Chi Bo Jinghua held her breath, she was about to use her formidable trick to solve Nie Kong cleanly, not wanting to waste her time.

“Men…” The wooden sword turned from top to bottom, turning into a strange arc to hit Nie Kong head on. She would have felt a certain blow, but seeing Nie Kong slightly sideways, she escaped her certain victory.

How could there be such a thing, the weak spot of Nie Kong in front of him. Gathering her sword of Essence, Qi, and Spirit, it shouldn’t be lost.

“Hand!” The wooden sword turned into a slap, and then patted the back of Nie Kong’s hand. And Nie Kong’s wooden sword was used to block her wooden sword and repeatedly defuse her attack.

Continuous attacks didn’t work. It seemed that there was a weak spot, but it gave Jinghua the illusion that she could not start. It’s not a weak spot at all, but he can control the side space, as if there is a domain. Even her father, Sword Dao Hall Master, did not reach that level.

The surrounding college students were shocked, looking at Nie Kong’s eyes as if they were so handsome. They knew quite how strong their Seniors were, and even imagined the scene of Nie Kong being beaten in their minds. But now the situation is different from what I expected, and Chi Bo Senior can’t help Nie Kong.

Chi Bo Jinghua’s expression became serious. She regarded Nie Kong as the strongest opponent she had encountered in her life, better than her father!

“It turns out that you are hiding it deeply. In that case, please have a good Earth Grade and try our Certain Kill Skill of Chi Boliu.” Her wrist was turning, and the wooden sword in her hand made a strong high-frequency buzz. Buzzing sound.

Her wooden sword seems to be circling back and forth, she puts on Nie Kong’s wooden sword, and trembles violently with it.

“Appeared, Chibo Senior’s wooden knife flying attack skills!”

It turned out that she used the up and down, left and right vibrations to quickly knock Nie Kong’s wooden knife. If you change to an ordinary person, the arm holding the wooden sword will feel numb momentarily, and then it will fall out of the hand in less than two seconds.

Nie Kong is quite funny, how could that little power knock the wooden sword out of his hand.

So he simply retracted his wooden sword to his waist, like an ancient scabbard, making Jinghua’s stunts useless.


“That’s right, now it’s my turn to attack.”

Nie Kong uses the most basic With his Blade Drawing Technique, the wooden sword was pulled out of his hand like a thunderbolt in the sky, and then he quickly took the wooden sword back to his waist.

“You lost.”

The girls around were speechless for a while, and you didn’t move. Why did Chi Bo Senior lose?

But they were surprised to find that Chi Bo Seniors dark black hair suddenly fell down. The hairpin on top of her head that was used to fix her hairstyle was silently broken into two pieces and fell in front of them.

Chi Bo stroked his black hair blankly, with a strange look in his eyes. She kept replaying the lightning sword swung by Nie Kong in her mind, and she realized that Nie Kong’s sword dao level was really strong!

It turns out that when there is a his realm, a simple blow is so powerful that it makes people feel powerful. Only speed can not be broken, Nie Kong explained to her the principle of Strongest Sword Dao! I believe that after the first battle of Nie Kong, her level will be improved a lot and she will be exposed to the new level.

“I admit defeat, I am not your opponent now.” Chi Bo tied the scattered black hair around his waist and said frankly to Nie Kong.

“Then you can listen to my explanation. I’m really sorry for breaking into the changing room of your sword dao company by mistake.” Nie Kong said apologetically.

The girls around are shaking their heads desperately, saying that they are called Nie Kong. Don’t mind.

“According to the level of sword dao you showed, are you a coach of the sword dao club of another school?” Chi Bo Jinghua asked curiously. She understands that Nie Kong has such a high cultivation base of sword skills, how could it be a pervert, she just misunderstood Nie Kong.

“No, Im actually a mathematics teacher at Mihua City Didan High School. Because she was a former student, now at Mihua University, she participated in a judo competition, so I just came to watch her competition. Someone dressed a bit like her, so he chased to the changing room.” Nie Kong explained.

“Why! You…you are a math teacher?” Chi Bo Jinghua was very shocked. Nie Kong was not a professional sword dao expert, and she was defeated in his hands. Originally, she had graduated from Osaka University for more than a year, and she had been the leader and head of the sword dao club.

After graduation, the sword dao club has no candidates to inherit, so the junior sister junior brothers of the sword dao club specially asked her to serve as a temporary coach in the competition of this trip, hoping that she can lead them to win the championship!

Chi Bo Jinghua has always been concerned about the Osaka University Sword Dao Club, which has been infused with her hard work, so Chi Bo Jinghua agreed to them in one fell swoop, so she will appear here.

After all, she is 23 years old now, she has graduated from university early. To Nie Kong’s surprise, she is currently unmarried and is still single. It seems that Hattori Heizo has not received her love for the time being.

“Yeah, so I just had a fluke to win you. You don’t need to take seriously. In fact, your sword dao is very strong.” Nie Kong comforted.

Sword dao has no effect on him after all, and Nie Kong will not vomit with her.

“To lose is to lose, there is no quibble. But the next time I meet, I will definitely defeat you.” Chi Bo Jinghua said brazenly.

“Well, if you can solve our misunderstanding, whatever you want to do. Before leaving, first of all I wish you to win the sword dao competition.” Nie Kong lost to her, perfunctory Said.

“Hey. Nie Kong Teacher. If you can, please come and watch our sword dao competition after the judo competition is over. Our Osaka judo lost to you Mika University, but the sword dao is not I will lose.” There was a girl around, Jiao, begged to Nie Kong.

Chi Bo Jinghua’s eyes narrowed, nodded with approval, with some expectation in her eyes.

“Look at the schedule of the game. If the time is not aligned, then I will watch your game.” Nie Kong said, opening the door of the dressing room and looking around After leaving.

Chi Bo Jinghua held her black black hair and watched Nie Kong slowly disappear, she remained silent all the time. Will he and her have a chance to meet?

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