistols in their hands have been aimed at Nie Kong’s head. With their superb Spear Art, they have to hit the ears, not to the nose. Because they are not others, they are the two Old Acquaintances of Nie Kong. It seems that the medical level of the black clothed tissue is very good. The gin that was seriously injured in front of me has almost recovered.

As a base in New York, their two partners are really here. For their appearance, Nie Kong not at all was very surprised.

“Aiya, they let Gin find you, maybe you only have to hold me out.” Belmode raised his face and exhaled softly in Nie Kong’s ear, giving him a kind reminder.

Contrasting coldness, Belmode is beyond the reach of gin, and Nie Kong has only one way to survive.

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