After three hours of sailing, the motorboat arrived at Shikishima by wind and waves. Xiaolan was a little disappointed, not to mention the small area of the island, and there are very few tourist attractions to see. The island is like a mountain standing at sea level, with few beaches. No wonder the islands economy is difficult to develop, and there is no potential for tourist attractions. At this time, the appearance of the ghost ship brought it a little popularity. At the same time, the village chief took the opportunity of the ghost ship and explicitly called on famous people to come, hoping to focus the attention of the media on Shikishima.

The current Mouri Kogoro has a very low reputation, and he was not on the invitation list. However, the key is that the village chief has an unseen commission, so he hired an unknown detective, Maori, in the hope that he can find the treasure. The greedy Kogoro and the village chief hit it off, and Mouri Kogoro didn’t ask about the specifics at all. If Xiaolan begged Nie Kong to travel with her to Shikishima, it would really have to happen because of his IQ alone.

“hmph, it’s really a dog’s eye.” Looking at the banner in front of him, he didn’t find his name, and Kogoro Moori closed his mouth.

Just out of the motorboat, Nie Kong saw a middle-aged man in a suit leading a few villagers to them. With a big belly, it compares with A Li Court Academecian.

“Mr. Mori, you must be very tired from the long distance fatigue. I am the village head of Shikishima, Takeo Mikami. I am really happy that you came here as scheduled.” He showed kindness Smile, and shook hands with Moori Kogoro enthusiastically.

“The head of the village, you are too polite.” Kogoro Mouri coughed. I don’t know where the dissatisfaction just now was lost, and there was a smug expression on his face.

“Is that Uncle who doesn’t look very good really reliable? Originally I thought there was a detective coming, it would be a more handsome Uncle.” The little girl hiding behind the village chief, I spoke out my senses bluntly.

“Boy, what are you talking about.” Kogoro Mouri looked like a cat with its tail trampled on.

“Xiaoling, be polite to dad’s guests.” It turned out that the seven-year-old little loli, named Sanshangling, was the daughter of the village chief.

“It turned out to be the daughter of the village chief. She looks so cute.” Mouri Kogoro immediately changed his face and touched her head with what he thought was a gentle smile.

But Rei Mikami seemed to ignore him, and pushed Kogoro’s hand away and trot behind and hugged Nie Kong’s leg.

“Compared with the unreliable Uncle, Xiaoling thinks he is more like a detective.”

The village chief and the others followed Mikami Ling up and looked like three. As Shang Ling said. He is handsome and handsome, with a calm temperament on his body. And Moori Kogoro gnash the teeth, the dark blame Nie Kong robbed him of the limelight.

“Now, what is your name Big Brother.” The little girl said coquettishly.

“My name is Nie Kong.”

“Nie Kong, what a weird name. Forget it, I heard that its popular to associate with my young people, Nie Kong Big Brother What do you think.”

Nie Kong touched her cute croissant, and laughed out of her voice when she heard her. And Xiao Lan pushed Nie Kong with her elbow in the back, looking towards Lori Mikami Ling a little bit unkind.

“Hey, me, don’t I look like a detective.” Hattori Heiji squatted down, stretched his face to her, and asked disapprovingly.

Mikami Ling was taken aback, hiding behind Nie Kong and muttering: “What a detective, I think Hei Tan is similar.”

Nie Kong they heard her playful Then, all of them laughed heartily, only Hattori Heiji was very depressed.

“Get out of the way.”

The last person who came out of the motorboat was a man with sunglasses, a staff member of the Tokyo Tourism Agency. He pushed Goro Kinoshita away from behind and stood in front of the village chief with a straight face.

“This is Yasuo Uehara from Tokyo Travel Agency. Please advise.”

“Welcome your visit. As long as we can attract customers, we are willing to do our best to cooperate with your company.” Said flatly.

“Well, now take me to see the ghost ship.” He didn’t have any nonsense, and directly said the subject.

“Oh, please come with me. By the way, Mr. Maori, come and have a look.” After all, the village chief took them to an abandoned warehouse as a tour guide, and it was dilapidated and rusty The Dragon God is hidden inside. It is only five meters long and two meters wide, maybe only a small boat that’s all.

After seeing it, Hattori Heiji eyes shined, carefully looking at the boat like an occupational disease. And Yasuo Uehara boarded the boat directly, as if searching for something.

“What, why did the Dragon God sink into seabed for seven years, but why only the bottom of the ship rusted?” Hattori Heiji asked strangely.

“Idiot, that’s why people call it a ghost ship.” Mouri Kogoro despised the tunnel.

Nie Kong hurriedly pulled Xiaolan away from Maori Kogoro, for fear that he would bring himself and Xiaolan’s IQ to his level.

Hattori Heiji sweated on his forehead and vowed not to talk nonsense with Kogoro. After following Uehara, he boarded the Dragon God with Legendary. It is a pity that the ship is empty, with only dried blood drops, and it seems that gold will not be on it.

Nie Kong also looked at it, and apart from the suspicion of rust, he found other discoveries.

Hattori Heiji pulled Nie Kong and asked quietly, “Hey, Nie Kong, have you found anything?”

“Nothing, except for the rusty bottom of the ship, it seems What hit the mast.” Nie Kong said.

Hattori Heiji was taken aback, turned his head and looked towards the top of the boat, and he found a difference.

“Nie Kong, you are indeed the Holmes of Kanto. It seems that our competition will become very interesting. Let’s decide, whoever can find the treasure first will win the victory. “Hattori Heiji said excitedly.

“Stupid…” Nie Kong took Xiaolan away without saying yes or rejection.

“Yes, Hei Tan Lian is a big idiot.” San Shang Ling made a face to Pingci.

“haha, although Nie Kong, your insight is very strong, I will not lose to you in terms of reasoning.” Hattori Heiji’s blood began to boil, eagerly eager to solve all the mysteries.

My father once said in his ears that he lost to Nie Kong more than ten years ago and that he wanted to regain his lost face as a son. And I came to Kyoto from the far away Osaka, isn’t it for it?

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