In Tokyo’s legal profession, there is a well-known law firm named Concubine Law. It is rumored that its winning rate is as high as 100% unprecedented, and it has the title of “the undefeated queen of the legal profession”.

At this moment, four people came out of the room. Three women and one man, of which the intellectual young women in black work uniforms are the most conspicuous. Not only because she is the queen of the legal profession, but also has an exceptional and refined beautiful appearance. And in front of the young woman, the mother and son of a man and a woman thanked her a lot. According to the current situation, she should have helped others win the lawsuit.

“Teacher, we really won. It seems that the next commission should be fine.” I saw a young girl on the side, looking at her with admiration and admiration.

“The winner is not us but himself. I just helped him a little bit.” The young woman smiled and shook her head, and then said: “And the next commission will be a little troublesome, but it’s not easy to solve. Yes.”

“Is that right? I thought the lawyer accepted Usami Shinji’s defense. You must have a chance in your heart.” With the sound of aggressive footsteps, a domineering woman greeted me. .

With a concise haircut and a capable professional outfit, she is a beautiful woman who is on par with the current concubine lawyer! It turns out that she is the trump card prosecutor of the Tokyo Metropolitan Prosecutor, and Reiko Kujo, known as the “Madonna of the Prosecutor Circle”.

“Ah, it turned out to be the nine prosecutors. I was thinking about when I would visit you in person.” Fei Yingli smiled astonished, a little surprised when she appeared in her face. Because in the commission that Yingli just received, the prosecutor in that case was the nine prosecutors.

The dialogue between the two women was very fierce, and I could hear that no one was convinced. The tone of Kujo was more of a demonstration.

“I look forward to being able to compete fairly with the concubine lawyer in court.” Reiko Kujo said with a smile.

“Thank you for your advice.”

“To each other, I hope we can work hard! Then if there is nothing wrong, we will leave.” After speaking, Kujo turned around and took her The assistant disappeared in front of Yingli.

Her assistant immediately followed, and whispered in Kujo’s ear: “It’s amazing, I heard that lawyer concubine has kept her record of undefeated queen again.”

“Really, but that is over, I will let the queen taste the taste of defeat.” In the strong eyes of Kujo, there was confidence in victory.

One of them is a prosecutor who is a public prosecutor, and the other is a lawyer who defends others. It can be said that they are natural rivals. Especially the characters of both of them are really strong, and neither is convinced.


“Hey, Nie-san, where did you go the last three days. Really, I will be very distressed if I often miss classes.” From Tokyo On the street, Xiaolan kept talking to Nie Kong.

“It seems that Judy Teacher didn’t come to school either. You two didn’t secretly do anything shameful.” Yuanzi added fuel and jealousy to the side, trying to slander Nie Kong.

I have to say that the girl’s instincts are very accurate, and she almost made Yuanzi guess.

“I have nothing shameless. Let me tell you, two distant relatives wanted to stay at my house temporarily a few days ago, so I have to take care of them during those days.” Nie Kong lied.

“What relatives, why haven’t I heard Nie-san say before?” Xiaolan said in confusion.

“I dont know very well, it seems to be from my niece. You have also seen it. It was the little loli who went to school with us yesterday morning.”

“Oh, Nie-san, are you talking about the sorrow that resembles the frosty adult woman who directly shrinks the Small Accomplishment child.” Yuanzi said plainly.

“Hey, you’re so rude.” Nie Kong also had a headache. You must know that he had spent a lot of saliva before letting Xiao Ai go to elementary school. Although her character is a bit awkward, she is also very cute when she understands it, isn’t it?

“Yuanzi, don’t talk nonsense, she should just be a little scared of life, so she knows how indifferent.” Compared with Yuanzi, the gentle and kind Xiaolan is very considerate of others.

“Okay! I’m just expressing my opinion, I don’t mean anything malicious.” Yuanzi let go, as if he was innocent. To put it simply, her brain has only one tendon. But as a daughter Eldest Miss, it is really rare to maintain that innocent and romantic character.

“By the way, Xiaolan, what are we doing in Tokyo, and where are we going to play?” Nie Kong looked around, as if it was not the way to the commercial street.

“No…nothing, I heard that Dad seems to be going to court. I am really worried about him, so lets take a look at what happened.” When it comes to business, Xiaolans pretty face is full Worry.

As ordinary people, they naturally have a kind of fear of court.

Nie Kong was taken aback, and involuntarily said: “What can he do? Could it be that he drunk and drove and hurt someone?”

“Nie-san, can you say Would you like something to say, although my father likes to drink alcohol, he shouldn’t do that kind of thing.” Xiaolan said with a frown.

“It’s hard to tell. I heard that people usually don’t remember what they did after being drunk.” Yuanzi said involuntarily.

“Such as…If it is true, why didn’t the police come to arrest people in person, but just call to inform them.” Xiaolan didn’t believe it at all and said to Nie Kong.

There is a daughter who cares about herself, Maori, you are really very happy. If the murder is really illegal, I will help you take care of your wife and daughter. Nie Kong thought so, but first took pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

“I don’t understand.” Yuanzi said, shaking his head.

“That’s why, we have to come to Tokyo to inquire about the situation by ourselves. Nie-san, you will help me, right.” Xiaolan said with her arms around Nie Kong’s arm, Jiao.

Nie Kong couldn’t help but nodded, Xiao Lanjiang’s coquettish request really made him unable to refuse. Although Xiaolan usually likes to cry and is a bit silly and naive, Nie Kong found that she likes Xiaolan.

Perhaps it has been affected by 2D before, and perhaps it is more of the acquaintance that met her.

“After we learn about Dad, let’s go to Tokyo for fun.” Xiaolan smiled sweetly, as if her heart became more at ease. Because she believes in Nie Kong very much. Nie Kong will definitely solve the case and rescue her father.

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