The village chief Mikami Takeo led a large group of villagers to arrest the suspect Uehara, and when Nie Kong and the others followed, they found that the guards and the village chief were surrounded by the villagers innocently. In front of the hotel, Shikishima’s guard was shaking with a pistol.

“Why do you guys stand in a daze?” Hattori Heiji looked speechless, and a large group of them would be afraid of a suspect.

“We…we are waiting for the news, because Mr. Kinoshita has gone to persuade him to come forward.” The dazzling eyes of Xiaolan and others, especially in front of his daughter, made the old face of Takeo Mikami blush.

“Let an elderly person take the risk, I really did not do it for you.” Mouri Kogoro said, arrogantly about to break into the hotel, but suddenly there was a loud noise from inside. The guns fired, and the villagers behind them were frightened.

Hattori and Nie Kong were a little surprised, they opened the door and rushed in. When he came to Uehara’s room at the hostel, Goro Kinoshita fell on the tatami, his right hand was covering his left hand that seemed to be injured, and he did not see Uehara.

“Mr. Kinoshita, are you okay.” Takeo Mikami asked worriedly.

“I originally planned to persuade him to surrender, but he suddenly shot me and then he jumped out from the balcony. Sorry, I couldn’t stop him.” Kinoshita Goro said regretfully.

The guard rushed to the balcony and looked out, and he found Uehara running towards the forest outside the village.

“Kinoshita grandfather, you are injured, so you have to go to the clinic for treatment soon.” Mikami Ling helped him and said obediently.

“It’s okay, it’s just a scratch.” Goro Kinoshita said, shaking his head.

Nie Kong looked at the burnt clothes at the location of his wound, showing such an expression as expected. It stands to reason that when a pistol is shot, a high-temperature fire wave will be ejected from the muzzle, so when you shoot at night, you will see the fire from the muzzle. But if it was the gun fired by Uehara, the fire wave emitted by the pistol would be impossible to burn the clothes under the tree, and only when the muzzle was used there could it be burnt.

Hattori Heiji narrowed his eyes, but his introverted eyes were brightening.

“Try to prevent the team from going out to search, don’t let him escape.” After Uehara was charged with fear of absconding, Takeo Mikami officially issued a wanted notice, and the villagers spread in groups across the island The location is searching for gangsters.

Since Miki was a wounded, the village chief asked him to go back to rest.

“Hey, Nie Kong, you should have the answer in your heart.” Hattori Heiji smiled.

“Yes, but there is no evidence.”

“That’s right, even if we tell the reasoning, the village heads will never believe it, because he was in We performed a good show in front of us and confirmed Uehara’s crime.” Hattori Heiji said regretfully.

“Nie Kong, what are you going to do?”

“Very simple, since he dared to leave Uehara, who was coveting the gold nugget, he would definitely kill him. “Nie Kong said.

“Do you mean to follow the vine.”

“Yes, I should be able to grasp the current situation with my own hands.”

“haha, if he knows you see through Hes playing tricks, and beating somebody at their own game plot against him, I think he will be mad.” Hattori laughed, and the people around looked at their crazy words strangely and couldnt understand. What are they talking about.

“Don’t worry, listen to Nie Kong’s arrangement, he will lead us to catch the real murderer.” Hattori Heiji did not explain too much, for fear of delaying Nie Kong’s strategy.

So Nie Kong took Xiaolan and the six of them to set off, secretly following Goro Kinoshita. Goro Mikami looked at Nie Kong in confusion, as if to ask why Nie Kong was following Kinoshita. But Kogoro Mouri suddenly realized that Nie Kong was planning to monitor Kinoshita, and the murderer wanted him to silence him later.

But what is strange is that halfway along the way back home, Kinoshita suddenly turned towards the entrance of the navy army. Takeo Mikamis body was trembling, and his teeth shivered and said, “I think we should stop following. We are about to reach the entrance of the navy army. Although… Although I dont know why Kinoshita went there, there is absolutely none in our village. One dare to approach.”

“Dad, what good-for-nothing are you talking about, there is no ghost of the navy in the world.” Little Loli Mikami said dissatisfied.

“Yes…Yes.” Although Xiaolan said that, but her body was cutely shrunk behind Nie Kong. When Nie Kong looked towards her, her face turned red.

“The ghost of the navy army, except to fool you, has no credibility at all. Why have you not found gold nuggets for seven years? The fundamental reason is that you dare not search inside.” Hattori Heiji said.

Why the Dragon God can be hidden for seven years? The reason is that Hamada deliberately spread rumors as protective clothing.

“Could it be said that the gold nugget is hidden inside?” Takeo Mikami’s eyes burst into lust.

“Who knows, let’s hurry up and follow.” Nie Kong grabbed Xiaolan’s cold jade finger and walked into the dim hole calmly. Oil lamps were placed on both the eaves of the cave, so they could vaguely see the road in front of them.

Occasionally, there was a gust of cloudy wind, and the cry of wu wu scared the two girls to hide behind Nie Kong. The entire group quickly reached the end of the cave, where there was a small incense burner altar, and there was no road ahead.

“Is it a dead end, is Goro Kinoshita disappeared?” Kogoro Mouri had goose bumps all over his body, just thinking that he had one’s hair stand on end.

“Dad, don’t scare me.” Xiaolan is about to cry. She is always strong and afraid of ghosts and monsters.

“No! The wind is blowing to prove that both ends are ventilated. Move the altar away.” Nie Kong said to Takeo Mikami.

After village chief Sanshang bowed to the altar, he dared to summon the courage to push it aside, and suddenly a 1.5-meter-high cave appeared.

Takeo Mikami rubbed his hands impatiently, his eyes had become the shape of Gold Coin. By this time, how could he not know that the 1 billion yuan gold nugget of the White Dragon God was hidden inside?

“Oops, Kinoshita took out the gun. If he doesn’t stop him soon, he will kill Uehara.” Hattori Heiji squatted down and saw Kinoshita holding a flashlight in the direction of a dozen meters ahead. Holding a gun in one hand.

“No…No way, why did he kill Uehara?” Maori said blankly.

“Idiot, don’t you understand until now, in fact, the murderer who tortured and killed Hamada was Kinoshita. He saw that he failed to push the charge on you, and then framed Uehara.” Hattori Heiji hate iron for not becoming steel.

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