To put it simply, Amaterasu used magical powers to forcibly instill unnecessary memories into their heads. Seriously, Nie Kong understands that without power, you can only take mermaid meat. And because of the previous dual Cultivation with Nie Kong, their Soul Power is hundreds of times stronger than ordinary ones, and they can resist correction from Amaterasu. So after contacting Nie Kong for a while, they should wake up soon. Of course, before the matter is confessed, Nie Kong feels that he can make fun of Xizi and the others.

When the news that they are alive, and Nie Kong is Amaterasu instilling Nie Kong’s vain son, I really don’t know what kind of expression they will show.

I just met Xiaobi, and he almost revealed the truth to Xiaobi. After all, Xiaobi has been able to blow the wind on Nie Kong’s pillow for three years, and she has already understood Nie Kong’s habits and taste clearly.

If I live with her for two or three days, I am afraid that Nie Kong will be unable to hide her from her. It can be said that among the few women who know Nie Kong best, and have lived with Nie Kong the longest, she must be Xiaobi.

Now that Amaterasu discovered the existence of Nie Kong and suppressed himself in Conan world, Nie Kong has no fear at all. Just live with your own mood, wait for Orochijis breakthrough, and strive for a glimmer of survival.


In the early morning of the next day, when Nie Kong woke up, she found that Xiaobi, who was dressed in a slim professional suit, had already prepared breakfast for Nie Kong.

Xiaobi may not have time to enjoy it slowly at the table, but after she swallowed a big mouthful of milk, with a piece of bread dangling from her bright red lips, she hurriedly bid farewell to Nie Kong. She drove the broken car Nie Kong bought more than ten years ago to work in the Mihua City Metropolitan Police Department. To say that with Xiaobi’s powerful ability, it is natural to be a police officer where water flows, a canal is formed, so the official position is bigger than that of police officer Mumu.

And Nie Kong was enjoying breakfast slowly, and then thinking about where to go later. Yes, in the past seventeen years, he is no longer a Teacher from Didan High School.

“Nie-san…open the door soon.”

Suddenly, there was a girl’s voice from outside the door. The voice was crisp and sweet, and she could tell she was a young girl of twenty-eight years.

“Here.” Nie Kong opened the door and looked out. A beautiful girl in a blue dress was standing in front of his house. After seeing the familiar cheeks, Nie Kong was taken aback, and said: “Xiaolan?”

The girl in front of her had long hair like a shawl, letting it fall on her back. The breeze blows, and the hair flutters with the wind. The facial features are very delicate, and the big eyes dotted on it are very clear. She didn’t seem to inherit her father’s height, and was ten centimeters shorter than You Xizi and Yingli.

“Mm, that’s true. Why is Nie-san so slow? You hurry up and change into your school uniform. Class is about to start.”

“I got it.” Nie Kong Knowing his current relationship, the plot and various important characters began to revolve around him, and Amaterasu forced the protagonist’s luck on him. So even though Xiaolan had a good impression of him, Nie Kong did not seem happy.

Because they are all made up by Amaterasu to Xiaolan and the others, Nie Kong does not have the same memories with them. However, Nie Kong didn’t worry too much, he believed that he lived better than his fictitious memory.

“Take the present as the beginning and start again.” It’s definitely not possible to be a Teacher with your current status, you can only be a student for the time being. Because Nie Kong knew that Conan in the original book often missed classes and it was fine, so he didn’t care much about going to school.

When Nie Kong lazily returned to the house, she calmly changed into the blue uniform of Didan High School, while Xiaolan had been waiting for him outside.

Seeing the handsome and tall Nie Kong coming out, Xiaolans eyes shined, and her lovely face blushes slightly.

“Hey, it’s so boring to accompany you young children to school.” Nie Kong complained aloud.

“Nie-san idiot, you are only 17 years old like me.”

“It’s rare that the weather is sunny today, not equal to me. Let’s go out and play. “Nie Kong heartless said.

“In front of the chairperson, Nie-san, don’t you…don’t think about it.” Xiaolan akimbo her hips, as if she was scolding her husband.

Stubborn, crying and kind, that’s Xiaolan’s character. Even when Belmode saw her, he couldn’t stand to praise her as an angel.

“Aiya, the two of you are so lively everyday all, and the relationship is so good that it makes people jealous.” At the end of the street, on the opposite side came a slightly naughty cute woman with a noble hairpin. Like the clothes Xiao Lan wore, they belonged to the students of Didan High School.

“Yuanzijiang, you can also help tell us about Nie-san. He often misses classes, which has a very bad influence.” Xiaolan did not appear surprised, because Yuanzi is another childhood sweethearts. The two girls have been in a good relationship since childhood.

Nie Kong also recognizes her, she is a more famous girl in Conan world, and she is famous for her nympho.

“hmph hum, I didn’t see a gap between the two of you, I can’t get in the words.” Yuanzi said with squinting eyes.

“You… don’t talk nonsense, there is no such thing.” Xiaolan blushed.

“It’s really nice to have childhood sweethearts from childhood playmates, not to mention that Nie-san is really handsome. Xiaolanchan, if you don’t do anything, then I’m not welcome.” Yuanzi finished speaking, smiling. He put his arm around Nie Kong.

“Nie-san, ignore Xiaolan, let’s go to school.” Although she was acting in front of Xiaolan, when she really hugged Nie Kong, her heartbeat seemed to miss a beat. Seriously, Nie-san is really handsome, there will only be one in Japan. No, it should be said that he is world unique and unmatched. It’s a pity that although she has never confessed, her friend Xiaolan has always had a good impression of Nie-san, and she can’t win her love.

“Eh, Yuan…Yuanzi, wait for me.” Xiaolan was confused and chased behind the garden in shame.

The three people chased on the street to the school, leaving three long shadows. Nie Kong’s new campus life kicked off here. As he expected, he and Xiaolan and Yuanzi are in the same class-Class B of the second grade of Didan High School.

It seems that the three of them are quite popular. The classmates greeted them very intimately.

Especially for Nie Kong, jokingly said that he was finally willing to come to school for a class. Said that Nie Kong often appeared on TV, and often helped Xiaobi solve crimes frequently. Many people call him Holmes in the Kanto region.

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