Outside the door, there is a black Harley motorcycle parked. Belmod wisely rode on the tall motorcycle, then threw his helmet to Nie Kong behind.

“Nie-san! You live in Mihua City, right? I will drive you for a ride.”

Nie Kong took the helmet and sat in the back of the car and hugged her Waist. He put his chin on her jade shoulder and exhaled in Belmode’s ear: “No, I will go to your hotel to sleep for one night.”

“Wh…what? “

The motorbike almost hit the telegraph pole in front with a chuckle. Belmode’s cold face was rarely seen with a hint of pink. She was so smart that she wouldn’t understand the special meaning of Nie Kong’s words.

“No way.” Belmode seemed to lose his resistance when he noticed the big hands that got into the clothes and stroked her waist back and forth. The cold heart burned the torch, which was a bit uncomfortable.

It completely disturbed her mind, she suddenly felt very uncomfortable, it was difficult to keep that cold mind.

“Just…whatever you want, but are you afraid that Xizi knows?”

“It’s okay, I’ll tell her tomorrow.”

The galloping motorcycle spray A smog came out, carrying Nie Kong and Belmode to a 5-Star level hotel in Kyoto.

Nie Kong’s footsteps are very steady, hugging Belmode, very light. The golden thread sprinkled from the shawl swayed gently with the steps. Fortunately, Belmode booked the highest room, no single or double room.

Belmode’s cold expression dissipated, and his tall body lay on his arms gently. Slender arms, around his neck, scarlet lips, with a psychedelic color.

Nie Kong’s hands crossed her knees, hugged her light body, and rolled with her on the soft two-meter-sized soft chuang. Even though Belmode resisted slightly, Nie Kong did not let her leave her.

“Belmod, the last time I told you about the agreement, you haven’t forgotten it.” Gently kissed her neck, leaving a gentle trace on the white skin.

“Nie-san, do you really desire my body so much. Although I do appreciate Nie-san, our relationship is developing too fast.”

“Of course! If you continue to stay in that organization, sooner or later there will be an accident, how could I be relieved. So as long as I like you, that’s enough. It doesn’t matter if you hate me or like me, as long as you remember me for life. “

Everything she has has only one purpose, which is to please herself.

Nie Kong will stick firmly to her skin, and dexterously peel off the black female suit. At the same time, her body is exuding a primordial strong female attraction, a demon-looking face, and a tall figure. Plump Hungarian and slender legs.

Even the beautiful Qianying, compared with her, is insignificant in terms of charm.

And the omnipresent fatal danger has become the most attractive part of her many charms. Nie Kong slowly became excited, and the blood flow accelerated. The speed of the heartbeat also increased.

Nie Kong chuckled lightly, the laughter echoing in the empty room. She bullied herself unceremoniously. There was no trace of have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex. The strength used was enough to twist the steel and experience every position of her body.

Belmod just closed his cold eyes, raised his hand to hook his neck, pressed his head fiercely in his tender arms, and gave up all so-called resistance.

Maybe only he in the world can make himself move his heart in chaos, it doesn’t matter if he gives him the body.

The curtain is deep, low laughter, and gasping sounds, one after another, echoing in the empty room.

Although I have experienced it for the first time, Belmodes battle strength is stronger than Xiaobi and others. I am indeed a Western woman. Physique is really good.


In the dark night, I dont know how long has passed.

Nie Kong Huo De’s eyes, gleaming in the dark. Belmod was lying on his body, his hair was untidy, his face was blushing, and their bodies were still intimately connected, and there was a feeling of blazing heat.

The strong possessive desire for her was completely vented. He has no trace of have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex. He is completely in the posture of an aggressor and a conqueror, imprinting his unique mark on that tall body.

Because Nie Kong is not allowed to leave her body and mind to others, it has long been declared that Belmode belongs to him alone!

From the time she frowned, it seemed that it caused her a lot of pain. But after adapting quickly, she completely let go. The cold in the eyes, as if the spring snow melted, glowing with a little mist. For her, it was also an unprecedented pleasure experience. Compared with the murder, Na Shu Chang was hundreds of times stronger, and all the bitterness and troubles in his heart at that moment were released.

At that moment, she felt that she would be favored by angels. That’s right, God didn’t abandon himself, his angel must be Nie-san.

Only now, Nie Kong can see her youngest daughter’s side. Comparing with the evil one, reflecting a strong contrast, Nie Kong can’t wait to do it again to her body.

“Hehe, that kind of thing turns out to be really pleasurable, at least it is more addictive than smoking. But I am not a Xizi, I will not stay by your side and wait for you like a wife!” She Lying in Nie Kong’s arms, she gave a pure smile with emotion.

“Of course, I didn’t intend to restrict your freedom, and the feeling of meeting in secret is also very good.”

“Just treat me like a mistress.”

“You can think that, can it be said that you are not satisfied.”

“No, mistress is very suitable for my identity, please leave the position of wife to Yukiko.” She has a black clothed organization The identity is really not suitable for living in the sun.

“If you get bored with that organization someday, come back to me.”

Nie Kong has very relaxed requirements for girls, letting them do what they like to do thing. Now I give them the corresponding strength to ensure that they can live safely in the world.

At least with the power of Nie Kong, Belmode will do things more unscrupulously than before.

Even if the black clothed organization dared to provoke her, she knows all the details of the organization, and her power alone can destroy the organization, which makes Nie Kong more at ease.

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