Holding Nie Kong’s hand, Xiaobi rushed back to the hot spring hotel. At the same time, the dark in the sky exploded with several brilliant fireworks, and the festival in the commercial street will finally begin.

According to Nie Kong’s reasoning, if there is no one in the hotel, it means that there is an ex-boyfriend, who was killed by a classmate from the University of America and Africa. So Xiaobi has to use the shortest time to go back and confirm. Although she believes in Nie Kong, she would rather make a mistake in her heart.

A loud explosion sound, Xiaobi directly smashed the wooden door in front of him and rushed into the room allocated to them in the hotel. It only took Nie Kong and the others ten minutes to come and go, I hope the murderer did not have time to destroy the corpse and evidence.

“You…how did you come back?” When Nie Kong searched the room, a rough-looking man ran out in a panic. After seeing Nie Kong and Xiaobi, his face was a little unnatural.

Someone was really in the hotel, proving that Nie Kong had said everything, Xiaobi was silent, holding his hands tightly. Nie Kong showed such an expression as expected. The gangster really, as he guessed, is the middle-level and ambition of the police.

“Everyone, please go back to the hotel, I found Yumi.” Nie Kong turned on the phone and called everyone who had gone out looking for it.

“You… did you really find Yumi?” Nakadao Hezhi put on an expression of joy with a simple smile. If you only look at his appearance, no one would believe that he would do that kind of thing.

“Well, wait until they come back to announce the answer.” Nie Kong was nodded.

No matter what Zhongdao Hezhi said, Xiaobi and Nie Kong didn’t talk to him. The atmosphere at the scene became deserted until the four of them came back.

“Hey, you said you found Yumi, where is she now?” Kogoro gasped a little, he should be running back.

“Don’t worry, she is not in danger at the moment. Before I can find her, I will find the culprit first.” Nie Kong said word by word.

“You…you don’t crack a joke, depending on what you can do as a teenager. Now the most important thing is to save Yumi, and it will be a while later, Yumi There will be danger.” Atsushi Omura said with a wry smile.

“hmph, what do you know, Nie-san is known as Sherlock Holmes in the Guandu area, and helped our police solve many unsettled cases.” Xiaobi coldly said.

“What.” Except for Kogoro, everyone else showed shocked expressions.

“Be quiet, listen carefully to Nie-san’s reasoning.”

Nie Kong glanced around, and finally stared at Nakamichi Hezhi.

“In fact, the person who kidnapped Yumi is you, Nakamichi and Chi.” Nie Kong pointed to the robust man in front of him and said it in a very positive tone.

“What are you talking about, it was Hezhi who kidnapped Yumi?” Ling Cheng Xingxiong said incredulously, and the rest of the people were all that bloody reaction.

“Hey, you don’t crack a joke. During the time when Yumi went out to look for her, you and I played snooker at the pool court.” Nakadao and Zhi explained hurriedly .

“Yes, but at six o’clock, you should have been away for nearly ten minutes.”

“Haha, you mean I used a short ten minutes to go outside Tying Yumi back? And didn’t you see it? I was by your side when the gangster texted.” Nakamichi Kazuki said disdainfully as if he had heard something ridiculous.

“Of course, the premise is that Yumi is really outside. Before Yumi left Bingbingqi, I remember the words you said to herlet her try to come back before half past six, yes Right.” Nie Kong said solemnly.

“Yes, because we want to watch the fireworks of the festival, is there any problem.”

“No problem, and if she comes back as you reminded.” Nie Kong paused, and then said, “Actually, your approach is very simple. First of all, you two should have something to discuss separately. At six o’clock, Hori Koshi Yumi came back from the outside, and you used the ten minutes to go to the bathroom to get back to the hotel. She was kidnapped. And used her mobile phone to send us the two emails. The last one should be the send button you pressed when you were at the door.”

“When we The discovery of Yumis disappearance from the email naturally does not think that she would be kidnapped when she returned to the hotel, but was in distress outside. Using our blind spots of vision and thinking to commit crimes, Yumi was secretly hidden in a corner of the hotel that is not easy to find. In the end, you proposed to find Yumi separately, and you secretly return to the hotel, wanting to destroy the corpse and evidence of Yumi who had not had time to kill.” Nie Kong said his reasoning verbatim. Although it seems very simple and easy to understand, Nie Kong didn’t explain before, who would have expected such a thing.

Secretly committing crimes under their noses, ten minutes is naturally enough. It’s just not true, it was their classmate who kidnapped Yumi?

“Hehe, your reasoning is really interesting. But what evidence do you have that proves that I did it.” Nakamichi Kazuzhi smiled unnaturally.

“Of course, you used Yumi’s cell phone to send us an email, but you probably didn’t throw it away.” Nie Kong said while looking at his pocket.

Kogoro narrowed his eyes and stretched out into his pocket. But it was strange to find that only his mobile phone was found, not Yumi’s.

“hehe, that’s just my mobile phone, please don’t crack a joke.” Nakadao Kazuchi sneered.

“You really were a policeman, and knew that the evidence must be destroyed in time. But apart from the physical evidence, I think the evidence is the most convincing. Unfortunately, you didnt have time to move Yumi out. Kill the hotel, otherwise I really cant help you. You take advantage of our blind spots, so you should hide Yumi in her room. Either in the closet or under the bed.”

Ten minutes Yumi was kidnapped within time, and he only had two places to hide one person. One is Yumi’s room and the other is his room. Only those two rooms have keys. And hiding in his room, once he finds that a hundred mouths are indisputable.

Naka Dao Hezhi’s face brushed all white, and his face was sweaty.

Mouri Kogoro and the others rushed directly to Yumis room without saying a word. Finally, from the closet, they found Horigo Yumi with hands and feet tied together. Fortunately, Zhong Dao Hezhi did not force anything to happen to her. No, maybe he really doesn’t have time to do it.

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