Spring comes quietly, and the cloudy sky is raining lightly . Looking down from the sky, the students who left the gate of Didan High School with umbrellas spread out like blossoming lotus leaves.

The Maori sisters and Yuanzi Street were holding an umbrella and waiting for Nie Kong in front of the school building. Because he never had the habit of carrying an umbrella, he could only make do with Xiaolan sauce. Although she is used to Nie Kong’s clinging to herself, Xiao Lan is still a little shy. I comforted myself and said that I was leaning against Nie-san because of the relationship between hiding from the rain.

Yuanzis slim body was next to Nie Kong on the other side. Two umbrellas blocked all the raindrops for the three of them. She asked continuously about the situation of Shikishima a few days ago, while Xiaolan took The situation at the time was fully explained.

When it comes to the black charcoal kid who overestimate one’s capabilities challenge Nie Kong, she stomped angrily. But finally hearing the wonderful performance of Nie Kong, Yuanzi’s eyes emit bright rays of light. Needless to say, she was actually very envious of Xiaolan in her heart, and Geyin’s treasure hunting adventure was too imaginary. If it hadn’t been confirmed by Nie Kong, Yuanzi would have thought Xiaolan was telling a story.

“By the way, Nie-san, you should have heard about Kaito Kidd.” Yuanzi said.

“What, Kaito Kidd?” Xiaolan said astonished.

“Yes.” Yuanzi regained his excitement and said, “He was very popular with young girls more than ten years ago. The thief we like, it is said that now he has many fans looking forward to his appearance!”

“I don’t understand.” Xiaolan said naively.

“It’s a shame that you are the daughter of a detective, and you grew up following Nie-san’s farts and stocks. Nie-san, you should know it.” Yuanzi turned to Nie Kong and asked .

“Kid, the strange thief, first appeared in Paris 18 years ago. He often commits crimes on moonlit nights, and his targets are all world-famous gems and jewels. And he will send a notice before committing the crime. A magician in the moonlight. But it is said that I know that he seems to have retired ten years ago.” How could Nie Kong not know him? He might be friends with him.

“Nie-san, the thief Kidd is back.”

Yuanzi said enthusiastically: “Now at the Rice Flower Museum, there are gatherings of famous gems from all over the world. , Is about to hold a flourishing jewelry exhibition, you should all know? My father plans to take our Suzuki family heirloom-the dark star that can bring luck to the exhibition, but didn’t expect received from the strange thief Kidds notice. Especially my uncle Jiroki. He rarely went home since he left home and traveled around the world a year ago. But after hearing the appearance of the strange thief Kidd, he came back directly from Africa. Uncle seemed to say he wanted to catch him himself. It’s.”

“So, what’s the use of what you said.” Xiaolan said flatly, she was not very interested in the case.

Yuanzi followed in the footsteps of Xiaolan and Nie Kong, “Of course I hope that Nie-san can help us catch the thief Kidd.”

“That kind of thing is fundamental Don’t need Nie-san to come forward, just ask the police to protect it?” Lan asked puzzledly.

“Xiao Lan, don’t underestimate Kidd the thief. The international police and the Central Intelligence Agency hate him to death. The police all over the world can’t help him. We can’t rely on our Japanese police.” Yuanzi curl one’s lip, continued: “And if the police catch him, the police may take him back to the police station. But if Nie-san catches him, we might have a chance to see his looks.”

“Looks?” Xiao Lan was stunned, unable to understand Yuanzi’s curiosity.

“Yes, looks. Dont you wonder what he looks like?”

Yuanzi nodded sharply, and said with excitement: “Kid, the strange thief used to be The number one thief who caused commotion all over the world, I think he must be a middle-aged really handsome guy, perhaps comparable to Nie-san.”

Speaking, she paid from the bag in her hand Out of Old Zhangs old newspaper, will know when you see it is an old newspaper that has been preserved more than ten years ago.

“Look, Xiaolanchan, I have a photo of Nie-san’s father and the thief Kidd. It took me a lot of work to find it.” That edition belongs to the special collection edition, and many people I like to collect. I spent tens of thousands of yen when I bought the garden. The garden with a lot of money was bought at a price.

The photos placed in front of Xiaolan and Nie Kong are the horizontal photos of the newspaper. They only see Nie Kong and Kaito Kidd standing opposite each other on the overhang of the building. It was the black clothed confrontation between Nie Kong and Nie Kong. Steal photos taken by reporters.

They are wearing white and black clothes, exuding an elegant temperament. The Black Feather Pirates are naturally inferior to Nie Kong, but because they can’t see the appearance, they add something mysterious, so that they can’t be compared to Nie Kong.

“Wow, Nie-san’s father is also so handsome, exactly the same as the current Nie-san.” Xiaolan exclaimed.

“Right, right, Kaito Kidd is very difficult to deal with, and Nie-sans father is only one person who can see the magic of Kaito Kidd. Because of his guarding, Kaitoie Kidd hardly dared to set foot in Japan, no wonder Ayako’s elder sister would always like him.” Yuanzi said with an idiot. Although there is a Nie Kong next to her, her nature has not changed much.

Nie Kong shook his head. The strange thief Kidd It shouldn’t be appears now is Kuroba Thief I. It may be his son Kuroba Kuaito. Although he is only 17 years old, he is not inferior to his father in magic, and he is much better than his father. It’s just that if Nie Kong is willing, it won’t take much effort to catch him, and their magic can’t hide Nie Kong’s eyes.

“Where is Kidd’s notice letter, show me a look.”

“Hey, Nie-san, did you promise me.” Yuanzi said in surprise.

“When the time comes, let me talk about it later.”

“The notice is with my uncle, but Nie-san, dont worry, its April Fools’ Day. The jewellery exhibition was held. It is a few days away from the time stated in his notice. I will show it to you tomorrow.”

Nie Kong, according to the information from the garden, doesnt understand black Nie Kong also felt that he needed to confirm whether Yu Thief was really killed.

By the way, where did Xiao Qianying, who is also a strange thief, go? It seems that he has not heard from her.

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