After putting things on the table, things became clearer. And a few women are no longer making trouble for Nie Kong’s choice, and everyone is happy. Jinghua likes to go out and move from her villa to Nie Kong’s apartment to wait on Nie Kong’s life with Xiaobi.

Compared with the superstar Yukiko, she did a very simple job, and announced the news of her retirement in a press conference. Each of them is worrying about being able to accompany Nie Kong more.

The power of faith in Conan world seems to have undergone drastic changes because of them. Especially on May 4th, the mysterious power that naked eye couldn’t see sucked into his ring like the ocean, more than ten times more than the one he had collected in the previous three years.

Nie Kong can know without guessing, the plot of Conan world is very different from before because of his own tampering! And on May 4th, its not Conan, no, Shinichi Kudos birthday!

But the wife of Shinichi Kudo next door is not pregnant at all. No wonder such a change happened, it turns out that Nie Kong killed Conan in the future! !

For this, even Orochiji in retreat was awakened. Her face changed drastically, and she said with a bitter smile to Nie Kong: “Nie Lang, you are making too much noise. Before they find out, we must leave quickly.”

” I understand.”

He also knew that the situation was bad, so his face became very bad. Fortunately, he has been preparing for quite a while since a few months ago. Facing the sudden change, he was also very calm and calm.

Invoking the power of his Spiritual Consciousness, Nie Kong activated the breaking array in the ring. The strong power of faith circulated on it, as if it had started an engine.

Nie Kong only heard a roar in his mind, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and a white lightning shot from the ring, which was more than ten meters wide.

Lightning breaks through the void, as simple as piercing a piece of paper, and the dimensional barrier is declared broken.

Nie Kong was about to take her girl into the space inside the ring, but the situation changed instantly. The black hole of the broken dimensional barrier is blurred, as if there is an unknown force to repair the loopholes! !

“How is it possible!” Seeing that the tried and tested trick would actually fail, Nie Kong suddenly turned pale with fright. The black hole slowly disappeared in his eyes, and the sky returned to the same blue as before!

“Do you know what happened, Orochiji.”

Orochiji’s face became ugly, she gritted her teeth and squeezed out a person’s name: “Amaterasu , That slut is here!!”

Nie Kong was shocked and looked towards the sky with his face up. Before the broken void of the Poyuan Formation was about to be completely restored, a beautiful woman in a palace costume appeared strangely from the twisted time and space, beautiful like a fairy not interested in mundane affairs. No, she is really a fairy. A wooden hairpin made of Akagi was inserted into her beautiful hair, and she was put in a beautiful bun. And her eyes looked down at Nie Kong coldly, like a weak ant.

“hehe, mice are really good ability. In the hundreds of years of trifling Small World, you actually broke through to the cultivation base of Great Principle Golden Immortal! Fortunately, it was discovered early, otherwise it will give you a breakthrough to Great Principle Golden In the later stage of Immortal, it was a bit troublesome.” Despite saying that, her face remained the same. That’s right, even in the late Great Principle Golden Immortal, she might have her own cards, so she appears so confident.

Nie Kong can’t see her cultivation base, including the big snake girl only said deep and unmeasurable to Nie Kong. Comparing with Nie Kong, she and Oshaji are basically Yokai who have been cultivation for tens of thousands of years! !

With the combination of Nie Kong and Orochi, I’m afraid that I won’t win at all, and the odds of winning are almost only 10%. If Ochiji breakthrough Great Principle Golden Immortal in the late stage, there is only a 40% chance to defeat her. Nie Kong sighed. He knew he would come sooner or later, but didn’t expect so fast and didn’t give him time to prepare.

He still couldn’t admit defeat, and the faith power of using the ring again used the Breaking Yuan Formation, but the situation was the same as before.

“Hehe, don’t waste your effort. When you came to this world, I already knew about your smuggling. So in order to guard against the unexpected, I arranged a Formation outside!” She moved lightly Step, so close, yet worlds apart appeared strangely in front of Nie Kong.

I really didn’t expect. At the moment when I came to Conan, Amaterasu knew of his existence, and since then he has been secretly coveting his actions.

Nie Kongs look pale, there was determination in his eyes. Compared to sitting and waiting to die, you can only fight to the death for today! She didn’t count, she would have Orochiji secretly help him. As long as she is good at using her strength to make a sneak attack, the odds of winning should be doubled. He could only pray now, Yuedu and the others did not join forces to deal with him.

Like the materialized Primordial Spirit power, erupting from Nie Kong’s body, at this moment, regardless of whether the fleshy body will disintegrate or other issues of safety. His 30 feet Primordial Spirit golden body, suddenly emerged from the body.

“Oh, it turns out that your cultivation is out of the golden body of a bald donkey. No wonder the Primordial Spirit is so strong, it can be compared to the Loose Immortal, which has been crossed nine times.” Her face was mocking, the slightest bit. There is no tension.

A weird smile flashed across Nie Kong’s mouth. As long as she relaxes, everything is easy to handle, and the greater the chance of being alive.

The golden body of Primordial Spirit rushed to Amaterasu, but unfortunately none of the Three Heads Six Arms had a magic weapon. He understands the fighting method of cultivator from Orochiji, but how can 2D have a refiner?

Even if it is practiced, it is only an ordinary Immortal Grade, and there is no comparability with Kaitian’s Innate Spirit Treasure.

Amaterasu shook the head, just simply extend the hand with a finger, and a golden ring appeared in her palm.

“Ill…” She simply made a hand-determination, and the ring slam became louder and encircled Nie Kong’s forehead! ! She narrowed her eyes and twisted her fingers.

“Ah…” Nie Kong let out a scream, feeling that his Primordial Spirit was about to be crushed, and he couldn’t use any strength! !

“Then…what is that, curse?” Nie Kong roar asked, struggling hard, didn’t expect that she couldn’t stop her with a single move, then she was so powerful.

“Don’t do unnecessary resistance, it is a prohibition type magic weapon that I refined myself. Unless your cultivation base is higher than mine, you can’t break the prohibition I gave you.” Her eyes Sneer.

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